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On 8/23/2014 Luvmycats said:

Please use commas, capitals and proper sentence structure!

It's unfortunate, but some of the posts here look like the writers never made it to the 5th grade! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

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Posts: 1,134
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 8/23/2014 ECBG said:
On 8/23/2014 Luvmycats said:

Please use commas, capitals and proper sentence structure!

Where is the comma for after "capitals"? Just sayin"!

The serial comma is NOT needed before the conjunction 'and' in this instance because the writer only listed two items in a series (commas and capitals). The serial comma IS used when we have THREE or more items in a series. I would say that good etiquette was not exercised in attacking the OP's punctuation. The point of these forums is communicating our thoughts, and the OP effectively conveyed them because we all understood what she said regardless of punctuation errors. [The comma is correctly used after 'thoughts' to separate two independent clauses]. Some people need to lighten up and to be less critical of others. There actually may be posters whose educational opportunities ended before fifth grade. These are the people I would admire for their participation in spite of their deficiencies.
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,134
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 8/23/2014 ECBG said:
On 8/23/2014 Luvmycats said:

Please use commas, capitals and proper sentence structure!

Where is the comma for after "capitals"? Just sayin"!

Double post
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Posts: 730
Registered: ‎07-02-2014

I only read late last week from a reliable source that Jayne Brown exclusively is responsible for having all of the measurements removed from the responsibility of the hosts selling fashions, and she seems to be proud of it. Seems she tired of this on the Morning Show, so she had enough influence to have it deleted !

I'm very peeved about that, because of my statue I need it for Petites, and I really appreciated the arm length on coats and blouses, which is no longer done either. The generic size chart is not useful to me.

I was livid enough when they stopped doing it, but to find out the decision was made only because one host tired of doing it (when it was part of her job) only fuels my fire. {#emotions_dlg.angry}

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Registered: ‎12-21-2012

Writing on these forums is more like texting somebody than a formal correspondence. I don't feel any pressure to go back and correct spelling or anything else as long as I think you know what I'm saying. I do think they should go back to telling us the measurements of garments during the presentation.

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

When they presented the TSV Earth boots, they kept saying true to size - well, the ones I got weren't - even with heavy socks. The Insider also had true to size but the ones that got theirs early who posted were mostly saying true to size.

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

I agree with willomenia, the original poster, that if the hosts offered better explanations of fashions especially, the return rate would be much less. Many of the hosts used to (back in the old days of QVC) give much more comprehensive descriptions of the garments. Colors, for example, are often deceptive on TV or video compared to real life. Many dark colors mimic each other--is it a black background or navy? That matters to me. I wouldn't even mind so much if the hosts didn't mention this, if it was on the product description page on the website--but that often gives even less information than the presentation!

When you're doing a 15 minute presentation of one product, I would think you'd have plenty of time to discuss many details that seem to get glossed over. I've gotten so that if I can't find out specifics, I don't buy.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎04-10-2012
On 8/23/2014 Luvmycats said:

Please use commas, capitals and proper sentence structure!


Honored Contributor
Posts: 31,196
Registered: ‎05-10-2010
On 8/23/2014 Luvmycats said:

Please use commas, capitals and proper sentence structure!

Valued Contributor
Posts: 988
Registered: ‎01-20-2013

They are too busy, asking the producers to order for them. Against QVC policy, looking in the monitor, and acting as if they are on a talk show...........................