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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

Hi Everyone!


Today is cloudy with rain and some thunder. The grass and gardens need the water so hopefully we won't have too much thunder.


The township has returned to check the hole in the street. Hopefully, they will repair it. Right now they have an traffic cone near it which I think is more dangerous than the hole.


Today is laundry day and probably tomorrow. Since it's been so hot I decided to take two days  so it stays somewhat cool down there.


LindaLatte- Thanks for the update on Jean. I'm glad the food and staff are fne. What an ordeal for her. 

I think decluttering some of the small items can be a big boost. It's more of a help than the large items, (I think) I can finally find the push pins, etc. without having to search 3 rooms. What a relief. Eventually, it will all get done. At least---that's what I tell myself. 


The C9 Christmas outdoor lights arrived last week. They are much nicer in person and I like the size better than how they appeared on air. Glad I ordered them. I may just discard the old outdoor tree and just put lights on the hedges. 


Have a good afternoon/evening.


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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

It is another warm, humid day...the skies are gray because of smoke from Canadian wildfires. I am about 100 miles from the border.


For whatever reason today is not as good as the last few . So I am chilling. I did take a walk down to the coffee shop and got my soup and half sandwich for $2. I will walk again later.


no declutter to do...I need to check the drawers in my new cabinets. I am not sure where a few items are  lol


Linda, nice that you got videos of the babies. My dils son and his girlfriend had their second baby at the end of June. I have not seen him yet. The heat from the sw is moving up here. 

Fressa...good that you like the lights. I have more than enough fall and holiday decorations. May you not have thunder today.


greetings to all of our posters and readers.



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

Hi to all of you.


I just read your last posts.


It's been a rough couple weeks for me.  Two weeks ago today, I had such severe lower abdominal pain that my dh took me to the ER.   They were very busy and I was there from 11:15-4:45.


First I saw two nurses, an hour later, I saw two more nurses.  Then two hours later I saw a very nice Dr.  He ordered a scan as he was very concerned about  the severe pain that I was having.  He suspected ovarian cancer when he saw the scan. 


He ordered a biopsy which I had the done this morning.  I was in & all done in an hour.  Not the six hours they said it could take.  I will not get the results back for several days.  I had no pain as I was slightly sedated.  If the biopsy shows cancer, I will be going to the Carbone Center at the UW- Hospital in Madison.  It's the best one in the country for me.


We were able to go to to the cafeteria for lunch, as I could eat nothing after midnight last night.


I was told to rest up today.  Then I am supposed to go to the gym asap and try to get a few of my walks in which I have not been able to do as I have had too much pain.  


I had my cousin & her cute little poodle here last weekend.  


On Saturday, we went to our friends funeral.  


We have been shown a lot of love.


Right now all we need are your prayers.


Hugs to all of you.






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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

I hope to post later, but I wanted to let Glenda know that you are in my prayers.  Sending you cyber hugs.



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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

Glenda - Keeping you my thoughts.  

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

Glad you are so pleased with the Christmas lights, Fressa.  It is great when things are even better in person.  


Sorry you are not feeling that well today, Barbara.  Hope you feel better tomorrow.


Happy to report that the patient who "graduated" from hospice seems to have taken it much better than I expected. 


I was surprised and happy to receive a nice card and several "thank you" gifts from the hospice director today (chocolates, lemon cookies, and even a small rose plant).  She said she appreciated all the extra office work that I have been doing.  Super nice and thoughtful lady.


Sending more hugs to Glenda. 


Hope everyone sleeps well.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

twinny 70----I will keep you in my prayers.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

LindaLatte---So nice to be recognized for your extra effort. You don't see much of that these days. Enjoy your treats.

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Registered: ‎03-20-2012

Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

sydsgma1-----Sorry you aren't feeling as well as the previous day. That's a great price on your lunch.

The last time I saw forest fire smoke was when we were at the cabin next to YellowStone. (that was years ago but it does make you pause)

Enjoy your walks and hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.

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Re: Shopaholics One Day at a Time (Friday 7/19)

Glenda @twinny70  you are in my prayers.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise