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reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

Good morning..I did not post yesterday ...those red eye flights really do me in, even though I was able to slurp,a good amount. Any way..I feel pretty normal today...which is good because I have a to do.


We had such a relaxing time in Hawaiii..I love our resort and the beautiful flowers. It is also a bird sanctuary so lots of them around. The chickens on Kauai are protected...


Claudia..sogood that you could meet up with most of your sibs...R sure has a medical stuff going on..fingers crossed that it will help. That was a cute story about Griff.


peppers vet told m that she (pepper) is really missing syd. So she and sydnie will,come to Phoenix for a few days at the beginning of October. surely are having a good trip.


enjoy your day..I am repacking for La and Phoenix.


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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

Barbara, I'm glad you were able to have such a relaxing time. I am not find of those red eye flights either.


Today Griff is not interested in the blue frog at all. Last night though I had to go downstairs around midnight and put it on top of the armoire. Griff was barking, worried TT was going to come out of the back room and want the frog. TT had zero interest in it.


R has not had a good day. I'm concerned he may be coming down with bronchitis again.


I spent the day going through items in the kitchen and dining room deciding what to keep and what to donate. Loaded up the car and dropped things off. Tomorrow while Griff is being groomed I hope to try to get more of the wallpaper off the kitchen walls. Unfortunately what is left to do is up high for the most part. Smh over people who wallpaper a kitchen with non washable wallpaper.


I'm sure Pepper has missed Sydnie. It's good M and Sydnie can visit for a few days.


Linda, what a fun trip you had.

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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

I would not have been able to do much after that flight, Barbara.  Glad you are okay today since you had so much to do.  Glad Pepper and Syd will have time together.


Sorry R isn't doing well, Claudia.  You are busy with decluttering and doing things around the house.  Now that I'm home, I have so much to do -- trying not to worry about it too much.  A couple of estate things need work so I hope to get things started tomorrow.  


It was a very good trip, and the trip home was uneventful, which is good.  I'm pretty tired and trying not to stress too much.


Sleep well.





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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

It has turned into a very rainy day and the temp has plummeted. Pepper is home...she actually cried when she saw me...


my headache is I took some meds to delay it or mitigate it. 


Linda. I think your trip was very good for you...some new diversions in some beautiful places. Hope your stress will lessen


 laudi hope r is not getting sick.M JUST GOT OVER A HORRIBLE COLD..syd covered herself in hand had Lyme disease again and had to be dewormed...probably from all the stuff she eats outside.


i have to leave ay 4:15 tomorrow for the plane...that is A M...yikes.


sleep well..I need to.

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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

Sorry about your headache, Barbara. I don't know how you can take all this flying -- that is so very early.  Good luck. What a shame about M's cold and Pepper's issues.  If you are coming out to Arizona, you will certainly not need to worry about the cold.  Probably not in LA either.  It is 100 degrees now, but should be cooler by Wednesday.  

Hope things are going okay there, Claudia.


I didn't sleep well last night, but I'm trying to reduce my stress level as much as I can.   Lots of action on the estate front, and I've kept DH's children up to date on what I know.  Some is a bit confusing to say the least.  The lawyer was in court today, but her paralegal said she has what she needs to work on a couple of things, and hopefully some papers will be ready for me next week.  I also had to call my other broker to get more money for the grand's college (they are on a sort of quarter system).  Lots of being on hold and transferred to different people.  But, I think all will be okay.  


DD said that Army DGS will probably not need to go to Afghanistan after all, but he will need to go to Kentucky or TN with his unit in December and then to his regular base for two weeks in January.  She doesn't think the place where he works will be pleased and they are small enough that they don't need to give him time off for Reserves.  But, he seems to have pretty good luck in finding work.  I'm really hoping he does not need to go into a war zone.


I decided not to go to the gym today since I was afraid I would push myself too much.  I did take my usual walk in the morning.


Do hope you sleep well tonight, Barbara, and you as well, Claudia.





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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

Yikes on the time, Barbara. Poor Pepper. Has she had the Lyme vaccine? Both our boys get it. I don't think it's foolproof. Bo had Lyme disease but he came from CT. Previous owners let him run. I know the police dept. Knew him well.


We got some rain this afternoon about the time I picked Griff up from grooming. R thought he felt better this morning so didn't contact the VA clinic. Now he's back to not feeling so good. Tomorrow morning it's back to the VA again for his dental work.


Linda, I think some time to distress was good for you. Hope everything goes smoothly this week for you.

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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

You posted while I was typing, Linda. Fingers crossed for DGS.

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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

Good Morning/Afternoon!  Another hot day here, but it was okay on my walk.  I ended up going swimming yesterday afternoon, and it was very nice.


Quite a few important papers came in the mail yesterday afternoon, and I've been busy trying to figure things out, etc.  One requires my sending materials and forms to DH's son, and I will go to the Post Office to mail the packet.  He will fill it out for both of them.  The broker has not sent the checks for the estate account yet, and I called them yesterday.  They were mailed 10 days ago, but they said the usually take 10 - 17 days to arrive.  That seems excessive to me.


I needed to call offices on the East Coast again since they were closed at 5:00 p.m. (2:00 here).  Since I did not sleep all that well, I called them quite early this morning.  Happy they were able to explain things to me.


I will be going to the gym later this morning (skipping my volunteer job as I had planned).  Hoping that it will not be too hard on me after being away for a while.  


I saw that you went to LA, Barbara.  Hope you have a nice time there.  Also hope things go okay with R and the dentist today, Claudia.  Sorry that he decided not to go to the doctor yesterday, but I can understand why he didn't want to go since he felt okay.


DD said that Army DGS will not need to go to Afghanistan -- thank goodness.  His schedule is pretty messed up, but hopefully he can still go to college.  Apparently, he really does not like college very much, but he is doing okay.  DD is afraid that if he skips a semester he won't finish.  After this semester, he will only have two more to go (be a senior), and it would be a shame if he did not stick with it.


Hope both of you have a nice day!







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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

Made it to la safely..not a full flight so the seat next to me was empty. We were served a lot of snCks and beverages.

right now i am very tired and my head is I need to medicate and sleep for a bit. Syd can entertain herself.


Linda..good for you for taking the day off..don’t feel,guilty about doing something for yourself. You are busy with the estate stuff....hope dgs sticks with school but college is not meant for everyone. All of your grands have a lot of talents. 


Claudia hoe rs dental appointment goes well.


enjoy your evening.

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Re: reformed SHOPAHOLICs week of September 16

Home again. R has a lot of pain but went to bowling. He goes back to the specialist in 3 weeks. Sooner if there's a cancellation. I drove up and back and am tired. I need to get recycling out out and try to pick up some more.


R decided to take two antique oil lamps apart and clean them. Would much rather he mop the floor or clear off the table. Oh well.


I think taking a day off post trip is good, Linda. Sometimes you need that extra day to get things done you are such a reliable volunteer. I hope sleep helps along with the medication, Barbara. Glad you had a good flight and empty seat next to you.