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Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt

Yesterday I went out early but I caught a glimpse of Leah on AM Style Beauty whatever it was called..she was wearing a pretty star print blouse in black. With a chiffon-y leopard print skirt.


I would never think to wear those together. If @lolakimono or anyone else could find a picture. You could also view it on the product videos.


What do you think of the combo? I think the blouse might have been this one by Equipment. Same blouse Duchess Kate wore last week in polka dots.



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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt

I loved that combo on Leah!  She looked super, and I usually am not a fan of leopard print except in small doses.  That skirt was lovely, the star blouse so flattering on Leah as well.  Really a good look for her.





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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt

@author I agree, I thought Leah looked great in that outfit. I think maybe the key to that combo is the scale of the patterns and choosing more upscale fabrics.

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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt



Yes, the upscale fabrics, scale of the prints, and proportion of the two pieces - tucked-in blouse, long flowy skirt - all were "just right."  I agree that the leopard print was very high-end looking, classy.


It also suited Leah's look and style, her hair especially balanced it all out and framed her face beautifully.  Her height also helped; I am too short for this sort of ensemble, but really admired her panache!

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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt

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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt

Leah looked stunning!!  That outfit on her was so upscale  and she looked so elegant.  A style for sure that I wish I could carry off as well as she did.

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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt

@lolakimono Thanks! The stars look smaller in that still, so I don't think it's the Equipment blouse. Funny how the skirt looks different too, on tv the skirt was a very subtle leopard print with lots of white in it. Maybe I just didn't see it well/long enough.

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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt



I too thought the live shots of the skirt looked quite different from this still shot, less "leopardy" and more blended and had an almost watercolor effect. 


The skirt moved beautifully as she walked, and the bulk of the fabric was lower down so her waist looked tiny; she looked very slim and elegant.  

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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt

They're both pretty prints, but I don't think they would translate to reality and be comfortable to the eye.


Usually, when prints are mixed, the accent print has a much smaller presence unless the colors of each print are exact matches.

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Re: Star Print Blouse With Leopard Skirt



Love the star blouse in your pic ... I'm waiting for a less expensive but still "upscale" version somewhere ...