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Posts: 508
Registered: ‎10-20-2011

Hello fashion friends.

A tweak/edit from last week...

This is the James Perse outfit I posted last week. I didn't like the thrifted pink J.Crew sweatshirt with it. In fact, I didn't like it with anything else I tried either, so it's outta here. Nor did I like the light pink sneaks with it...

So, I tweaked it with my Mom's rule in mind (one that I happen to agree with...shocker haha):  Tighter, shorter top with wider, flowy bottoms.  Picture this without the jewelry and with cabin sox, and that's how I wore it around the house. But, I went out to a spur-of-the-moment afternoon tea with my girl friend, and added the necklace and mules...

*Thrifted silk Brooks Brothers light weight sweater in a wheat color (that I bought to use as a base layer). *Thrifted Twig & Twine necklace from beach consignment. *James Perse wide legs. *Old Eileen Fisher taupe suede mules.

Close up of Twig & Twine...

Dinner the next night...changed necklace, added shawl...

*Thrifted sterling silver cross. *Thrifted (4 years ago and only worn once until this week...shocker that I kept it this long, but I'm glad I did) Katie Todd 100% cotton shawl with pocket and wooden clown buttons haha.


Have a great week y'all.

~~~11th Commandment: Thou shalt not quote MacDuff's ridiculously long posts; once is ridiculously long enough. Amen~~~
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Posts: 767
Registered: ‎10-19-2022

Love your "tweaks". That shawl is to die for.  Great look!


I know just what you mean, sometimes an item just doesn't work.   Like you said, out it goes.  


Take care😊

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

#1b & #1c are great looks! I really like the large buttons on that cool shawl. Excellent styling @MacDuFF 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Fantastic changes!  You should always go with your gut and, apparently, what your mom told you.  Lol.  You have great taste.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Good morning @MacDuFF !


You know how much I love that you featured so many of your thrifted goodies this week.

Are those the same black pants in all the photos? As always, your eye is spot on. So much better without the high contrast of the pink in this case- and I am a pink girl.

Your accessories really make the outfit in each photo. Love!


As always, thanks for sharing and starting my Sunday off with a smile!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 12,367
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Your posts are very interesting, and you always look nice in your outfits. You certainly find some good pieces when thrifting. I just started doing that a few years ago. It's fun to find a "gem".


Definitely agree about "going with your gut" when deciding what to wear & keep. Your second outfit 1b is my style, and something I would wear. 

Enjoy your posts. Keep styling & posting! 

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Registered: ‎09-07-2014

@MacDuFF   You know what they say, "Mom knows best." The gray sweater looks great on you.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 618
Registered: ‎08-29-2013

You really have a good eye for putting things together.  You could style for QVC, you'd do a gazillion times better than what they do. 

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

Posts: 56
Registered: ‎11-10-2018

You should be a stylist @MacDuFF !

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,528
Registered: ‎03-19-2014

It's always good to follow your gut!  Your two tweaked outfits look great!

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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