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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

On 4/20/2014 songbird said:

I dropped out of Ebay and closed my paypal account years ago. Glad I did, because it's worse now then it ever was. Haven't been at Ebay in over 6 years.

Just curious, if you closed your account "years ago", please explain how you know it's worse now......

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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

On 4/20/2014 songbird said:

I dropped out of Ebay and closed my paypal account years ago. Glad I did, because it's worse now then it ever was. Haven't been at Ebay in over 6 years.

If you don't have an account how do you know "it's worse now then it ever was"?

I have used both ebay (buyer and seller) and paypal since the beginning and have never had any problems with either one. I use paypal now to pay for online purchases whenever the seller accepts it. Many online retailers now use paypal so it makes paying much easier and reduces the number of times I have to give out my credit card info.

I've only have one problem with an item purchased on Ebay and that problem was resolved immediately through the seller and Ebay's online resolution. I never had to call CS at all.

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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

On 4/20/2014 BonnieBelle said:

I have used ebay and paypal for years and have never had a problem.

Same here. I use Paypal a lot when ordering online through my checking account.

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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

I've been using both since the late 90's and have never had an issue.

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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

I stopped using e-bay and paypal last year..and don't miss

it at all.

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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

On 4/20/2014 songbird said:

I dropped out of Ebay and closed my paypal account years ago. Glad I did, because it's worse now then it ever was. Haven't been at Ebay in over 6 years.

Have to also inquire as to how you could possibly know "it's much worse now than it ever was" if you have not used or been on either site for years? Why make such a statement when you have absolutely no first hand knowledge of how either company operates currently? And while I do not mean to offend, comments like this just don't make any sense {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Wouldn't you agree now that you have been able to assess what you posted?

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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

I never like putting my credit or debit card info out to small companies I've never heard of. Paypal lets me buy from them without worry.

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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

On 4/19/2014 yoQuacker said:

Many Customer Service stations are located in Bombay, India and China!! It really is a shame that these big companies are not hiring people in the United States who need employment!! It's all about the profit $$$$$$ -- whoever will work for less gets the job. That just does not sit well with me!!

{#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Guess what?? You complain enough and they just might pull out of India. The company my husband works at pulled out of India because the companies they rely on threatened to pull their businesses, if his company didn't bring back cust service to America.
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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

Kohls customer service is in Mexico with Mexicans sounding like Americans. Try calling them. I just hang up and get someone in America. I always ask what country am I speaking to.
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Re: closing e-bay and pay pal accounts

Wow. What a shame. I do lots of shopping on ebay, and use paypal for most of my online shopping. Any problems I've had over these many years must have been minor because I don't remember them.