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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I'm 5'9", thin, and have worn high, spikey shoes all my life. I'm not young anymore, but still wear them. I have a pair of black Jessica Simpson shoes in my closet right now that are 4" heels and I can wear them all day without a problem. The secret to wearing high heels into your 60s and beyond is to never stop wearing them. Once you stop, the older you are the more difficult it is to walk gracefully in them.

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I think heels look so much better on women than flats. I will never stop wearing heels. My first job out of college I worked with a woman in her upper 60's that rocked heels daily. She told me she vacuumed in them. I want to be like her.
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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

On 1/25/2015 Kathleen said:

I wore them until my mid-40s ... one accidental fall while wearing gym shoes (broke bones in foot) ... and my high heel days were over!

Unfortunately, same injury, same result for me. At 5'11, I loved wearing high heels, and I hate that I can't any more. At least the lack off additional height makes me stand straighter these days! Being tall is the best feeling!
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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I'm 5'9"" and have always worn heels. Never felt ashamed of my height. I love being the tallest!

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

Smile I like being tall too, I'm 5'8. I'm the woman in the grocery store, that is asked to reach that item on the top shelf that someone can't reach!

If heels didn't hurt my bad knee, I'd wear them more. I wear them when I know I'll be mostly sitting down for an event. But if I know I'll be standing up for a while, I'll go with a lower heel. The most I can deal with is 3 inches. If I'm wearing a 3 inch heel, that makes me almost as tall as DH and he is 6' tall. When I do wear a heel, it's mostly around 2 inches and a wedge. I think those are more comfortable and don't seem to make my knee ache. I had a bad fall once, wearing really high heels, that were about 3 1/2 inches. So I am really careful now, what type of heel I wear and how high it is. I look for heels that have balance and are not "wobbly". I don't wear thin narrow stillettos, ever. I don't want to mess up my knee any more than it is.

The only time I have problems being tall is when I'm buying a pair of pants and they are too short. Fortunately, the retail industry is starting to make regular inseams on pants, longer. Which is great. I can now buy a "regular" pair of pants at Ann Taylor or Loft with an inseam of 32 or 33 inches. Love that!

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I'm 5'7", but I've never considered myself unusually tall. I love wearing heals. Nothing more than 2". I don't like the way we walk in heels higher than that. I like flats too, but I feel like my posture improves with a little lift. Plus, some of my clothes just look better with heels. Have fun!

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I am 5'7 but always wished I was 5'10 so I am in heels unless I have to do some serious walking. Someone else mentioned it, but as a size 12/14, I do not feel comfortable in those super thin spiky heels as I feel they look odd with a larger frame. I prefer a thicker or chunkier heel or a wedge to help balance things out.

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Registered: ‎07-29-2014

Re: Tall ladies & high heels

So I was wondering if any other tall ladies get self-conscious. Like is it my imagination or does it draw attention to us? Do you wear heels or opt out?

*I don't, as it actually empowers me. Smiley Wink

*Yep, it may (not does) sometimes make us noticeable, but I no longer (blessedly) care what others think.

*I wear (3" or less) wedges with a slight platform at the front, so they're sturdier and more comfortable.

BTW, I'm 5'8" (but wish I was taller), and thank God and my parents for my height. Especially as I often have pretty low self-esteem.

But just like with your 'self-improvement' thread, this is a part of gaining some self-confidence, which is very healthy for us women. 8)

It will come in time. Kiss

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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

I DO get self-consious. I'm not comfortable being the tallest PERSON in the room. Men like like to see all women in heels, but men seldom want a woman towering over them. Sure you can give the example, but my experience has been men that when I was dating, the only men who asked me out were my height or TALLER.
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Re: Tall ladies & high heels

On 1/25/2015 Jerseygirl1266 said:

I am 5'7 but always wished I was 5'10 so I am in heels unless I have to do some serious walking. Someone else mentioned it, but as a size 12/14, I do not feel comfortable in those super thin spiky heels as I feel they look odd with a larger frame. I prefer a thicker or chunkier heel or a wedge to help balance things out.

I'm also 5'7 and I love heels. Also, I'm a 12/14 but I do wear my shoes in ALL of the types of heels. Give me spikes, I love them. I got hips and all of my shoes, enhances my hips. If you wanna do it, just do it. You are curvier but please don't let the style of the shoe, limit your style.