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Really?? A TSV that is leggings in July?  Hmmmm.  At least not in Az.Smiley Very Happy

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Posts: 799
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

It's what, 108, in Phoenix today?  Leggings . . .not so much!

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Bought it.  Own another version.  Obviously I love it.  It makes an entire outfit for me, with a top of course. I love the look and plan to wear it in the Fall.  I catch what I like when it is offered.  The price is right, it is comfortable, easy to care for and wear.  I guess there is always something for everbody on QVC.  

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Posts: 1,423
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good idea.  It stays so hot here in Az until the latter part of October, so it is hard dto think of Fall clothes. LOL   Sometimes I wish I lived somewhere that gets cooler quicker; than the snowstorms and freezing weather comes in the cooler climates ( where I am originally from) and I change my mind.  Smiley Happy 


Enjoy your purchase, they are cute. 

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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

A lot of the clothing tsv's are one season ahead for most.  If it's something you like, you have to get it when it's offered or risk it being sold out in the season.

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Registered: ‎04-10-2012
Like someone mentioned on another thread, it gets earlier every year that they start pushing fall clothes. We also had Triple digits here yesterday in northern Idaho.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I am retired....but when I would be surprised how my co-workers...and the public would come into the store with sweatshirts....and turtlenecks on....and the temp outside was in the 90's.....and our store was never cold...ever....I don't know how they would breathe...those are the people who buy tights in the heat of the summer....

Woman LOL