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who is cutting down this holiday season?

Just paid property taxes here in this expensive state of NJ today! Really have to cut back on holiday gift giving this year due to high cost of living! Anyone else cutting back? Any advice or tips to get through season on a budget? The!
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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

I am giving no gifts. Why bother if people re-gift or "look down your nose" with gift certificates? DH and I buy whatever we want through out the year. Result is less stress, more time and money.

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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

We'll probably spend less. We are paying off medical bills that have put some pressure on our cash flow.

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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

Several years back we discussed gift giving during Christmas w/ our family members and we all agreed to stop exchanging gifts and just get together for meals and family gatherings.

We don't really have any small ones (yet) ... so everyone is an adult .... w/ a job and spouse ... so it's not like anyone is going to suffer w/o the gift exchange.

I do think everyone is kind of relieved. It wasn't really about the $ for any of us. BUT it is nice to not have to stress about what to buy, what to buy.

Re my husband and I...we have a saving system we use for all of our planned events... vacations, Christmas...etc. We save all year long by paying ourselves first into saving envelopes marked 'vacation', 'Christmas' 'house repairs' ... so when the time comes we have the money w/o stressing about savings account, etc.

We had a financial analyst tell us years ago to pay yourself first...then live on the cash that is left. So that's what we do. Money is automatically deducted to savings, bonds, retirement, stocks, 401k...etc...then out of the cash that's left...we put a set amount into our envelopes ... then we live on THAT cash.

It's simple and it works. And it's amazing how well you can live if you just plan your spending according to cash flow.

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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

I'm cutting back even more than last year. All three of my grown children are tightening their belts due to life phases: Job changes, grad school, buying a home... It's a great time for our family to adjust gift giving traditions and focus on simplicity. We're all on board. I like it.

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

I've eliminated filling Christmas Stockings, shop thrift stores for wrapping paper. In general, I "shop" all year meaning if I find a good gift on the clearance rack, I will put it away and that helps.

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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

IOU's with a forever expiration date!

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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

Yes, we are buying 1 gift a piece for our small family of 4. My DH has Parkinson's and I am retired now while caring for him fulltime. I don't have the freedom to go out and browse the stores so I have been shopping online for gifts. I am done with the gift shopping!

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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

Our family decided to change our focus this year to one of "Simple Gifts." That will be the theme for Christmas this year.

DH and I have rented a gorgeous mountain lodge that will comfortably hold all six of us plus the almost four months old baby. The "kids" will handle all the food with the exception of a Christmas Eve dinner out. That dinner will be followed by church. So the focus this year will be on family and giving of ourselves.

I have always loved the old Shaker dance that became a hymn for many. It is one that we frequently sing in the summer "Mass on the Grass" at our church, which is also attended by several generations of a family.

This is a version I particularly enjoy!

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Re: who is cutting down this holiday season?

i tend to buy gifts all through the year so I don't have a financial hit all at once. DH and I keep a $50 limit on all gifts - birthday, anniversary and Christmas.Then we do a project for our home as our real gift to each other. This year it will be new floors in our hallway. I am all through shopping except for DH - his gifts are always a challenge - I like to get him things he would not have thought of.