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Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

[ Edited ]

Good morning ladies, hope all is well.  


We are getting warmer weather the next couple days so I am excited.  We went out for breakfast today and was going to go thru the carwash - It was packed at 9:00, guess I will go later today or tomorrow.


Not much going on today, I do need to do some cleaning but just not feeling the love.  I think I have hit the winter blues - just not in the mood to do anything.  


We have a couple places to go today and I may do a little decluttering later.  We will see.  I cleaned out some purses and donated them to a cat spay and neuter organization for their bingo event next week and found a couple more.  I need to text them and see it they want them for prizes.  


Jean -  I am getting excited for you about your trip.


Linda - I hope the hospice work is going well.  I admire you doing that, I don't think I could.


Bernie - Hope all the critters are doing well.  I know they appreciate you feeding them.


Well off to do at least one thing constructive this morning.  Anyone watching the Super Bowl?  I may just recorded it for the commercials. 


Have a good morning everyone.

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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

Good Morning Susan @PAlady


Thanks for starting the thread today.  I'm currently half watching and half listening to a old cartoon - The Ant and the Aardvark Woman LOL


Image result for the ant and the aardvark


I was up at 6 am this morning and caught some of the Q's fashion programming.  Spring and summer are not my favorite seasons for clothing so I'm half paying attention to what they are selling.



The birds and squirrels started to act a bit more like themselves on Friday.  It's warmed up enough so far over the weekend that snow is melting.  This is creating some pools of water in the backyard.  I have some large hills of snow from shoveling and I think those will linger for awhile.


I'm sure that carwashes will be going non stop today.  Many people will be rediscovering the true color of their vehicles after all of the salt and grime are washed off.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

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Susan--Thank you for starting the thread. I wondered how you were faring with the gloomy nasty cold. I am with you; I find it hard to get motivated when it is Winter. If I could do something with the calendar, it would be to eliminate Winter but people do that by moving to more temporate areas. The only thing that interests me about the Super Bowl is Maroon 5.


Bernie--I'm the opposite of you when it comes to seasonal clothing; nothing is more enticing than to see Spring and Summer clothing presented. It is t he promise of better days to come.


Right now, I am watching Kim Gravel while drinking the 8Greens. I've never tried her line. Some of those models need to size up. Sorry, I don't like the sausage casing look on large people; it makes them look larger.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

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Good Morning and thanks for getting us started, Susan.  I never thought that I could be a hospice volunteer, but now I think it is a very good idea for me.  Unfortunately, i have only had one successful visit so far since the patients did not want visits the other three times.  Oh well.


I am a football fan, but not of either team playing today.  The only time I watched an entire Superbowl was when the Washington team was playing, and that was a very long time ago.  I will probably watch parts of the game, and I may watch more if it is exciting.  I heard that games played by the Patriots in the past have been close which would make the game exciting.  


I imagine car washes will do a lot of business after the snow, ice, and salt.  We are expecting rain today, so I will not be having my car washed for a while.  Glad you were able to go out for breakfast Susan, and I hope the winter weather ends sooner rather than later in your area.


I have never really been into cartoons, Bernie, but glad you are enjoying them.  I guess I just like clothes and shoes regardless of season, but I do miss needing/buying new clothes for the Fall and winter.  I do buy some, but not nearly as many since it is not cool/cold much here.


On the radio they had a segment about the seasons in parts of Alaska.  It is totally dark from November until the end of January.  The people are very happy and excited to see the sun again.  My thought is that it is a good thing I never lived there, and I think the same is true of you Jean.  I just can't imagine going months without sun.  Now I live in a very sunny area, thank goodness.


I have never purchased any Kim Gravel clothes either, Jean, and I agree with you about the need for some to "size up".  I don't understand why some feel it is so important to have a smaller "number" when the tight clothes actually make them look larger.  And, it is not confined to the larger models, etc.  Some of the tiny hosts seem to think that they need to wear extra, extra small versus extra small.  Why?


Nothing exciting planned for today.  I have a grief group this afternoon, which should be good.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Have a nice day!






ETA -- I forgot to mention that I took my first early morning walk in a while this morning.  It was fairly warm (50's) which was nice and comfortable.  Fortunately, it did not rain on my walk.  





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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

Linda--Happy that you were able to get in your walk. I'm with you on the Alaska and cartoon issue. I had a cousin who lived in Alaska several years in an area in which he and the family had to deal with the months of darkness issue. I might visit in an appropriate time but I have no desire to deal with long periods of darkness, nor do I want "to see Russia from my back porch."  I don't understand these adult cartoon movies that come out with the noted actors lending their voices. I'm sure they are paid well but there is nothing like a real movie compared to a cartoon.


I have a large Amazon box filled with things for Good Will, so I have done something productive today. There is nothing like sunshine and warmth to motivate me into action. I work the next two days and also Friday but Wednesday and Thursday are not booked at this time.


I am hungry. I just saw the presentation of the Q2 Big Deal that starts tonight. There are times I get the munchies for something sweet.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

Susan, we have been getting warmer weather since Friday and it's supposed to be in the 40's  for a few days and then maybe a little bit of snow.    My favorite meal out is breakfast.  Donating some bags for the BINGO benefit was a nice idea.  No Super Bowl game for me because 🏈🏈🏈 is my least favorite sport.


Bird Mama, I was up at 6:00 a.m. & it was a nice surprise to see Leah hosting ams. I am like you because I love fall & winter clothes.  Sumner is too hot for me to think about wearing much of anything.  The birds and squirrels are running all over the place here today. It's fun to watch them.


Jean. Yes. It amazes me, but tight clothing does look like a sausage casing.  Winter is my favorite time of the year to clean house and declutter.  It puts a "spring in my step," whereas hot weather makes me wish that I was in AK until it's dark 24/7.  It sounds like you have a busy week at school again.


Linda L, my DH will watch the Super Bowl game and I will read a good book.  It doesn't interest me at all.  I will read a good book or sew something.    The darkness in AK would be very depressing for me.  We have gone on two AK cruises in July and it was light all of the time.  I loved it.


It's a very foggy upper 40's day.  I am sad to see the snow melting because it took so long to get It.  The snowmobile trails are closed & it's hard for the ski resorts to operate.  I still look forward to winter weather again . The good thing about the bitter cold weather is that it killed a lot of germs & hopefully bugs.


We went to church, then to the gas station for a bag of milk and then back home.  We plan to hot tub real soon.  We haven't been in for a few days.  Either we had Dr. 

appointments or it was tooooo cold.


Our very first date together was on Ground Hog Day 50 years ago, so we had a fun time last night.  We went to the same place, but  It was a sports bar with a live local band  every weekend and now it's a nice restaurant.  We no longer dance the night away!


We get our 👀👀👀tested tomorrow morning and then plan to take my dmil for lunch afterwards.


Hugs to all of you.



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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

Twinny--You may not have danced the night away but you had a geat time celebrating the anniversary of your first date. Good luck on the eye appointments.


The last time I saw the Q before I went to read I heard, "the only order of the year." Two hours later, I turned it on again and heard "the only order of the year." I think those words are joining the $20 bill alert of words to entice use to shop.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Sunday, 2/3/2019)

Jean, that "only order of the year" & the $ 20 bill alerts  are as bad as "easy pays.   Nothing entices me to buy anymore.  It probably did when I was new to the Q.


It has been foggy all day and getting worse.  Hopefully it will go away at midnight like the Meteorologist keeps saying.