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Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

Hello all - I hope that each of you is having a good day.  Not much going on here, just came back from grocery shopping.


I have the windows open, but it's getting humid so I'm debating whether or not to kick the A/C on.


There you have it, my big decision of the day )lol).


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Bernie - Thank you for starting us today.  I was going to open windows today, but I waited too long and the humidity set in.  We had a nice rain last night, I wasn't expecting it and my mums got beat down pretty bad, not sure if they will perk up. 


Jean - Hope your are feeling better.


Not much going on here today, I am feeling very lazy.  I have sat here for the last two hours watching shows on the mafia.  I like to watch shows on the mafia, I find them very interesting.


Well, I do need to move my body and go to the store for a couple things.  Have a good day everyone.  

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

Hi Bernie - Thanks for getting our thread started today, and congratulations on the birth of your great niece.  Rosaglad that the Susan Graver TSV worked out for you.  I ordered it as well, but will probably return it.  I'm in between sizes and ordered up, but that made the neckline too wide and shows off the bra straps easily.  I'm debating ordering in a smaller size.  I might keep an eye out for "as is" returns and buy one that way.  Sydsgma - glad you had a fun and safe trip to Hawaii!  Twinny - your trip to Amish country sounds so neat, I hope I get to do that someday.  Gayle - I like your idea of making an extra large batch of chili so you can have some leftovers and not have to cook every night.  My DH isn't always happy about eating leftovers, but I sure am!  Arlene - Sorry to hear about your tire blowing out, but I'm really glad that it didn't cause any type of accident.  How nice that the police officer watched over you till help arrived.  I'm praying that your finances get stretched out to accommodate the expenses.  Jean - I used to be a substitute teacher back when I was in my 20s, and yes, it can be very tiring.  I think walking into an unknown situation is much more stressful than regular teaching where you know what to expect.


I've got another sinus headache today.  I need to go take some meds.  I love my kitten but he wants to snuggle right next to my face all night long and it triggers my allergies.  Oh well... I did make it to church this morning and that was really nice.  Now I've got some misc. chores to do and read the Sunday paper.  


Happy Sunday everyone!   ~   Charlene

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

Hi girls,


Oh, how I hate this new board - it just "ate" my entire response!  Cat Mad


Looks like a slow day here - where is everyone?  It's cooler out - high 70s - so I won't be able to hit the pool. Cat Sad  I think I'm going to just make cupcakes; I have to go to the bank tomorrow, haven't made some for the police in a while, and I have a few other people I wanted to surprise with some.  I might take the dogs for a short ride; I was going to do it last night, but decided that - until I get the other front tire replaced - I'm better off not driving around in the dark.  I also have to find the code to disconnect the caps lock key - it's driving me nuts. 


I did get my homework done last night, so that's out of the way.


I'll check in later - have a blessed day, everyone!

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

BIRD MAMA, It is getting humid here too & will be a hot week. Of course it has been a mostly wonderful cool summer until school starts on Tuesday & it will be near 90. SUSAN, It rained about 2" between Friday night & yesterday morning. We needed the rain sod that was good. The mafia shows sound interesting. CERB, I have been bothered by allergies for a couple of weeks & we don't have any pets around us. FHG, It sounds like you classes are going well. I bet that your home smells so good from all of the baking that you do. It was a busy weekend after coming back from our mini vacation. Friday I did grocery shopping & got things put away. We didn't do the "cars on the square" on Friday night as it looked like rain at any given moment. Yesterday we had a very nice pool party/90th birthday party. The weather was cloudy & cool but it did't keep the kids out of the warm water. My MIL looks great & she still has the boyfriend. They both look so happy together. She was widowed at 63, so she had been single for a long time & he has lost 2 wives. He bought her a beautiful orchid corsage. Today after church DH & I went to a going away party. Very nice couple. I am very tired from going to the Amish flea market/auction on Tues. & Weds. but so much fun. Tomorrow will be a rest up day for me. I need to catch up on laundry when I feel up to the task. I cleaned house before we left, so that part is fine for now. Off for a much needed nap.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

[ Edited ]

Bernie--Thank you for starting the thread. Grocery shopping is a need and one more easily done on a Sunday. It is humid here so kicking on the AC would not be a decision hard to make.


Susan--Being lazy and watching shows is ok but the mafia? Just don't go and make out a contract on one of us.


Charlene--I hope your sinus headache is better. Kitten cuddling comes naturally to them, but it does complicate allergies, They are so warm.


Arlene--You really keep yourself busy with making cupcakes and other goodies. I made some Southwestern cornbread muffins yesterday and that effort, although good, won't be repeated for a while.


