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Hi fashion friends.

Weather   =    

I finally figured out that, for all intents and purposes, I am a lazy dresser. Just give me a button front shirt in warm/hot weather and a cozy pullover with base layers in cool/cold weather, a pair of jeans, and I'm happy. One piece and done. Pull it on and go. I probably wouldn't admit that to too many people. If you asked me in real life to describe my style, I'd probably say, "casual," or "effortless."  But, effortless dressing sounds better than lazy dressing, doesn't it?  😁

My lifestyle gets more casual by the day, too, so my priority lately has been easy, comfy, casual tops. I have more than enough pieces that can take any casual outfit up a notch, if need be: scarves, jackets, shawls, footwear, bags. 

But, I don't want to wear plain tees or sweatshirts out and about (that's just me...YMMV). I want to feel super cozy and casual, but I don't want to look it, if that makes sense.  At least, I don't want to look too casual.

If I wanted to spend an arm and a leg, of course I can find the kinds of casual, but "elevated" (I hate that word, too haha) pieces that I'm trying to describe, but I don't want to spend an arm and a leg on fashion!

I also do not want to get back on the fashion merry-go-round with the fashion industry and sales associates telling me what colors/patterns/trends to wear and when to wear them, what's in or out, what I need to invest in, etc. I got off that merry-go-round several years ago and refuse to get back on. The problem was that, when I got off the fashion merry-go-round, I had nowhere to go...I wandered in the wilderness for several years haha...but I think I'm finally hitting my groove.

So anyhoo, all that blahblahblahing to say that I love all these versatile tops (except the pashmina, which I like, but which falls into the functional category), but I would not have paid more than I did pay for any of them: $5 each at Goodwill (one with tags, all laundered easily and perfectly in washer/dryer). The two black sweaters can be dressed up. All of them are interchangeable with almost all of my jeans.

#1 Warm day...

*Thrifted Gap navy/white cotton sweater. *Old bralette "cami." *Everything else, y'all have seen dozens of times!

#2 Cool day...

*Thrifted J. Crew cashmere sweater (one of my best thrifts ever). *Old Eileen Fisher espadrilles from the Rack that I tweaked. *Everything else y'all have seen dozens of times!

The espadrilles before tweaking (tight and uncomfortable elastic, which I cut off and replaced with black/white striped cotton ribbon)...

#3 Warm day...

*Thrifted Leo & Viola (never heard of it) sweatshirt with ruffled sleeve (I almost passed this up because I was afraid it might look like Seinfeld's pirate shirt haha, but I'm very glad I didn't). *Everything else y'all have seen dozens of times, including my very well-loved Levi's Dad jeans.

#4 Warm day...

*Thrifted Barry Bricken (never heard of it) silk cable knit light weight turtleneck. *Thrifted silk scarf. *Everything else, etc...

#5 Cool day...

*eBay thrifted blue cashmere pashmina over Bricken silk t-neck...


*Pink suede Aquatalia loafers (old from the Rack). *Pink/white stripe Converse Shoreline (ditto). *Blue/black/grey snake print mules (ditto). *Tweaked Eileen Fisher espadrilles (ditto).

*Seinfeld pirate shirt (haha). *Silk scarf ($5 at beach thrift). *Barry Bricken silk cable knit t-neck. *Old Lucky Brand tiered marcasite necklace.

*J.Crew cashmere (the buttons alone are worth $5...ribbed and doubled old-school cuffs). *Gap cotton sweater. *Bralette used as cami. *Pashmina.

So those are a few examples of lazy...opps, I mean effortless dressing haha. Easy, comfy, and casual without being too casual and saving my arm and my leg, both of which I'm quite fond of! 😉

I hope everyone has a great week.

~~~11th Commandment: Thou shalt not quote MacDuff's ridiculously long posts; once is ridiculously long enough. Amen~~~
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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

@MacDuFF, I look forward to your "what I wore" posts.

they never fail to make me smile.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

I agree with your post, and love your style.  Perhaps one of the words for your style would be "smart."  Not a crowd follower, not a fashion victim, but a smart person with a mind and a style of your own.


I have, even as a teen, been one for more simple structured clothing--no ruffles, fringe, flapping things etc.  Although I did have some very short, on the edge items back in the day, nothing too low cut, nothing tartish, etc.


So smart, classic, confident, put-together, stylish maybe?  And the older I get (and the more retired I get!) the luxury is wearing comfortable clothing.  Doesn't mean sloppy, but comfortable, relaxed clothing is wonderful!


I love seeing WYW and reading your thoughts!  Thanks for taking the time and making the effort for us!  

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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

What a interesting and enjoyable post.  Love looking at your "finds."  My style is similar especially since retiring.  Comfortable but stylish.  You nailed it.

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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

All fabulous finds !


My favorite is your off white/white ruffled sweatshirt which doesn't look like a sweatshirt at all.


Have a nice week ahead.......everyone.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

I love #5 that blue is lovely!  I totally agree with your style, we work hard all of our life, I think our reward is to relax in our clothes and lifestyle.  I am thankful I can now relax and enjoy doing what I please!

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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

I have always been a casual dresser and agree with how you look at fashion, MacDuFF.  I wear what is comfortable and makes me feel good.  I have been buying sweaters which I used to wear with pants when I worked.  I always loved all different pullover sweaters and blouses.  We all have our own tastes and fashion like music and art is taste.  I like your tops and accessories, you look comfortable and happy and that is how fashion should be.  I do like to dress up for events or occasions but my comfort zone is as you put it effortless dressing.  

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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

 @MacDuFF    I understand with what you're saying about casual dressing. I agree. Now that I'm retired, I still want to dress nicely, yet casual, but not too casual. Unless I'm on my deathbed, no one will see me in sweatpants. 😆

Your choices in clothing are casual and fit you well. I think fit is the most important factor in an outfit, followed by color, pattern, texture, and shine.  
As the saying goes, "you do you."

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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...



I got your reference about the Seinfeld pirate shirt and laughed out loud, even before seeing the picture you posted.💝


I LOVE ❤️ ALL of your outfits this week!  Each are a WOW!  Hard to pick a favorite.  Of course I love your cashmere sweater and espadrilles.  But I also very much like the total outfit featuring the Barry Brocken turtleneck, scarf, jeans and bag!  It's DYNAMITE!


Honestly, this was a tough week to pick.  Everything was great and you look so good in everything!  

Thank you so much for sharing your looks, all perfection!💝🌸

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Re: What I Wore (3/24/24)...

Love these espadrilles! I am wearing a black tee with jeans today and need a cute pair of espadrilles to wear. I like the look but do not own a pair.




Love your scarf, bag and shoes with your black top and jeans.