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Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday, April 4th)

Hello all, what's shakin'? Woman Very Happy  I went to Walmart today to look for a few things I can't find at my local Meijers.  Like Shout with the scrubber thing on the top.  They brought out their beach towels so I bought one.  Did I need a new beach towel?  I picked up the items that I went into the store to buy and headed home.  It dreary and raining outside of my window.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 7,437
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday, April 4th)

Good Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Bernie.  Hope you find a good use for the beach towel (I think you purchased it).  I had to smile since I remember when I lived in Maryland (not close to a Walmart), I always spent at least $60.00 at Walmart regardless of what I came in to purchase.  I always seemed to find something I wanted that wasn't on the list.  Now that I live much closer to Walmart, it is slightly easier to stick to my list.  And, using the pick-up really helps me with this problem.


Yesterday was extremely busy for me.  The senior lunch program went pretty well -- not as smoothly as in the past, but fine.  It was nice seeing some of my old friends.


After I finished, I came home and ate my lunch, and went to the gym.  Then, I delivered phone books to my neighbors.  The homeowners association gets some money for doing so, and I have been volunteering to help for several years.  But, yesterday turned out to be a bit stressful.  There were two addresses where there were no homes.  In the end, my big toe (right foot) was very painful.  That pain kept me up last night.  Not sure if I hurt my toe or it was something else. 


Today, I met Bev for an early lunch -- used the $50 gift certificate I won.  Interestingly enough, we used all but $7 and change for our lunch.  I was a little surprised at the high prices, but only needed to pay for the tip. The very wonderful news is that Bev's doctor didn't find any cancer cells in her bladder.  She was prepared for the worst, and is still having a difficult time accepting the good news.  Hopefully, my pep talk helped.  


Then, I went over to the hospice office and had my TB test read (fine), and picked up the mailings.


Barbara's DH is not doing well, but she is okay all things considered.  Very happy to be getting a new dog named Rosie (adorable).  Rosie is coming from MN.


DD's husband and youngest son are driving down to South Carolina on Sunday to look around the area where they plan to settle.  Their Maryland house may be on the market soon after Easter.


Seems like I am writing a book here.  Just one more thing -- I finally have an appointment to get my Prolia shot next Monday.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a ncie evening and sleeps well.





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Posts: 5,580
Registered: ‎03-20-2012

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday, April 4th)

LindaLatte--Thanks for the update on Bev. That's good news for her. Barbara getting a new dog should bring her some joy. I will keep them both in my thoughts and prayers.

You certainly keep busy with all your volunteer work. They are lucky to have you.

What a releif that you finally have a date for your Prolia shot. 

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Posts: 5,580
Registered: ‎03-20-2012

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday, April 4th)

Birdmama---It's been raining here since Sundy. The ground needs a break to try to absorb all this water. The patio is like a series of mini ponds. UGH!!! 

I'm waiting for another prescription to refill before I pick up a few groceries. I hate to "waste" a trip and time for just one prescription. There's always a line at both the pharmacy and grocery check outs. 

I spent Tuesday washing dog towels,seat cushions and throw pillows. I sure can have fun around here. They are taking longer to dry than usual because it's too damp from the rain. Yesterday I started to clean bathrooms. I still have 1 bathroom and on shower to do and I can check that off the list for this week. Woo-hoo!!   

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday, April 4th)

Hey Linda @LindaLatte   Yes I did purchase the beach towel.  My bigger birds bathe in an 11x15 glass baking dish (lol) and I put it on the kitchen floor (congoleum - don't want it on the hardwood floors) with a beach towel folded in half underneath the dish.  Alas, I wish I needed a beach towel for the actual beach.


I hope your big toe is feeling better today.  We never appreciate the work that our toes put in to keep us upright until one of them is on the fritz.  Could it have been the shoes you were wearing?


I am so glad that you and Bev were able to get together and that the gift card covered lunch.  What a blessing to hear the favorable news about Bev's health.


I saw the photo of Rosie on FB and didn't realize that she was coming home to Barbara - such a precious little pup.   I hope your daughter's husband finds an area sooner rather than later. 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,437
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Wednesday, April 4th)

Good Evening!  Sorry about all that rain, Fressa.  DD said it was raining very hard in Maryland, and it was causing problems.  The contractors were busy painting the main and upper floors of the house, so the family was confined to the basement.  Not only were two of them working at home, but there is no bathroom or cooking facility in the basement.  The only way for them to prepare food or go to the bathroom was to go out the back door and walk around to the front of the house. Mud was unavoidable.  


Practical purpose for the beach towel, but not too fun, Bernie.  I was thinking about the old song about "I have ocean front property in Arizona".  The closest beach to where I live is in Mexico, and the closest U.S. beach is in San Diego.  I have not been to the beach in a long time.  At least I have access to swimming pools.


My toe is much better today.  I was pretty upset yesterday evening and took a pain reliever (OTC) plus used cream on my toe before I went to bed.  So relieved that it is much better today.  I don't see how it could have been the shoes since I was wearing my comfortable open-toed Clark's sandals.  


It has been another busy day, but not frantic.  I took an early walk, went to the grocery stores (ouch about the prices), and then did my hospice deliveries.  Not sure if I mentioned it, but yesterday was crazy.  I had to go to the hospice office three times since the new volunteer coordinator forgot the envelopes.  Then I discovered that he didn't include all the stamps that I needed.  The office manager and I decided we will check all the materials when I pick them up next week.


I shared some of my concerns about the new coordinator with the office manager, and it turns out that it is not just me.  I am doing my best to be patient and understanding. 


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone sleeps well.