This is a pic taken of the moon last night:




I was going to the city today to visit a friend but I developed a headache and upset stomach, so I stayed home. I watched Netflix for a couple of hours and then went to bed to read with Midnight cuddling up against me. Apparently, I needed to sleep as I fell asleep with me awakeing with Kindle still in hand. That means I won't be sleeping much tonight.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

[ Edited ]

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Thanks for getting us started Bernie.  Glad you got your grocery shopping done.  Decisions about cooling/heating are not always easy.  It is pretty hot and humid here, so no open windows for sure.  The AC is running pretty strong.


Hi Susan.  Glad you enjoyed watching your Mafia shows.  I would probably find them interesting as well.  Yesterday, I watched a show about Joseph Stalin -- he was even worse than I thought.  Yikes!  I had been on the waitlist for borrowing two movies from the library, and both came in on the same day.  I enjoyed both of them "Unbroken" and "The 100 foot Journey".  I had read "Unbroken", and I expected to be disappointed since they couldn't put all that material into a movie, but I think they did a pretty good job.  What a remarkable man!  The other movie was good, but not great in my opinion.  


Very sorry about your sinus headache, Charlene.  Glad church was good.


I forgot to say how happy I am that you were okay despite the flat tire, etc., Arlene.  Whew!  I hope you can replace the other problem tire soon, but I know tires aren't cheap.  And, money is tight.  You must be known far and wide as the baker lady -- I'm sure people really appreciate the goodies you make for them.


Hope you had a good nap, twinny.  Glad the birthday/pool party went so well, and your MIL is happy.  She and her boyfriend sound very sweet.  Glad you got the house clean before you left so no need to worry about that now.


Sorry your friend wasn't feeling well, Jean.  Hope you can sleep tonight.  Do you know if you will be working tomorrow?


Waves to Kathleen, Marijane, LindaR, Rosa, snicks, Barbara, Karen, Gayle, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


As some of you may know, I have a fairly new camera, and I have been putting up a few pictures on FB -- sky pictures.  I was afraid that people were getting bored, but the response so far is good.  My SIL, who is a semi-professional photographer recommended this camera.  It is more complicated and heavier than my previous cameras, but it does seem to do a better job of taking pictures (zoom, colors, etc.)


Church was pretty good today, but I had a larger than normal "pew tidying" job and I was the only one dong it, so it took longer.  DH and I had gone for a walk this morning, and then went to the gym after I returned from church. For the second time, someone at the gym complimented my efforts on the machines.  That made me feel good, since I'm not exactly a "gym rat" or "fitness expert".  Actually, far from it.  Just trying to keep fit and hopefully strengthen my bones.  I have my mammogram and bone density tests tomorrow afternoon.  Fingers crossed that there has been bone improvement in the last year and the mammogram doesn't show any problems. 


 I came home and made lunch, and now I'm feeling a bit lazy.  I still have ironing to do, as well as making dinner.  Guess I'll get to work after I "play on the computer" for a while.


Sleep well everyone!






ETA -- Sorry Jean, I just realized that you were sick not your friend.  Hope you will be fine tomorrow.  And, Bernie -- you are my hero -- able to change your tire and not get dirty?  I can get dirty so easily.  And, I am not sure that I could change a tire.  It was a requirement when I took driver's ed in high school, but I've never done it since.  Even then, I think I did it with another student.  

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

Linda--You are very conscientious about your efforts to remain physically fit and to keep the bones strong, something that is very important as we age. You are a great role model for us.


As of right now, I'm not working tomorrow. I have some dates arranged up through October 30. This week has 3 days.


I am very pleased at how I've kept within the budget this month, so with one more day to do, I think it will be easy to finish the month and then start a fresh month.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

Arlene, did you have a functional spare tire in your trunk?  Do you know how to change a tire?  I'm not being a smart aleck - I happen to think that all women should know how to do it.  Keep in mind I grew up in a rough part of Detroit and it was not the best idea to be a sitting duck, anywhere (lol).


There was a period of time when the dept of transportation was repaving or doing something to the Lodge Freeway.  At the time I worked in downtown Detroit and had to travel to our Southfield location for project implementation meetings in the early 90's.  I drove the Lodge frequently and got so many flat tires enroute that I joked that I saw more rubber than a prostitute that summer.


I got so good at chaning tires, I could do it in a skirted suit (ankle long skirt) with pumps on and not get dirty (rofl).  Me and Belle Tire had quite the romance that summer.


I think I replaced every tire on that lease vehicle I was driving.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Sunday, August 30th

Jean, I was doing pretty well on my budget, till I ordered from JCP and then saw those olive boots.  I had the nerve to place an amazon order yesterday!  In my defense, one item was an air filter for my furnace/humidifier and the other item was dish towels to be used for the sparrows habitats.  My birds have never walked on the grill/bare floor of a cage.  I've always found cheapie dish towels that line the bottom and get laundered every day and swapped out for clean ones.  99% of what lands up in the towels is bird seed and water from when Poppi bathes.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise