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What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?


Personally, I would have to say shopping on a whim is more fun.  


I used to shop as if it were a sport.  Often I wasn't on a mission to "find" a particular item, but enjoyed the thrill of the hunt for ANYTHING.  I have changed my shopping habits to now shop for needs.  I keep a list of items I  need to replace or need to fill a void in my wardrobe. 


Sadly this new way of shopping has not saved me any money.  If I purchased something last week, wore it over the weekend, and didn't really feel great in it, it might very quickly be donated, thereby "creating a new need".  HA HA!  


How about you?  What is your shopping style?  

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

I really have no "un-fun" way to shop.

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

I have more fun shopping on a whim when I am just looking for anything that sparks my interest. When I am on a mission it isn't as fun. I particularly hate shopping for jeans or pants. It is so difficult to find a good fitting pant.

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

If I need a very specific thing, I will look for it on the internet as I can cover a wider range of stores and options that way.  It's still fun to get the package in the mail.


I like to shop for everything (clothes, shoes, food), and I like to shop often to find the best stuff.  Nothing makes me sad than seeing something really cute at Marshalls and it's not available in my size.

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

[ Edited ]

I have always loved every kind of shopping!  I would say shopping on a whim is more fun.  I used to love going to the mall and spending all day, going into all of the stores and looking at EVERYTHING.  Sadly. malls are not as much fun anymore as there is not much nice stuff to look at.  I do spand a lot of time looking at all kinds of stuff online.


I will say, when you are on a mission for something specific - if you find it, it can be extemely rewarding.  Especially if the item is something you really like, and not just something that "will do" to fill the need.

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

Hi, magic!


Just stopped by and saw you had started an interesting topic!


I miss shopping on a whim.  I definitely had more fun years ago when I could do that.  I remember at times looking in my closet and seeing so many wonderful choices that it was hard to decide which lovely outfit to wear.  Nowadays, I look at the stuff in my closet and think, did I wear that last week?  I still love clothes, but I guess I'm loving them less than I used to.  Does that make sense?


Purchasing with intent is far less fun.  It always seems that when I intend to buy a certain piece, then I can't find anything I like.


Right now I'm just "making do" with what I have until the weather turns cooler.  Then I can pull out some old favorites and pretend I have a new wardrobe!


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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

My experience has always been that when I really needed something for a special event, whether it was clothes or shoes, I could never find anything. It was depressing to know that I would have to show up in something that didn't feel spectacular to me. I fixed that problem, though, by shopping when I don't need something and filled my closets with things that will be spectacular for whatever type event comes up. Not working 10 hours a day seven days a week (small biz owner) made this slice of happiness possible! Woman LOL

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

Isn't it amazing how many people, I guess mostly women, do love to shop!   I do both whim shopping and serious shopping but I enjoy the whim shopping the most!   I love to look through sale racks in the good quality stores and I always find many bargains!!

I have a closet full of nice clothes but not overly expensive from my "whim" shopping trips!

Also, it is so much fun coming home and showing my dh all the bargains I found and reminding him how much good quality exercise I got from walking up and down the mall!   So much more fun than a treadmill!!Woman Wink

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

I don't over think it.  Shopping is fun.  That's enough for me.  However, most of my shopping is online now.  I don't enjoy mall shopping at all.  That is not fun.

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Re: What's more fun--shopping on a whim or purchasing with intent?

Shopping for others on a whim doesn't bother me.  Shopping for myself on a whim, causes me anxiety. 

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