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Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

Good morning ladies, hope all is well.


Thank you all for the birthday wishes for DH, I think he had a good day.  At least he said he did.   He got hos meatloaf and strawberry pie, so he is good.  I have an appt. for a cut and color today, usually my appt. are early morning, but this one is not until after lunch and I hate waiting to go to appts. 


Not much on the schedule today, just my appt., and maybe some general cleaning up. 


Well off to get my caffeine and see what awaits me.  Have a good morning everyone. 

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

SUSAN, It sounds like the birthday meal was a huge success. I got my hair cut a few weeks ago & am so glad that I did as we are in for a week of hot weather. No house cleaning here this week, but next week I will be in full force again. Hot weather makes me very lazy. I did manage to take my moped downtown earlier than usual today for my walk. The pedometer was a good buy for me yesterday. Now I know how far I have gone & when to quit. I have had lots of tomatoes ripen in this hot weather, so last night I cooked some of them up & then made a batch of chili to put into the crock pot for dinner tonight. I usually only make chili in the wintertime, but DH & I both mentioned that chili sounded so good right now. The time is flying by so fast this year. I love fall weather, so it should be just around the corner. Hugs to all of you today.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

Good morning all, thanks for starting us off today PAlady. Hope you enjoy getting your color and cut today, even though you have to wait for the appt. I prefer my appts to be in the mornings too. Glad your DH enjoyed his b-day.


twinny, I think you will enjoy your pedometer, might encourage you to go a bit farther each day...or not, lol. We also like chili sometimes during warmer weather, I made some last week actually.


I am washing rugs today, have done the pool maintenance, now have some errands to run then a little bit of cleaning. That's going to be about it for my day, I think. Enjoy the day everyone. Waves.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

Hi everyone - I have some catching up to do... Arlene - I liked the photo of how a college student heats up pizza - that could be my son, lol.  Sorry that Autumn peed on your bed.  When Davis did that a month ago, I knew that in his case it was behavioral.  He's being picked on by one of our other cats.  I bought a new litter box and set it up in the corner of our bedroom where he feels "protected" and we haven't had another accident.  LindaL - I have a degree in history too, that OLLI program sounds great.  I've always been curious and like to learn new things.  So glad to hear that your osteoporosis is better.  What great news!  Sue - welcome, this is a great group of ladies and I hope that you visit often.  Barbara - hope you're feeling well.  Bernie - I think your olive green suede boots sound nice with navy pants.  I liked your story of living at the funeral home and how your mother would reach out to those families that had few attendees at their service.  That was sweet of her.


My DS and I ran quite a few errands the past couple of days.  Left me kind-of tired.  I think I'm just doing a few misc. chores today, plus the ongoing job of sorting and organizing.  My big formal Bible study begins next week, and I've been using that as my goal date to have much of the organizing done by then.  


Hope you're all doing well Smiley Happy   ~   Charlene



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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

SNICKS, I started walking 3 weeks ago & thought that I had done a mile a day to be dissapointed that I had only done 3/4 of a mile when I traced the route on my moped.  Cerb, running errands tires me out big time, especially when it is hot.  It sounds like a nice Bible study.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

Good Morning/Afternoon!  Thanks for getting us started Susan.  Glad your DH had a nice birthday, and hope you like your hair cut and color.  I'm another one who would prefer morning appointments, but that doesn't seem to work all that often. At least one of our doctors only comes to the area in the afternoon, and  only one day a week.  I think the neurologist only comes to the area one day every other week.  


Nice that you have so many tomatoes, twinny.  Nothing like fresh homegrown tomatoes.  Wish I could grow them here, but no such luck.  I have been wearing a pedometer for eight years or so.  It definitely helps motivate me.  Like some who have other trackers, I will sometimes just walk in place at night to make my 10,000 steps a day goal.  That is sort of cheating in my mind, but.....  Hope your weather improves soon.


You certainly do a lot of work there snicks.  I am good at getting in my exercise and meetings, but cleaning doesn't always go so easily for me.  Somehow, I can spend hours on the computer instead.  


Good luck with your organizing, Charlene.  I imagine you are a bit tired after all that running around with your son.  Interesting that you were a history major as well.  I keep hearing that one should get a degree that will make you "marketable", and history is not usually considered in that category.  Back in the "old days" I think it was more acceptable to have a "liberal arts" education which was not necessarily a ticket to a job.  But, then again, I didn't have student loan debt, etc.  My Master's degree in Criminology was only slightly better in terms of leading to employment.  Guess I should count myself lucky that I did find a job -- not related to either degree.  LOL


Waves to Jean, Kathleen, Arlene, Bernie, Marijane, LindaR, Rosa, Barbara, Karen, Gayle, pinky ann, Sue2, and all of our posters and readers.


