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What will be the next apparel trend?

I sat out cold shoulder, but I bought a few bell slees.  Now I'm on to floral.  What's next?

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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

I like the bell sleeves,but because I have such short arms I thiink I would drag the sleeves through my food.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

I too sat out cold shoulders, I ordered a bell sleeve top, but when I tried it on, it was a big fat NO. I think I will keep my trendy choices in accessories paired with my more traditional clothes. That works best for me.

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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

[ Edited ]

On QVC they have switched from overload of LOGO to over load of Cuddle Duds. And now this BareFoot Dreams.......I am sick of all of them.    No style, baggy saggy clothing.


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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

I'm really digging the pearl embellishments. I have a dress, top, jean jacket, and shoes with them. I also like the star print, I've always been a huge fan of that. I have a navy blue shirt that says "we are all made of stars". I typically avoid florals unless they're subtle. Big, garish designs don't look good on me at all.
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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

Florals and bell sleeves are classics, they aren't trends.  I think certain styles become more popular for a while but there's nothing  new about them, they just move to the back of the closet as some other style takes the forefront for a while.  I had to laugh when some shopping channel host on some station talked about mock turtlenecks being the big thing this  Still makes me laugh.  I remember Slinky doing cold shoulder tops and dresses 10 or more years ago but never did I think they would become as popular as they did in recent years.  So, no one can say what's coming down the pike but I think whatever it is,  we've seen it before.  We've worn it before.   I will hate it, I will say I'm not going to wear it.  My eyes will be accustomed to the look and I'll will add a couple of pieces to my wardrobe.  That's how it goes in fashion.  That's what makes fashion fun.  I love seeing it all, even if I don't wear much of it.

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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

Don't forget ruffles!



I was watching an episode of Law & Order yesterday.

It was filmed in 2005


The defense attorney wore a silk suit, suit jacket-like top with a skirt


The "jacket" had bell sleeves, where the collar came down to the point of the V, the collar ruffled and it was a peplum.  It was pretty but a bit too fussy


That was 10+ years ago.

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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

Aside from the couple of basic Logo tops I like, I have really had enough Logo.  I'm sure many will continue to enjoy the brand though.

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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?

I'm much more a traditionalist.  No cold shoulder or bell sleeves for me.  I rarely am quick to jump on the bandwagon for "trends".  What I am enjoying seen for the fall.....plaids.

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Re: What will be the next apparel trend?



I don’t care about trends and usually dislike them.