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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

I think this particular model looks fabulous! But she is thin, tall, even a paper sack would look good on her. The everyday woman?? Umm no way.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

[ Edited ]

The only word I can think of to describe this jacket on this particular model is "awful".  The ruched sides make the side zippers look like the jacket shrunk and the zippers didn't.  They are wavy like they are too long for the jacket and have no where to go except to bunch up. 


In addition, this is one sick looking chick.  The pants are even too big - see the wrinkles in the back.  She needs to eat a good meal or two and quit with the anorexic look many trying to be models strive for.


Anyone who would spend almost $4,000 for this jacket to achieve this look would be better served to spend the money on counseling.


The jacket would be very cute without the ruching at the sides and a better fit.

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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

I think the zipper in the back is ridiculous.  What some people will do to look hip and cool.  Maybe some crazy girl who likes the nightclub scene (think Kardashians) will wear it without a top and then unzip both the back and front.  Puke worthy.  

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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

Does the designer hate women? The jacket is ill fitting, too small, and an unattractive color. The model is quite slim and has a narrow frame with small shoulders and yet the jacket looks too small on her.

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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

Looks great on that model's body build. I could never pull that off with my body.

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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

Nothing wrong with the fit; that rusched look is part of the design.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

Too short - in the jacket length and in the sleeve length. And, kinda looks closed in with that collar style. Also, why does one need a zipper going up the back, strange detail to me. I don’t see the point of ruching on a jacket either, perhaps on a shirt sleeve or a swimsuit... 


Well now... guess I cut that one down completely...


-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

I think it's cute if you are built like a 6 foot tall fashion model.

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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

The jacket looks too small and the pants too big or maybe she just needs padded panties.

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Re: What do you Think About the Fit of This Jacket on the Model?

It appears to fit like it's supposed to.  The sleeves seem too short.