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I agree completely. 


Kelly needs new "people."


If the dressing room was crucial,  that detail should have been worked out when the commitment was made, probably weeks in advance.  You don't walk out on a job last minute. 


Hoda handled it well, but the real winner was Rita!  She has a future in talk shows for sure.



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@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes wrote:

I agree completely. 


Kelly needs new "people."


If the dressing room was crucial,  that detail should have been worked out when the commitment was made, probably weeks in advance.  You don't walk out on a job last minute. 



I agree! - Disappointed that Kelly allowed her ego to cause her to miss what could have been a great opportunity. 

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Re: What a Look!

[ Edited ]

@cheriere  I never understood why celebrities get so territorial about dressing rooms! Dressing rooms are a place to touch up makeup, eat snacks and prepare for an interview, its not like theyre going to move in and live there! Smiley LOL  If I were a celebrity assigned to a dressing room, I'd ask for hot cheetos,maybe some oreos a cactus plant for decoration, and some lemonade and that's it! Smiley Very Happy

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@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@cheriere  I never understood why celebrities get so territorial about dressing rooms! Dressing rooms are a place to touch up makeup, eat snacks and prepare for an interview, its not like theyre going to move in and live there! Smiley LOL  If I were a celebrity assigned to a dressing room, I'd ask for hot cheetos,maybe some oreos a cactus plant for decoration, and some lemonade and that's it! Smiley Very Happy

I don't understand that either.  Besides, they usually allow the guest cohost to use the shared dressing room of Hoda and Jenna.  The actual guests get the other.

Ill request that exact order you made for my dressing room I'll ever have one lol.  I LOVE hot Cheetos and lemonade!😃❤️

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Re: What a Look!

[ Edited ]

@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes - Now that you have shared the complete look, I think it gives off Morticia Addams vibes. Perhaps that is bald Uncle Fester trying to pop out of the shoulder opening... Just too weird.

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With Jenna back today they addressed this briefly in a pretty lighthearted manner.


Hoda said that they love Kelly, always welcome Kelly back, and Hoda will share her dressing room with her.


But the next time they want to book a guest cohost I bet Rita Ora is at the top of the list!

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Re: What a Look!

[ Edited ]

@Commoner Exec Mr Wilkes - Clearly, Hoda is showing more grace and class than Kelly did.


(And maybe Kelly wouldn't agree to share a dressing room with even Hoda!)  Woman Frustrated


Sorry, if I were one of the producers of the show, Rowland would not be invited back.

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Kelly is on the Drew Barrymore show right now!  They're having a Burping Contest!😳

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@cheriere  Hot cheetos and lemonade really hit the spot Smiley Very Happy Have you tried the Extra Hot Cheetos? Those are so good- there's something about the extra spicyness that keeps me coming back for more- I can finsh a whole bag in one sitting.   You should have a dressing room someday with your glamour! Smiley Very Happy

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@SportyShorty07   lol, I don't know about a dressing room, but I can polish off those hot Cheetos like nobody's business!  I love everything spicy!  I eat Franks hot sauce on extra sharp cheddar cheese and crackers everyday!  That's my go to snack!  I love lemonade, but haven't had any that's really good in awhile.  I've been drinking these cherry limeade drink mixes that go in water!  I've been hooked on those for some time now too!😂