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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I'm the opposite: a 1" or 1.5" heel is all I wear, and a chunky one at that. I have thin ankles and they are wobbly. My foot doctor years ago said "no heels, your foot can't take them" and I stopped wearing anything but these. Even a 2 1/2 is too high for me.

I love the look of spiky heels and they elongate your leg, but I have to worry about foot health and such. I'm almost six feet tall and if I could wear them, I would and damned being six foot three. It wouldn't faze me! But they are bad for your feet and my feet are only as good as they are because I took a lot of care with them.

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I love wearing high heels. I'm 6 feet tall, rock 3-plus inch heels if my outfit warrants them do I think it draws attention? Yes. Do I care? No. My man is 5 8" He loves it when I wear heels. He is a confident person though and he's proud to have me walking next to him. Do people look at us? Yep, but who cares. I don't let what other people think affect my actions.
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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I'm almost 5'9" and I wear heels occasionally. I like wearing heels with a dress and with dress pants. I wear flats every day.

When I wear heels, I'm taller than my husband. It doesn't bother him. I certainly don't care what other people think either.

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

The new Susan Graver rep lady is very tall. She was working with Sharon F. a couple of weeks ago and was wearing very high heels. Sharon of course is very short, and was not wearing heels. The presentation was actually comical because the camera had to stay pretty far back to get them both in the shot. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I am 5'9"" and have always loved being tall. I wear heels whenever I am wearing a dress or skirt. Being tall has always been a huge advantage.

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I'm 5'8" and have always worn heels, usually in the 2-3" range. Sure, it makes some men feel intimidated, but that's their problem, not mine, lol! And, yep, I've helped many shorter women in the grocery store reach an item on the top shelf.

I come from a tall family, I'm the shrimp of the family and wish I was a little bit taller since I'm not quite tall enough to fit into 'tall' size pants without having to hem them. Average pants always end up being ankle pants on me, fine if I'm wearing flats, not so great for wearing with heels.

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I am 5'11" and have always worn heels, . It depends of the outfit. I am from a tall family and the shortest one growing up. I have pants in all lenghts, to wear with flats and heels. I love being tall.

My SO is 6'6", like many other tall women here, if a man is intimidated by my height that is his problem. Also have helped get stuff off of the top shelf for people. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Posts: 41
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I am 5'9" and wear high heels frequently. My dh is 5'11" and doesn't bother him at all when I am an inch or 2 taller. He loves me in heels. I also have a friend, who is 5'9". Her dh is about 5'7", and he also loves her in heels!

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

On 1/26/2015 PrettyFatFeet said:
On 1/25/2015 Jerseygirl1266 said:

I am 5'7 but always wished I was 5'10 so I am in heels unless I have to do some serious walking. Someone else mentioned it, but as a size 12/14, I do not feel comfortable in those super thin spiky heels as I feel they look odd with a larger frame. I prefer a thicker or chunkier heel or a wedge to help balance things out.

I'm also 5'7 and I love heels. Also, I'm a 12/14 but I do wear my shoes in ALL of the types of heels. Give me spikes, I love them. I got hips and all of my shoes, enhances my hips. If you wanna do it, just do it. You are curvier but please don't let the style of the shoe, limit your style.

I think we all know what works best for our body types and while I certainly have my own style, it is without doubt that I cannot and will not wear certain things. I no longer wear a bikini, low slung jeans or halter tops, etc., but that does not mean that I am limiting my style, just wearing what suits me best.

Personally, I think a larger body on super thin heels looks silly but that's a personal decision. I would certainly never dictate what anyone should wear but I don't like the look on me.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Tall ladies & high heels

5' 11" and I love heels..but don't wear them that often any longer.. back problems make it a problem.

But if you can wear them and love them, DO it! I always feel empowered and strong and quite sexy when I wear heels.. and I don't mean kitten heels!