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Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

Good morning, almost afternoon, ladies, hope all is well.

Still looking for that nice weather here, we woke up to rain and thunderstorms today. If I remember correctly, the weatherman said it was supposed to be nice today and no rain until Friday. Guess he was wrong. I am really getting tired of this weather, my yard is a mess because we can't get out in it and weed and replace dead plants. Okay, off my soapbox now, I just had to vent.

Not much going on here today, just cleaning out some shirts that I haven't worn in awhile and ones that I just don't like for various reasons. I will probably have 3-4 bags for the youth home by the time I am done. I don't want to think about the money I wasted on this stuff. Oh well, live and learn.

LindaL - Hope your DD is going well, sorry to hear about the car problems. She doesn't seem to be able to get a break with her vehicles.

LindaR - Hope your cousin (?) is doing okay. When does he have to have his surgery?

Well off to get a couple things done, I want to take the clothes to the youth home this Friday, so I need to get moving.

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

Good morning Susan! Last night I went through all my jewelry and pulled out about 20 pieces that get little to no wear. I'm not sure what I will do with them - none very valuable but a few Brighton pieces in there. What is left is all that I love - mostly pearls and Brighton and gifts that have been given to me. My jewelry armoire looks a tiny bit empty! But that's ok too, I still have plenty of everything.

I need to do that with my clothes as well, but like Jean said yesterday sometimes I pull out a top that "wasn't right" and suddenly it works again.

I am on a shoe kick (ha ha the pun) and getting rid of ones that don't work anymore. My favoritist pair that was always too high, to stilleto ish is now in the thrift. I still have several pairs I am holding on to, and perhaps I will get in the habit of carrying an extra pair to work with me so I can wear them all. I can't just chunk them yet!

Not much going on here today. It seems like I sit down and it's 8pm!! I'm very resentful of this new time warp I seem to be in. I guess it's because I am doing more things around the house? I'm just not sure.

They say rain for us extreme tomorrow and I am hoping for the ground's sake that they are correct. Maybe DH will "get" to mow this weekend! He certainly loves to do it.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

Good morning: Thank you for asking about my cousin. He is currently with his mom (she also has health issues) and is having PT to build up his strength and on antibiotics. Surgery will probably be in about a month---so it is weighing heavily on his mind I am sure.

We have a chance of some severe weather tonight and tomorrow. Weekend should be nice--well according to the weather predictions which we know aren't always on target!.

Yesterday I made a quick trip to the grocery--they are remodeling the store so it is a challenge. In the midst of this they added several racks of clothing---hello---everything is moved around and you block the aisle space!!! On my way back to my vehicle I was approached by a lady---she said she had three kids and was trying to get money for food. She had a bag of chips in her hand--which I think someone gave her from their grocery purchase. I gave her a few dollars and watched her walk across the street toward the chicken place---I always feel so conflicted. If I had seen the children I would probably have been moved to provide her with more.

I see cooking day again. Didn't we just have this last month! I guess it is a big sale day.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

Kathleen: we were posting at the same time---yes, hoping we don't get hail or worse! But we can use the moisture.

Best to keep busy when you get home from work---I know DH will be happy to be home for the weekend.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

Kathleen - I have been slowly going thru my jewelry, I have been getting forgotten stuff out and wearing it. If I don't like it, it will be donated, the costume jewelry goes to the Vet donations, but the better stuff- not sure yet. I do have some gold to sell, I have some items from high school and have not touched it in years. Again, I feel like it is money wasted, but I can't stand the clutter anymore.

I hope you and LindaR don't get severe weather, I know you need rain, but, hopefully you can get it in small increments.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

Hi girls!

Well, I'm waiting for the power company to call me back about the internet bill (they provide that "service") - a woman said she'd call me back today, never did, so I called again, and am waiting for a callback. They have until the end of the day...after that, they've lost a customer! {#emotions_dlg.mad}

I got a lot done yesterday - the grass cut, both front and back; the baking cabinets and garage storage rearranged (I was looking for stuff to donate to the food bank; mail carriers nation-wide will be collecting food on Saturday); the refrigerator and freezer cleaned out (when they take that piece of junk back it'll be clean!); a couple of packages ready for the chaplains; winter bedding washed and put away; some tidying up in my office.... Today I'm making donuts for the mechanics and hope to get a bit more done around the house. I'm planning to sell my golf and tennis equipment; I don't use them and it's nice having less clutter, so I'll post them on Craigslist.

