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I let Courtney know how much we enjoyed the show, BOOM! LOL, she replied and said thank you, BOOM! Smiley Happy. Even Louis enjoyed himself, he seemed so at ease and she is funny.
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There was a rather lengthy thread on here recently about Courtney ... how immature and unprofessional she is.

Obviously, someone posted something on FB (or wherever) asking people to say something nice about her .... 20 positive comments in a row about ANY host has to be contrived. {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

It just doesn't happen on here .... {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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Speaking for myself, Tinkr, I pride myself on always being a free agent and would not be influenced to write something I did not believe. I am totally unaware of the thread you mentioned, and I simply wrote what I felt regarding Courtney's [corrected spelling; thought it was unusual the way it was written by the OP, but I do not read about Courtney much] presentation with Louis Dell'Olio. As for what now appears to be a non sequitur (my comment on Jac), that thought was in response to a deleted critical remark toward that elegant woman (Jac). Also, from what I've read on the Linea forum, I do not think the ladies would write anything but the truth. As a group, Linea Ladies harbor very strong opinions and are independent thinkers.

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Goldie, I'm guessing that Tinkrbl was not referring to the Linea Ladies.......
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On 7/16/2014 JackieBlue said: Goldie, I'm guessing that Tinkrbl was not referring to the Linea Ladies.......

Jackie, I thought the poster was maligning the integrity of all who replied favorably on this thread, saying that having such a thread in the first place was contrived to counter the "bad press" Courtney had previously. I don't know anything about the past business; all I know is that I thought she did a fine job with Louis. She injected a good energy, I thought.

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Courtney is absolutely one fantastic host to watch. She is smooth and is always prepared for what she is presenting. Good job Courtney.

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I am sorry I missed the show! I saw Courtney on Food Fest yesterday and she did an amazing job! I am sure she was delightful w/ Louis, very professional and polished.

Thank you OP for starting a positive thread. There are hosts we prefer and those we don't, but I would never, ever bash or post negative comments on this board about them.

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I think we all have our favorites as far as hosts are concerned, but I do agree that negative posts about the hosts are just pointless. I always enjoy Linea shows and find that he has a very good rapport with whomever is hosting.

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On 7/16/2014 Goldie76 said:
On 7/16/2014 JackieBlue said: Goldie, I'm guessing that Tinkrbl was not referring to the Linea Ladies.......

Jackie, I thought the poster was maligning the integrity of all who replied favorably on this thread, saying that having such a thread in the first place was contrived to counter the "bad press" Courtney had previously. I don't know anything about the past business; all I know is that I thought she did a fine job with Louis. She injected a good energy, I thought.

Goldie, I was simply making an observation ...... sorry if you feel your integrity was "maligned". {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

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Posts: 9,739
Registered: ‎05-19-2012
On 7/17/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:
On 7/16/2014 Goldie76 said:
On 7/16/2014 JackieBlue said: Goldie, I'm guessing that Tinkrbl was not referring to the Linea Ladies.......

Jackie, I thought the poster was maligning the integrity of all who replied favorably on this thread, saying that having such a thread in the first place was contrived to counter the "bad press" Courtney had previously. I don't know anything about the past business; all I know is that I thought she did a fine job with Louis. She injected a good energy, I thought.

Goldie, I was simply making an observation ...... sorry if you feel your integrity was "maligned". {#emotions_dlg.unsure}

Tinkrbl44, thank you for writing back. Maybe I misinterpreted your statement. As is clear from my original misspelling of her name, I do not know much about Courtney and haven't kept up with her in the least. Therefore, if there was an unbiased viewpoint of her, it was surely mine. That's why I was surprised by your statement. It could be that "the kid" was having a wonderful, golden moment in her life and impressed many. Anyway, no harm, no foul.

What I liked about Courtney: her energy, her knowledge of the items and the way she pulled together outfits, even suggesting belts. I guess it helps that I usually like her outfits on P.M. Style. Her style is youthful for me, but I like it. I REALLY liked the outfit she wore on the show, too. I believe it was a Linea top in navy, Linea leggings in olive and a low-slung leather belt with great shoes (which, even in my dreams, I would fall off). I thought that for a very young woman, she took Linea clothing and made it her own in a youthful and sophisticated manner. All in all, I was impressed with her first time out.