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Burke's outlet will become Bealls outlet stores.
Check out clearance online for shoes.
#538-8193-1832-20 Bzees clearance shoe. $85 value
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We had a Burke's open not long ago. I noticed the name had already changed to Bealls  but didn't know why? Never been in there. 

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Burke's has already changed to Beall's Outlet here in Southern New Mexico. I was excited to have the return of our Beall's and went in to have a look. Nope! A real disappointment. I won't be going back.

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AmeriLeather handbag from the Burke's site. $49
Browse online. Much better variety. I find great deals and brands 👍
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@Midmod  Greetings! Hope you are well. I,in fact,went to Burke's today. My regular grocery day is today so I treat myself to some shopping in the afternoon.


I was pleased to see an assortment of GV shorts and capris.I think I will go back Monday and use the 10%. I went to Marshall's first and it was a mad house.The line was so long to check out.I was going to buy a pair of Skechers sandals but it would take forever to check out. I don't need them that bad! LOL


I bought 2 beautiful PN bags on Marshalls website. I just couldn't resist the pretty styles. And only $59! I can always do more damage but must restrain myself.


Thanks for the heads up. Have a lovely weekend and Happy Mother's day if you celebrate.

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PS-I forgot to mention that I saw Croft & Barrow effortless stretch pants there today.That's a Kohl's brand so I was surprised.They were nice and only $8.99.

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Thanks for the heads up ☺️
I haven't had a chance to go this week so hopefully Monday and I can look for those pants. I can always use more pants! That was also what I paid for the pixie pant that I think is a Gap pant.
Congrats on the PN bag 🛍️! That sounds like a super price to me. I also won't stand in a long line unless I'm really wanting something. And I need some capris also so it's time to look again. Thanks for telling me.
I thought you might be interested in the name change.
Try checking out the Burke's site if you are looking for sandals. They have lots of Skechers but they won't be listed in the description as Skechers: it will say 'air cooled' or 'memory foam' but you'll be able to tell from the picture that they're Skechers.
I do celebrate MD with my Mom. I hope you have a lovely weekend as well. Nice to talk to you again 😊
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@Midmod Howdy pardner, I went to Burke's today and guess what I saw? Patricia nash crossbody bag! I almost fell over. Their handbags generally don't interest me so I pass them by.I was looking at sun hats so I was nearby.It was the map pattern which doesn't interests me. I like her florals and embossed leather ones. It was $49 so very reasonable.


All the capris and pants were picked over in my size.Or white.I don't wear white.Too clumsy and always spilling something! I didn't end up with anything.They were doing a drive for the nearby animal shelter so I bought and donated a bed for them. That's my good deed for the dayCat Happy


I had better luck next door at Ross. I got DH a Lee shirt for $13 and a pair of Clarks sandals for $29.I also found a nice hat for $9. I have a water buffalo head so most hats are too small.This one doesn't look perched on my noggin.LOL 


Hope your shopping deals have been good. Enjoy the weekend!

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Registered: ‎03-28-2010
Hi @Estates!!
You really did have good luck at Ross! Clarks for $29!😲
We've got some embossed PN crossbody bags marked down to $30😁
And I did find out that a Bealls or Burke's purchase can be returned at either store 👍
You wouldn't believe what I've been finding in the clearance section at Burke's online. It's unreal how far down they'll mark prices online 😁
I did go in there today and found a super cute pair of two-tone silver gold plated earrings marked down to $3.90
You know all the boxes of earrings they sell on the round kiosks that are always $12.99?

I made another Burke's online purchase Thurs. My DH likes to wear those flannel shirt jackets with the sherpa inside during our " winters". The one I bought in November was Wolverine brand and was $29.99.
They've marked them down to $9 online 😲
I bought 2 and saw a big men's Izod polo marked down to $3.50 so bought him that.....they were practically giving it away.....

And I'm sure your head is perfectly perfect and not the size of a water buffalo 🐃😆
All the pants have really been picked over in my store too. I'm not finding anything. I couldn't find those you talked about earlier in your last posted. Maybe they weren't sent to our store 🤔
They did have some cute pj's but I will look again another day.
I don't know if you need a swimsuit but our store has lots of name brand ones. Does yours?
Have a blessed weekend and happy shopping! Keep posting those great finds!