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Re: What is your spending limit on....

IMO, some of the questions asked here are personal and nobody's business but mine. I usually read the OP's statement, then click off the topic if it's not something I want to comment on, such as this one!

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Re: What is your spending limit on....


IMO, some of the questions asked here are personal and nobody's business but mine. I usually read the OP's statement, then click off the topic if it's not something I want to comment on, such as this one!

But you did just comment. You made a comment about not commenting! LOL 🤔🤨

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Re: What is your spending limit on....


IMO, some of the questions asked here are personal and nobody's business but mine. I usually read the OP's statement, then click off the topic if it's not something I want to comment on, such as this one!



We don't have to whisper the words panties and bras anymore. They are articles of clothing that are worn by pretty much everyone.  I really don't consider asking for reccomendations "private business".

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Re: What is your spending limit on....


IMO, some of the questions asked here are personal and nobody's business but mine. I usually read the OP's statement, then click off the topic if it's not something I want to comment on, such as this one!


What is it that offends you? Speaking of how much one likes to spend? Or talking about the foundation of all fashion?

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Re: What is your spending limit on....

You're missing my point. I'm not afraid to talk about underwear or almost anything else. What I DO mind is someone wanting to know how much I spend on anything I purchase. Just as I would object to someone asking what I paid for my house, my new bedroom suite or how much I pay for a wedding's MY business, right? 

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Re: What is your spending limit on....

The OP’s opening line specifically says “spending limit” so she’s not asking for specifics from anyone, though many posters were fine stating what they actually paid, their choice. OP was only wondering what others find as a reasonable amount. You read more into it. 

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Re: What is your spending limit on....

I like Soma panties.  They usually have sales - 7 pair for $37.  I also buy panties from Kohl's.  They have good sales.


Bras - I don't buy cheap ones.  They never last, and I need the support.

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Re: What is your spending limit on....


Yet you're choosing to spend your time in a forum hosted by a shopping channel?! It stands to reason that price and how much somebody spends would come up frequently, no? Prepare to be consistently offended I'm afraid


It's only underwear. You can spend as much or as little as you like  and it's your prerogative to keep what you spend a secret but coming into a thread located in a shopping forum to look down your nose at those discussing price is the epitome of poor manners

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Re: What is your spending limit on....


Many of you have peaked my interest in the Soma Vanishing Edge line but I'm concerned about sizing

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Re: What is your spending limit on....

@Andreatoo, their sizing is consistent with any other brand.  I find them to be true to size.