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What is happening with Courtney?

I haven't seen Courtney very much as of late. What is happening with her now that all of the changes on Monday night will be taking place? I don't think she will be part of that. Just thinking its kind of a slap in the face to her - she was such a big part of Lisa and PM Style. Any thoughts?

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

I rarely if ever saw Courtney hosting. She just wasn't on at times I tuned in because I believe she was on super early in the morning, besides when she is the PMS sidekick.

She does have her own show on QPlus.

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

Not sure what you mean by a slap in the face, but I see her all the time on Q+. Looks like she's doing just fine.

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

I just find it surprising that someone so closely aligned with Lisa and such a successful show as PM Style wouldn't be a bit miffed that she wasn't part of the Monday night line up.

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

I don't think that things are going to be the same. Amy is also no longer there and neither is Alberti. Let's not stir things up. It's a hornet's nest in here.

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

On 2/12/2015 Elizabeth03 said:

I just find it surprising that someone so closely aligned with Lisa and such a successful show as PM Style wouldn't be a bit miffed that she wasn't part of the Monday night line up.

She is very young and also very new as a host (minus brief stint as social media person) so no reason why she should be miffed. I agree that despite her being new, she is doing rather well with QVC Plus and other exposure. Not many newbies were given the kind of exposure she has been given by the Q. Amy, Gabrielle and others held the same spot she had on PM Style with Lisa. Courtney was just more "out there" in this capacity. Nothing more.

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

I love Courtney and I'm always happy to watch her. I'm sure that QVC has great plans for her. I like Amy and Courtney together; their young energy and fashion sense is refreshing!

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

I thought she was doing something with Fashion Week. Perhaps that is where she is and the Red Carpet event in LA(if they have one).

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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

I think they are getting her ready to be the next big thing.She has started to look a lot like Lisa to me
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Re: What is happening with Courtney?

Courtney is adorable and has a quick wit. I could watch her all day.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein