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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

Lori said that you could wear the black to any late evening event. Really? OMG, I wouldn't wear the wrinkled top to the mailbox.

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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

Someone mentioned her heart in black on the side of her hair, those are her roots!!! LG is a mess!
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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

Yours is nice "Beach-Mom" I'm not a "Logo" fan - tried it 3 times and sent it back 3 times - but when they are straight across like yours or even the TSV today - they are ok - just wouldn't layer it (IMHO) - it would be way to hot for CA anyway - - you can barely stand 1 layer in the summer here in No. Cal. (LOL) I just think they must look good on some people - obviously - they sold 65,000+ - but not right for my body for sure!

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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

Omg she's showing some hideous pair of pants now, looks like chainmaille on the side! Both Lori and Sandra telling us how they could go to a wedding with them!! I want to vomit!!!
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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

My main reason for not liking LOGO is when she styles it with 4 pieces. she is trying to sell 4 pieces at approx. $50 a piece. That amounts to about $200 for a get up. Maybe some here can afford it, but I would rather put it in the bank and buy something else, so I wouldn't look like a bag lady. Add pants to that outfit at about $50 and you have a $250 outfit. Now who needs that?

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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

Why do you watch it if you don't like Logo? That makes no sense to me.

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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

I watch Logo and don't like Logo. I'm interested in fashion and want to see what Lori comes up with next. Maybe it will be something I like.

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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

I just now am looking at a presentation of this top. I could tell by the online preview of the top that I wasn't interested in it, because I don't like bling, and the top looked thin and too short. The presentation confirms it. I don't like it on anyone. Layering is my look so I'm interested in this line, but haven't purchased in a long time. Quality was questionable with the tops I purchased in the past, and now I can tell on the screen that it's not something I would wear. I've noticed these shopping channels are getting more and more pricey, but without an upgrade in the merchandise. That makes them very competitive with the storefronts. I saw another post about a renewed interest in driving to the stores for much better deals. I totally agree. It's just gotten to that point.

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Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

On 3/28/2015 Lila4now said:

Her clothes make all women look broad across the hips. Unless you're tall, and thin, they look like a hot mess to me. To each their own.

So true, I finally figured this out after ordering 3 of her tops in the past. Will not order again.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: is LOGO a division of Quacker Factory?

A woman called in earlier today during one of her shows. She was raving how much she loved Lori's clothes. Then Lori asked if she got lots of compliments on them. The woman said "I sure get a lot of looks". Lori and Sharon looked like deer in headlights and apparently the woman thought the "looks" we're a compliment, IDK, maybe they were.