Wow! Lori Goldstein is one of the hottest names in fashion today. She is the stylist for all the major fashion magazines and most of the runway shows and some of you want to go back 30 years ago to Louis Del Olio and George Simonton, Really? Everyone should have classics in their closet, they should be the basics for your wardrobe, but if you can't figure out how to add one trendy new top to your basics -- why are you even talking about fashion??? I adore Amy, IMO she has great fashion sense and Lori is amazing! Every time I watch Lori, I learn something new. To me the definition of being old is being unable to learn anything new. I can't wait for the Q's new Monday night line-up! All you oldies have a glasses of warm milk, go to bed and dream about the 80's, or 70's or heaven forbid the 50's.