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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

Bernie--I have too many clothes here so I need to go through all of them and eliminate part of them. I rarely wear anything out but I still like new things when I likely could do well with what I have. 


I love that A304073 in black but I'm not willing to pay the price. I have plenty of black tops and don't like tanks but love that cardigan. I'm not,  however, paying that price which includes the tank.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

Hmm Jean @KonaKat  I have nothing against SG.  When I can buy something from Bob Mackie for less than what she's charging I can't help but give Sister Graver the side eye Woman Tongue Woman LOL


It's a nice set.  I just don't know if it's $70 nice.  I noticed they bumped the price up on that embroidered Denim & Co jacket. Woman Indifferent

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

Good morning..happy Memorial Day weekend. It is very hot and humid here in the land of 10,000 plus lake. Thank goodness for ac.


i spent my first week here purging my closet..donated 7 black bags full of clothes. Yes, I too have way too much...I have vowed no shopping for a year. The only thing I purchased was a dress for our upcoming golden wedding anniversary celebration. So I do a lot of window


Jean, that is a lot of height to lose. I am still 5’9 but my husband has lost inches. 


Bernie..I have been following the egg laying saga....we have some baby birds nested on our deck..

pepper can get nowhere near them..syd checks them everyday.


to all of the poster here, enjoy the rest of the weekend.  (((Hugs)))

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

[ Edited ]

Hey Barbara @sydsgma1  I don't really know know if I've lost any height.  When I was first diagnosed with some bone density concerns and a bad thyroid and I visited my endocrinologist I was asked how tall I was on the intake form.  I probably should have shut my pie hole.  Instead I said 5'10.  This is 5'10 as measured by my middle sister with a wooden ruler and a mark on the woodwork around one of the doors when I was in my 20's.  I honestly don't remember ever being measured by a physician.


When the doctor measured me, she came up with 5' 9 1/2 and said I lost height and then began to press hard for bone density meds.  Sigh.  She wasn't interested in the explanation of how I came up with 5'10.  She was more interested in treating me for more than one thing.


I've been going to her for a few years now and I have not lost any height.  I still say I'm 5'10 Woman Very Happy



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

Hello Ladies..whst a difference a day is rainy,chilly in the 60's, but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny again.


I liked the print of those Bob Mackie wide leg pants Bernie and also the black paisley SG but I don't like wide legs pants so no s/v for me.  I had gotten the q2 s/v Cli ton Kelly ankle pants the other day in a black with little flowers all over....they are cute.


I am only 5'3" and have shrunk a little,every time I go to the Drs. No matter what I go for.. they measure and weigh me..ugh on that one.


My son and GS will be coming up in a little while, it's lousy out and GS will still want to go into the pool...we'll see. DH went out this morning and picked up some lobsters,on sale, so that's what we will be having today.    YAnkees will be coming on soon,if they don't get rained out. THat's about all.   THanks for the info on those solar lights Bernie....we don't have that store here, I don't think they are anywhere on the EAst Coast    But I have seen some of changing colored lights on Amazon I am considering.  Presto lays pretty color eggs!     SAfe trip back home Linda.    HAve a nice day everyone.....Marijane



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

Bernie--I agree with you about the quality and pricing of Bob Mackie as compared to SG. I used to buy SG often when her prices were reasonable. I'm just not buying her things like I once did. 


Barbara--I remember reading about the woman who went on a mission not to buy clothes for a year. I think it is something most of us could do if we really tried.


Marijane--Everytime I go to any doctor. they are always measuring height and weight, and then calculating the BMI. You have motivated me to check out Amazon for the solar lights. Like you, we don't have Bernie's store here.


I'm about to  have lunch and then go out and bag the rest of the trimmings. Then I'll know how much fine-tuning needs to be done with the hedges.




**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

I also have too much clothes, I started to limit my shopping then I fell off and regressed back to shopping.  I have about 8 years to retire but I am starting Now!!  


So I might have to cut off the Q for a while. 

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

Happiness welcome!   I think most of us here are in that same " too much clothes" boat!


As long as we don't sink all's good.      Marijane.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

Marijane @Genny1  Have fun with your son and grandson.  It's supposed to reach 91 today with humidity.  Tomorrow is worse, 94.  I am not ready for temperatures that I consider Africa hot.  I ran to the grocery store because I was out of wild bird seed and I have sparrow parents trying to rear 2 or 3 babies (can't tell) in the birdhouse.  I grabbed a lightweight denim & co jean jacket expecting to need to stay warm in the store. They didn't have the A/C on Woman Surprised.  Let's just say I kept it to 12 items and used the U-scan and got outta there.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time - Sunday, May 27th

I bagged some more trippings but didn't feel the greatest, so I decided to lie down and read with my faithful mouser keeping me company. I had moments when I thought I should get up and sort some clothes thanks to all the activity here. Those moments didn't last long as  procrastination set it.


It is so hard to predict what to wear in some buildings, stores, etc. The AC wasn't working in my classroom the other day so it was super warm. The guy came in and worked on it during the planning period.. In the afternoon, I was wishing I had worn a jacket.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.