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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Tuesday, March 29th

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Sorry about your fall and injured arm, Bernie.  Hope you won't be in too much pain tonight.  


Also sorry you are still suffering from pneumonia, Barbara.  But, I am glad you went to the doctor.  Hope the new medicine helps.


Very sorry about the loss of those Eucalyptus trees, Charlene.  I'm sure I would be very sad if someone cut down trees that I loved.   Also sorry about the issues with your Mom.  I remember when my Mom did not have hearing aids, and conversation was very difficult.  Fortunately, she did not try to have a side conversation or change the subject.  Even so, it was tiring to have to keep repeating things.  I know that several people at the senior lunch program either don't have needed aids or don't wear them.  I'm not very good at shouting, so I need to keep repeating myself, etc.  I have hearing loss, so I really try to be patient.  That sounds like a neat charity.  I was interested to learn that they have a tree planting charity in Turkey, and apparently people ask for tree contributions in lieu of gifts sometimes.  


Glad you got so much done yesterday, snicks.  Of course, housework is really never done, but...... Happy you like your hoodie.  I notice that Linea has a hoodie at a much reduced price.  Pretty tempted, but I haven't purchased it yet.


I hope filling the tank does the job for your car, Arlene.  


I'm so happy for you and your DH, pinky ann.  It is great that he is home and won't need to use the oxygen forever.  Thanks for letting us know.


Hope your test went okay, Jean, and you are back on caffeine and well-fed now.  Hugs.  


Waves to Kathleen, twinny, Susan, Marijane, LindaR, Rosa, Karen, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.


Yesterday was very rough for me with DH -- mostly bathroom business.  I needed to wash his clothes twice in one day, and spent a bunch of time cleaning.  Fortunately, he slept pretty well last night, and today has been much better.  He went to the "club", and that seemed to go well.  And, I  took a walk, did my volunteer job, and went to the gym. For some reason, I'm feeling tired now, but I need to prepare dinner.  So, I better shape up.  


Hope everyone has a nice evening and sleeps well.