DH and I had a nice walk this morning, and my strong bones workout went well.  We met 15 minutes early, so I felt a bit rushed, but no problem.  This afternoon, I have a meeting with my caregivers group.  I was already schedule to staff a booth to promote the OLLI classes next Thursday, and now I'm scheduled for tomorrow morning as well.  Not sure how much time, if any, there will be to take our walk before then, but.....


Have a good day everyone!









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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

LL, I had a wonderful neurologist 14 years ago for less than 2 years.

He left & took a job at the Mayo Clinic.  Then our clinic didn't get another one a long time.  I have a great one at the UW-Madison Clinic.  He specializes in my disorder.  Good luck at your caregivers meeting.  You certainly need a break.  DH is mowing the lawn & it is so hot today.  I hope he just uses the riding one & not the push one or the weed wacker.  I am enjoying the A/ C.  Chili is in the crock pot for dinner.  Probably not the best choice for a hot day, but I had lots of tomatoes to take care of last night.


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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

Hi girls - There it goes again, the cursor jumping to the message tags box...  (sigh)

It's a hot day, so I'm going to relax in the pool with a book while I still can; I'm debating whether or not I want to go to Sam's and/or Walmart later. I had a dentist's appointment but I really didn't feel up to it so I rescheduled; I'm taking some PhD level classes with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung next week, so I won't see the dentist until the 16th.  I'm really looking forward to them.


I just called the Publix manager; they're having some fantastic sales on pet food, so I really stocked up yesterday.  Well, the cashier and two other employees who helped were great - we had a lot of fun after I told the cashier that she'd better not call me a crazy cat lady - the proper term is "feline enthusiast!"  The 16# bags of kibble were $9.99 so I got a two month supply; the canned food came out to $7.50 a case, so I got enough for two months as well; the pet food sales aren't in the regular rotation. One of the ladies went looking for more kibble as I took what was on the shelves, and we all had a good time. laughing and joking.  Anyway, I called the manager to tell her how great they were and how much fun shopping there last night was, so they'll all get a free lunch...and they'll remember me next time I go there. Cat Wink


Darn it, Susan - now I want some strawberry pie!  Cat Frustrated Glad your husband had a nice birthday. Twinny - wish you lived close to me - I love home-grown tomatoes!


Charlene, I don't know what came over Autumn - she's usually good about going to the door to be let out, and I can't imagine what she got miffed about in the middle of the night.  She's a pretty smart dog, though - she knows to stay off the bed, and if she does jump on it (as if testing me) she's off in a flash as soon as I start to scold her.  She's been hanging out under the bed a lot, and sleeps on the rug next to the bed; when I can, I'll get her a dog bed if I can find a nice, inexpensive one - Angelica chewed up all the ones I had.  (She now sleeps on the bare bottom of her crate.)  As for the cats...oy!  Someone poops on the rug every single night.  (sigh) 


Aw, Bird - that was so sweet what your parents used to do...and they taught you a good lesson in compassion along the way.


I guess I should get the rugs vacuumed, then head outside.  I also have to unload a couple hundred pounds of cat food from the car; I was too tired last night.  Unfortunately, I don't see it as bags/cans of food for them to enjoy - I see it as piles of poop I'll have to scoop out of the litter boxes... Cat Sad  The story of my life...


Have a blessed day, everyone!







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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

BTW, Bird, someone put a picture of your ironing board on FB (Bet you didn't even see them in  your house!); I now understand why you enjoy ironing...


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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Thursday Sept. 3

Susan, thanks for getting us started today. I'm glad your husband enjoyed his birthday and hope you are pleased with your cut and color today.


Twinny, chili sounds really good.  Don't be hard on yourself as it relates to walking, especially in this ungodly heat.  I wouldn't want you to pass out somewhere.


Snicks,  it's good to get the chores done before you go anywhere.  This way, you come back to a clean house :-)


Charlene, am I remembering correctly that your daughter went back to school already?  Do any of the pets miss her?  How is your new cat - oh Lord I will probably botch this up - was the name Davis or something like that?


LindaL,  I'm glad that you are participating in a caregivers group.  Nobody understands the journey like another caregiver.


Arlene, I started my day at the dentist.  This visit was a quicky - just a small filling.  You shop for cat food, like I shop for bird food for the outside birds.  My local Meijer was having a sale on 40 lbs for $19.99 and I've been stopping in and getting 40 lb bags while the getting is good. 


That is not my ironing board ;-)  The man on the board has firmer boobs than me.  Can't have some young thing mock me when I am trying to relax (lol).





There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise