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Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tuesday, June 14th)

[ Edited ]

Good Afternoon/Evening!  It is hot here, but it seems like many parts of the country are having very hot weather.  I saw a little of the on-line concert by two former music directors at my church who now live in Michigan, and they said it was 100 degrees there.  DD said it was also very hot in South Carolina.  She called me from the road when youngest DGS took over driving the truck to Maryland.  So far, so good on that project.


It was warm, but not too bad on my early morning walk.  The senior lunch program was very poorly attended today -- less than 10 people.  Yesterday, they had nearly 30.  Of course, part of the reason is that today it was salads, and yesterday sloppy joe's that are much more popular.  I have already assembled the hospice mailings, and plan to go to the gym after I finish posting.


Jean posted a picture on FB of herself and a friend waiting for the Pirates Dinner show in Pigeon Forge.  They looked happy.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone sleeps well.  Please post if you have a chance.







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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tuesday, June 14th)

Hi Linda @LindaLatte  Yea we're actually getting a 1-2 day heat wave here which is about as much as I can handle.  I'm glad that your daughter's move is nearing completion and that she is starting to get some things settled in her new home. I'm glad to read that Jean looks like she's having a good time on her trip.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Tuesday, June 14th)

LindaLatte---Thanks for the update on Jean's trip. Always good to hear that a vaca is going well. 


Good to hear that the move is coming along and going well. I'll keep my fingers crossed until all vehicles are in the proper garages.


IThat's quite the difference between the attendance and menu item. I would be there in a flash for the salad. LOL  Sloppy joes would be my hubby's #1 choice. I have to find my recipe for that. I had a Rachael Ray one that was great but I lost it somewhere. I remember that it was worth the "work" but I want something a bit easier that I can make in a hurry.