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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

This is a good reason to have long tops.

We had a church function Thursday night and there was a lady there (in her 50's) she had on a white pair of capri's and a nice flowered top that hit just above her bum.  When she bent over to sign her name tag you could see her undies very well.  A little while later I saw her standing and talking to someone and her pants were in the crack of her behind.  Both looked really bad.  Im sure she would have been mortified if she knew it.


I also saw a couple of other ladies with slacks on and above the bum tops and in no way should that have been showing.


My suggestion to all ladies is before you leave the house look in the mirror at your backside as well as the front.


These are just a couple of reasons I wear long tops and check the mirror.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.

That is why I will never buy white pants. I have seen too much.


Besides I know me, I would end up "wearing" something I sat on.

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Posts: 43,847
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.



Excellent advice! 


May I please add to wear underwear to match your skin tone (beige or black) so your under garmets don't show through.

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.



My mother always told me to wear flesh colored underwear. When beige undergarments became available, she tossed her tidy whities, and replaced with beige. She never wore patterned or colored underwear. That was many years ago (she passed away in 1994), but her theory was that your underwear should never show, no matter what you were wearing.

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Posts: 8,654
Registered: ‎06-25-2012

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.

Oh my goodness OP. Please enjoy life and don't sweat the small stuff! Life is too short to walk around being so critical. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.

I don't think anyone should wear pants of any kind without having the bottom area covered. It doesn't look good to see panty lines or any thing else in that region. The last thing everyone should do is look in the mirror and turn all the way around before you leave the house.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.

Look away.

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Registered: ‎04-30-2012

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.

Very good advice and it brings to mind a situation and funny story that happened at my church several Sundays ago. A couple sat down in front of me and as church started and we all stood to sing and worship with the choir the gentleman next to me whispered to me that the lady in front of me had her shirt on backwards and the tag was showing. He then stated he wasn't about to tell her basically suggesting maybe I should. When the singing stopped and the Pastor instructed the congregation to meet and greet each other I whispered to her that her top was on backwards. She then told her husband, left the sanctuary and returned with it on correctly. The guy next to me looked at me and smiled. So yes ladys and gents, make sure you are correct before you step out the door.   

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Posts: 13,550
Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.



That's why I always wear some sort of "liner" under white or light colored pants ... in addition to a long top.  

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,403
Registered: ‎04-30-2012

Re: This is a good reason to have long tops.

ID2 wrote: Oh my goodness OP. Please enjoy life and don't sweat the small stuff! Life is too short to walk around being so critical. 


I don't think the OP was being to critical at all, nobody wants to see all of that and people should have more respect for themselves and others especially at church IMO.  I was just at a children's dental office with my grandson the other day and it's a huge office that see's lot of children. While sitting in the waiting room, I saw women walking in with children wearing booty shorts, jeans with huge holes in them ( I know that's a current style) but I swear they made the holes bigger and closer to their crotch. I could'nt believe some of the clothes and hairstyles and colors but that's what they do now. I do enjoy life but some people should have more respect for themselves.