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Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Monday, Oct. 19th)

Hello, hello, hello.


I did a little bit of shopping over the weekend.  I ordered 2 air filters for my furnace directly from Aprilaire in the great state of Wisconsin.  They are the type of air filter that usually needs to be replaced once a year.  Because Finley (the newest family member) has full use of both of her wings, she sheds alot of powder down and I call her my ashy bird, lol.


For that reason I change the filter every 6 months and buying a 2 pack is cheaper than one at a time.


I was out of Georgia Pacific folded paper towels and after spending $7 a week for 2 weeks in a row on Bounty Basics I realized money was better spent on the case of folded paper towels so I placed an order from Home Depot.


My last purchase was from JCP.  They were running sales and I scored 50% in their mystery sale yesterday, lol.


I picked up some nicely lined isotoner gloves for my sister.  I'm thinking of these as part of her Christmas gift.  Allegedly they were $50, I got them for $25.



I bought myself a new winter vest



Believe me when I tell you that there were more items in my JCP cart when I started.  I thought it through though and am happy with what I purchased.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Monday, Oct. 19th)

Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Bernie - Thank you for starting us today.  I like the vest and the gloves.  I used to have a pair like them and I really liked them.  They do wear well, I owned mine for years.


Not much happening here, I did get all my ironing done, so that is a relief.  I have been pulling out all my winter clothes and washing them and trying them on.  I have sent 6 bags of clothes to the St. Vincent DePaul.  All were in good shape, but I just don't have the need for all the clothes.  I kept pulling them out every year and putting them back away every year, so this was the year.


I decided today was cleaning and get small projects done, tomorrow will be - be lazy and read all day.   It is raining today and we are supposed to get more tomorrow, so not only do we really need the rain, it makes me do projects I don't want to do on a nice sunny day.  Well off to clean bathrooms (told you I am just Ms. Excitment).  


Hope everyone has a great afternoon.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Monday, Oct. 19th)

Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Bernie.  I like the gloves and the vest.  I'm sure the other things you ordered will be useful, but not exactly fun.   Good for you shopping restraint at JCP.  I continue to struggle with my "wants", and that is particularly a problem when I find them on great sale.  I keep repeating to myself -- if you don't need them, you don't need them regardless of price.


Sounds like you have been doing a great job in decluttering, Susan.  Like your area, we could use the rain, but no such luck.  We have not had any rain since August, and not much then.  They are predicting a high of 93 degrees today, and highs in the 90's most, if not all week.  Unusually hot October so far after record high July, August, and Septembers.  Yikes!


It  has been a busy day here -- the roofing company came and did their repair work, and the yard guy is busy trimming the bushes.  He doesn't have any helpers today, so it is taking longer than normal.  I have an OLLI American Revolution class this morning, and a mammogram and bone density test this afternoon.  It is wild when so many things happen on the same day.  


No TSV for me, which is good since I so don't need any new clothes.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice evening and sleeps well.





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Posts: 41,675
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Monday, Oct. 19th)

Susan @PAlady  I know all about that excitement, I just came home from the laundromat.  I like to use one of those 3 load Speedqueen machines to wash my comforter.  I could do it in my washer but I worry the comforter is too crowded.  At least with a commercial grade speedqueen there is more than enough room for my comforter to be cleaned and rinsed thoroughly.  It's drying in my own dryer in the basement.  Even when I was a kid I'd get the heebie geebies using a public dryer.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,577
Registered: ‎03-20-2012

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Monday, Oct. 19th)

Hi Everyone!


It's raining today and cloudy. More of the same for Tuesday. I have my fingers crossed that it will be the same light off/on rain and no windy. Fingers crossed. 


KomKat---Your suggestion about clearing out the pen/pencil containers on the desk stuck with me this morning.  I just finished that mini project. I never thought of all the small projects because I get so bogged down with the big tasks. I may attempt this approach with that storage room and just do one shelf or box at a time. Thanks for the idea.


Birdmama--I liked the gloves and vest you selected. I love Isotoner golves and have a few pair. When they start to wear out then I use them in the garage and garden. The leather strips on the fingers help grabbing the  holly bushes, etc. I love the quilted vests. I have to limit myself because I think they are great for driving and running into the store.


I watched a bit of the D&Co shows and decided I better start the laundry. I have plenty of clothes yet I am still tempted by the tops. I actually need to take an afternoon and try things on to see if anything doesn't fit. I did that with the jeans and leggings but never did the tops. The sweaters are fine. I cleared out the lingerie drawer the last time Breezies had a TSV. I'm halfway thru the pajama drawer. Making progress...


I need to find a new furnace company for the yearly maintainence.  I'll have to put that on the list for this week. The previous company was the same one as the a/c nightmare so on to someone new. 


Have a good afternoon/evening.