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Is it just me or does it look like the cold should and such styles not only seem to be staying around, but showing up more. Surfing shopping channels tonight it seems like every host or model is wearing it. I'm not a fan, but don't have an aversion to it. 

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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I see a lot of that style in stores too.  Looks like that's the fashion statement for now.

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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I've been seeing them everywhere too. I'm not a fan. To me, they look gimmicky and cheap.

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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I own a couple, they're cute and they look terrific on. I do find it annoying when I'm at a store and see a shirt, I think it's sleeveless, pull it off the rack and there they are! LOL
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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I see them all over the stores now more then the first time they came out. I myself don't care for them for me, but some people look good in them!
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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I rarely see the style worn by anyone. I'm not a fan. 

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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I think it's a cute style, but this time of year I get "cold" just looking at them! BRRR! Smiley Wink

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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

It's not my style; I have short arms and the slit looks silly on me.

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Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I see them more then ever lately...I don't like them at all...they do not look good on anyone I have seen...To me they look like someone forgot to sew the arm to the shoulder....or they look like they are torn.....


I have to say I dislike the 3/4 sleeve....but I dislike the cold shoulder  even

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Registered: ‎03-10-2016

Re: cold shoulder etc. styles ?

I like some of them.  I like the split sleeve better.  


I've been finding more and more of them lately.