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Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

I'm sitting here at my computer, listening to Gary and Carolyn on the Denim & Co. show.  Honestly, if you haven't seen/heard them in action, you don't know what you're missing.  I can't stop laughing!


Woman LOL

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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

They make a great pair! The squirrel thing is hilarious ...but I don't get it..?? What do squirrels have in common with D&C? 

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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

@SilleeMee  I work a lot of hours and don't get to watch too often, but I think I recall seeing them together and Carolyn explaining.  Just as a dog may see a squirrel and run off fast in that direction, calling out "squirrel' means that this top or pants are great, or a new color, so better hurry and get it before its gone !  It's basically a shout-out kind of thing.

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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

@SilleeMee wrote:

They make a great pair! The squirrel thing is hilarious ...but I don't get it..?? What do squirrels have in common with D&C? 

Smiley LOL @SilleeMee  Gary likes the way D & C does the color yellow, and he used to lose concentration on other colors when the color yellow was in the mix.  Carolyn told him he was like a dog who spots a squirrel and loses all concentration to stare & chase the squirrel. 


That caught on, and every time an item was in yellow, Carolyn or Gary would yell, "Squirrel!" 


That has now evolved into other colors like rust and orange, etc.  LOL  Carolyn has bought Gary several toy and ornament squirels as a result.

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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

Also, Gary likes squirrels and has a collection of them, largely due to Carolyn's gifts.  Its fun to watch.

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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

Oh! Okay. I got it now...LOL! Too funny!Woman LOL 


@Caaareful Shopper 


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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn


it goes back to that animated film with Ed Asner doing the voice of the old man...UP!

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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

It’s from the Disney movie Up. Doug the dog (in a cone) is easily distracted when he sees a squirrel. So Gary and Carolyn would get distracted by other items at times during their shows. Very cute!!
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Re: Squirrely Gary and Foxy Carolyn

thank you @Caaareful Shopper !  i was wondering what the backstory was on the squirrel.  now it all makes sense Smiley Happy