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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

Very nice Pinky ..Thanks for sharing.   i will do the oranges in the next few days.

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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

Thanks pinky. Those oranges do look nice, and maybe something that I could do. Not exactly a crafty girl. I wanted to let Marijane know -- DGS' friend has been moved to a different facility. He had a permanent tracheotomyy done. His brain tumor was cancerous, but the cancer has not spread. His family has been very private about things, so DD finds information in bits and pieces. DGS has lunch with his younger brother nearly every day, but they do not talk about the older brother. Just too hard on the younger brother. The club went well for DH, and we took a short walk after I picked him up. I saw Jean is back from Hawaii.. Hope she can get some rest and post when she is up to it. Congratulations on Harper!
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

I tried to post again, a bit earlier and failed, so this one is short. Thanks pinky for the instructions on the orange slices, very interesting, I may try to do some, how long are they fragrant?
Congrats on Harper, love the name.
Glad to hear Jean is safely back home.
We have gusty winds all night with tornado warning till 9pm tonight. Hardly any rain though. Dog was glued to me all day and evening till just a little while ago. Poor baby was so scared.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

Glad you liked the photos ladies, and you'll really enjoy doing the orange project. I love these type of projects, and they're things I look forward to because they don't take forever.


snicks, They won't have a strong fragrance once dried. It's pretty subtle, but it's lasted for months with the batch I did last year. If you pick them up even now, they have that faint orange smell.  pinky

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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

Hello all, I'm just now eating my instant soup, something new by Idahoan, check it out.  My sister picked them up from Walmart. 
The Idahoan site has a tater locator (no joke) and if you plug in your zip code, you'll learn who is selling them locally.


The big corporate re-org is started already.  4 folks from wellness care management got the 2 o'clock tap on the shoulder and were laid off and walked out.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

Oh dear Bernie.  I hate to think of people laid off like that with no warning.  Any progress in finding a different job for you?

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Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

LindaL, since the 'business transformation' is under way, there are areas not filling open positions so if they can't streamline processes and find new efficiencies, they can default to giving up positions.  The company wants to cut $300 million and I've been through enough of these to know, people will lose jobs. This will be going on over the next year or so.  It's going to be a bumpy ride.  Right now I will stay put.  I hate to go for another position that could be on the block in a short period of time.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,970
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

Jimmy Stewart was in the "Harvey" movie. I think you will enjoy

Bernie: I know many of us have been through staff reductions. Never easy. Particularly tough to be affected with no warning. Sucks big time. Hugs
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Shopoholics ODAT Wednesday 11/11/15

My last rescue was a fella who was about four. When I brought him home he stuck to me like glue. He developed some potentially serious medical issues. Off to the vet. Thankfully he was ok. He does still like to be with me. But he isn't dtuck to me. When I had plumbing issues I had left the gate open for the plumbers to come and go. I looked out and he was up the street following Mr Boodles. Fortunately he came when I called him!!! We did have a dog who was terrified of lightening and thunder. In her last years she went deaf. Our first Old English was terrified of lights. Headlights Lightning even a flashlight. She would be ok if I had a hand on her fur. Yes we do for our fur kids