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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

Lose the socks, everything else is ok.

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Re: What do you Think of This Look?



There is nothing I like about that look. Together or separately, I would not wear any of those items. -Well, if the sandals had a lower heel, I’d wear them but not with socks.

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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

Laughing about this because years ago, when driving my middle daughter to middle school, she said I could drop her off -1/2 block away from school!

She later told me, no one wears socks with sandals lol!

I wore them because well, it was too cold for sandals without socks and they were the easiest to throw on and I guess I did not care or have time to even think about my "fashion"!Woman LOL

I should show her this picture- how in style I've always been!Smiley Happy

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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

Cute and  relaxed for the younger set---but not a fan of big, clunky shoes and the socks gotta go.

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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

The only things in this photo that I personally would wear, ever, would be the top with the sweatshirt over it. And that is even iffy, lol. The, none of it.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

My DH keeps warning me that he knows I worked in fashion and I'm fashion forward but if I wear socks with sandals he will walk away. LOL. This is a HUGE deal breaker for him. He won't leave the house with me. I've been warned.

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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

@Nonametoday  I'm sorry you had a tough time with organic.  For me, it was a blast!  I'm really analytical, so I enjoyed the classes and studying, and the labs were just so much fun!  Solving problems with experiments that sometimes seemed like magic (pouring two liquids together and ending up with a solid.  two colorless liquids forming purple, etc.)  I don't remember anything that I learned in the class, but my memories of the classes are great!

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Re: What do you Think of This Look?


No matter what fashion says, for me socks with sandals are a big fat NO !!

As well as high waters/floods=ankle pants.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

@ItsME   Easy for my kids too.  I am all right brained and they are divided equally, left and right.  They have scientific and engineering brains with design mixed in. Architects, fashion designers, industrial designers and musicians.  

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Re: What do you Think of This Look?

If I was 15..yeah I'd go for it. 

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