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Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

[ Edited ]

Good morning ladies, hope all is well.


This is my third try at this, not sure what I am bumping on my keyboard, but I keep loosing what I am writing.  So lost my last post so this will be short and sweet.


Having a sunny but cold day.  We are above freezing but the wind has picked up.  I am over winter and  want spring.


I don't have big plans for today, but want to do a couple of constuctive things here.  


Hope everyone has a great morning.

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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Susan @PAlady


I'm sitting here drinking my coffee trying to plan my day.  Target notified me that the second ceramic nightlamp I ordered has arrived at my local store so I will take a ride and pick it up.  It's only 2 or 3 miles away from me.


I updated my budget/tracking spreadsheets this morning, woo hoo, lol. 


I need to visit a carwash this weekend.  My car is supposed to be java brown metallic.  Right now it's a mix of crud and rock salt white.




There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

Good Morning, and thanks for getting us started, Susan.  Sorry you lost some posts.  That is very irritating.  Hope spring comes to your area sooner than normal.  It is cooler here today, and we are expecting below freezing temperatures tonight.  But, it should warm up on Tuesday and perhaps reach the 70's on Wednesday.  I'm sure there are many constructive things to do in your house as there are here.  However, I am very easily distracted by the computer, etc.  I surprised myself by going through my laundry room/storage area yesterday.  All I can say is that I don't think I'll need cleaning supplies for quite a while.  I didn't realize that I had such a big supply of cleaners.


Hi Bernie.  Glad your lamp is in, and you got those budget/spreadsheets done.  Hope you get your car washed, and it is back to being beautiful.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.


I have started laundry, and I plan to do my weekly financial review later.  Things are complicated since I am changing things around.  But, I think all is okay.  I'll be visiting DH as well.  He was very sleepy yesterday, and had not eaten breakfast.  However, he did pretty well at lunch.


Have a nice day everyone!






P.S. I read on FB that Barbara's heat is back on -- good news.

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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

Bernie - Took my car to the carwash yesterday, it is now looks much better.  Have you started your count down calendar to retirement?


Linda - Hope DH is doing better today.   Glad to hear Barbara's heat is back on.


I got thru a large pile of catalogs and magazines today.  I had the magazines and catalogs cleaned up last week.  I received a bunch of them this week.  I am really going to try to do a no buy month next month.  I have "treated" myself way too much the last couple months.  


Hope everyone enjoys their afternoon.

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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

@PAlady  not yet Susan.  I'm asked often at work, how many days?  I say how many days what?  To be honest - I've got so much work and have to figure out how to get people who think they know it all to meet with me.  I think these individuals want to look good to the manager and think that me sitting down with me to transfer some responsibility and tasks is a sign of weakness.


That couldn't be more different from the way I work.  Additional work that I have zero expertise in was foisted on me last fall.  I said, well, I know boopkus however I think I can learn. Can I have access to the subject matter experts so I don't screw up the customer's benefits?


Seriously we can't know all aspects of the business, not at at a SME level anyway, even when you work over 35 years.


Between, you, me and the wall Woman Tongue the person who did this before me didn't have to do what was demanded of me and the persons (we're up to 3 now) who will do this after I leave won't have to do what was demanded of me.


I think 2018 would have been a rocky year for me had I not turned in my paperwork.  I could smell and sense something coming last fall. 


Once I'm officially out, I will be able to be more honest and open.  Right now, I'll keep some of the details to myself.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

Hi everyone, Susan - thanks for getting us started today, and sorry that your posts were acting up.  Good for keeping up on the magazines and catalogs.  They can stack up quickly, can't they?  Bernie - Sounds like your workplace sure has taken you for granted, basically doing the work of 3 people.  May these last few weeks go smoothly.  Hope the errand to Target and the car wash go well.  Linda - sometimes when I clean up an area I'm surprised by how much of something I've accumulated.  One more good reason to stay on top of things.  I enjoy doing financial reviews.  Not sure why, but I like that kind of record-keeping.  Hope yours goes well.


My DH is gone for the weekend.  He's at a cabin in the mountains with my BIL and niece's DH.  They're going to go fishing and do some target shooting.  Hope they have fun.  I'm taking advantage of his absence to binge watch on T.V. and not cook any fancy meals.  It's rather nice for a change.


Waves to everyone!  ~  Charlene

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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

Charlene @cerb  Enjoy your 'me' time.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

Susan, 3rd time posting is annoying.  Enjoy your catalogs.  I enjoyed them when I was working, but now I enjoy a good paperback book.


Bird Mama, you certainly have earned your up coming retirement.  I hope that you have a fabulous time.  My DH was SO READY to retire after 32 years at Frito Lay that he said that it took him about 2 days to get used to it!  Of course I was a full-time job for about the first 2 years.  Now we make the most of it.  Every day is it gift from God.


Linda L, I have done lots of laundry this week, but my only financial work is balancing the check book which I did this morning.  It never comes out Right, but if I am within $10 I am happy.


CERB, enjoy yoiur ME weekend.  I get more done when I am here alone.


It is a beautiful sunny 50° day.  I did my downtown walk this morning & the square was busy with walkers of all ages.  Dog walkers too.


I am making pizza for dinner.


Yesterday after my bf's DH finished his speech therapy, we played cards & had dinner out.  Just in 2 weeks time,  his speech & walking are so much better.  Parkinson's is a horrible disease, but the 4 of us are traveling this route together.


Our DD had a birthday on Thursday & she had a stomach virus ugh!  Christopher is 17 today.  Andrew will be 15 next Thursday.  It is fun watching them become fine young men.  Christopher is a very good role model for his sibs.


It is so nice to get more day light.  


Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics: One Day At A Time (Saturday, January, 20th)

Bird Mama, our Subaru Forester is bronze brushed metallic but it was probably the color of your car this morning.  My DH washed it & it is beautiful again.  He washed it 2_weeks ago  but our streets are thickly covered with salt & gravel.  Not complaining because we have a great city crew & our roads are taken care of quickly when it sleets or snows.  The Snow is 99% gone.