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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

I'm not much of a saver. I just got rid of my wedding dress when we moved. I tried it on one last time, it still fit, and gave it away.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

Most of my oldest clothes as such are only about 8 years old, dating back to when I had my major weight loss. Someone mentioned gloves. I have a pair of opera length black leather gloves that are around 20 years old. I got them to replace a pair I had for years tjhat werre stolen. As the other poster mentioned, when cared for they can last a long time. 

This photo was taken with my old pair, circa 1974. 


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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

I have a beautiful Norwegian sweater that I have had for 45 years.  It is a pure wool cardigan all done in gray tones.  It is so warm, that I can only wear it on the coldest days of the winter, but I still love it.


I also have another sweater from Norway from 1954 that was my mother's.  It is now too small for me, so I guess I can't count it. 



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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

@StylishLady - I love your photo.  I say this as a compliment - my mom was a 'big fur, long gloves, satin gown' type of lady.  Your photo reminds me of her in the 70's.


I have too many old clothes to mention here - one is a white sweatshirt with "Laguna Beach" across the back and a yellow cotton jacket I got on a trip to Calif in the early 80's.  I still wear both of them.  I also have a gold  wool sweater that was my high school Pep Club sweater in 1965-67.  I don't wear 100% wool anymore, but I keep the sweater.


This is a fun thread!



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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

i still have a pair of white linen pants with a Hollywood waist from c1983 . i keep them because they remind me of carefree days.     they are too small now,  they were Esprit and i wore them with a cropped polka dot Esprit top with a wide knitted neckline and white MIA flats styled in sort of a Delman style.  i got these things at The Lodge at Harvard square   this was when the 80s fashion  look really had taken off and Madonna's "Lucky Star"  was on the radio.   i got lots of guys flirting with me in that outfit!  i have a pair of socks from 1979. i could cut off the foot part and wear them as legwarmers!  memories!!

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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

I'm not a pack rat and I like to look modern and I enjoy shopping.  So, I don't hang to old stuff  for years or even worse decades.  I can't quite relate to that.  I can't relate to spring cleaning in January   The oldest item in my closet is a Pamela McCoy faux fur coat.  It's 10 or 12 years old.  It's gorgeous, looks like real high class mink and I cannot bring myself to give it to charity.  It's full length and a size too small now but I could wear it open.  However, it doesn't fit into my lifestyle or the way I dress now. 

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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

The oldest items in my closet are coats. I have an ankle length wool trench coat I've had for 15-20 years and yes it fits. 

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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

Like another poster, I have an old handknit Norwegian wool sweater that was passed down to me from my mother.  I have a photo of my Mom wearing it when she was pregnant with me. The old ones wear like steel.  Mine is also too small for me right now, but I treasure it.  

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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

[ Edited ]

I had one of those stand up zipper units in the basement with some dress suits and other items.  In the corner it really wasn't on my mind.  I finally got to it and I rediscovered a silk Maggy London front button tunic!  It has three inch stripes of black deep rose and cotton candy pink! All I had to do was remove the shoulder pads!  Everyone wants it when I wear it!  I think it was from the late 90's!

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Re: how many years have you had a piece of your clothing?

I still have my classic Pendelton blazers from the 80's and they still fit. My husband still has his varsity jacket from 1963 and his Army officers uniform from the Viet Nam war and they still fit him.