LindaR, interesting that your supermarket is selling clothing. One of the things I love about Aldi is you never know what you'll find, and right now they have some cute purses...but I don't need any more and they're in winter colors.

The days have been pretty hot - near 90° - but with the cool nights it's too early to use the pool, but I have to get some quotes on getting it power-washed and ready to go for the season.

No severe weather is forecast for here, but I see it's supposed to rain quite a bit next I'll have to mow again. {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} It's not that bad once I get started; I have an electric mower that's quite powerful, the only thing is remembering to keep an eye on the cord.

Guess I'd better get moving - have a blessed day, everyone!

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

Good Morning/Afternoon! Thanks for getting us started Susan. Sorry about your weather. It is cooler than normal here (high should be in the low 70's), but at least the wind has diminished. Yesterday we had "red flag" warnings due to the high winds and lack of humidity. No fires in the immediate area, thank goodness.

Thanks for your wishes for DD. The truck is back, and it is fine. It doesn't help that they have three vehicles, and none are very new. Oh well..... She is feeling a bit better today, but spent most of the day yesterday in bed. That was unprecedented for her. She should be ready for her MRI tomorrow morning. Hopefully, they won't find any new issues, and she can just go on stronger migraine medicine. I used to have horrible migraines, but a few years into menopause they mostly went away -- what a blessing.

Good luck with your sorting/donating. I don't like to think about the money I have wasted either. My hope is that I learn my lesson about overbuying. I am making some progress, but....

Hi Kathleen -- glad you are getting so much done, but try to pace yourself a bit. I know part of DD's problem is that she is always doing something, and that doesn't help when she gets a bad headache. I was the same way. Good for you getting rid of seldom worn/unworn jewelry, etc. I did that a few years back, but I could probably do more.

Waves to LindaR. How frustrating at the store. I know that has happened to me when stores re-model, which they seem to do a lot. Still praying for your cousin -- I'm sure the wait is awful. Hope you and Kathleen don't have severe weather and stay safe. I have the same conflicted feelings when I'm approached by people like that. I tend to be more sympathetic to women, children, and older or handicapped men than the younger, more able-bodied looking guys. Interestingly enough, there are far fewer people asking for money here than in Maryland.

Good for you getting so much done Arlene. Hope you get some answers from the power company pronto.

Waves to Jean, twinny, Sonya, Marijane, Rosa, Nancy, Karen, Gayle, Kathy, Val, and all of our posters and readers.

Not much going on here. DH and I had a nice walk this morning, and I have cooked some dried beans for dinner -- note to self -- make a full pound and freeze the rest in the future. They take so long to cook -- yikes. I have mopped the kitchen floor, and hope to do other floors later. This afternoon I plan to go to Curves.

The postal carriers are picking up things here as well Arlene. The head of the food bank said that people would like salad dressing, so I think I'll pick some up along with a few other things. I already have a bunch of food ready, but I like to give things that people are asking for not already in my bag.

Hope everyone has a nice day!



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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Wednesday

So at lunch I asked my car if she wanted to go shoe shopping or to (hometown) pick up the certified letter we had. She promptly told me I shouldn't be shoe shopping and turned left to go home. 35 min wait in the post office finally got me a letter that wasn't even that important (thought it was for DH new license plates), then quick stop at Pizza Hut that took 5 more minutes because the girl was confused and I was too frustrated and angry to speak. ::sigh:: should have picked the shoes!!! Smiley Very Happy

I've both sent and received jewelry from different ladies on our thread, a couple different times and it was such a blessing to give and to receive!! I wish I could get together with friends and do a jewelry swap!

Linda I hate it when they remodel. I went last night and noticed afterwards we are totally out of a couple things! So will stop after my women's group tonight. Kyanne again did not eat all her breakfast. I wonder if I'm feeding her too much. Last night she left a few bits left in the bowl.