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What prompts a buyer to buy?  I tired a cardigan once and returned.  It was like a pj cover up.  Today I saw a lounge/beach cover up, on sale for 109$, wow.  that material is same as in store for reasonable prices.  That vendor must be rich

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I have one of their blankets but that's all. I do love the blanket.  The vendor is big on promoting they're from Malibu but everything is made in China. 

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Totally agree,her prices need to stay in Calf.I am sure she laughs all the way to the bank.

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I love the robes.  

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@matty liz I consider myself a thrifty shopper. I rarely, if ever, buy anything full price. When I was in an Economics class and the teacher said full price is considered the "sucker" price for retailers, it has stuck with me.


I have to say though, I have 40+ sweaters and wraps. I have one Barefoot Dreams Ultra Lite cardigan. Oh my, it's like none of my others. I love it so much I am sometimes afraid to wear it because I don't want it to get ruined. It is so soft and comfortable. 


What prompted me to buy it you ask? That is a great question and I'm really not sure other than it was a great deal, had great reviews and they must have caught me in a weak moment. However, one of the best purchases I have ever made. Sometimes one quality item at $100 is better than 3 lesser quality items at $30 or so. 

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We had such a cold cold wet winter in CA this year.  I lived in my two Barefoot Dreams robes.  I have many other pieces of BD that I just don't wear very oftan. I have two of the throw blankets that are wonderful and the only extra piece we need on the bed to be toast warm.

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I love the fabric, the color palettes and the styles--that's why I buy BD for myself and for gifts.  Everyone I have ever given a cardigan, blanket or wrap to loves them.  

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I have one sweater and one throw. I won't be buying anymore. Have given them as gifts and they all liked them.

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Registered: ‎02-14-2017
I have maybe thirty pieces and a few pieces of Malibu knit. My teenage son has a few pieces from the men’s line. I like the fabrics and the colors and it fits my lifestyle.

It might not be for you and that’s ok.
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I'd like to know who, in April, is buying sweaters in a year that could easily be one of, if not THE, hottest on record?


QVC seems to have a lucrative, if repeative, contract with this company with seemingly Daily presentations.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment