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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Linda--Good job on decluttering DH's drawers and clothing. You continue to enjoy walks together. I think you made a good decision not to face the stores today. Saturday is always bad but the day before a holiday is super bad.

Twinny--I am glad that you and DH enjoyed the fish fry. If he was not feeling well, then it was likely a good decision to not attend the Good Friday services. Enjoy your Easter brunch. It sounds fabulous!

I'm watching IM despite never ordering anything of his other than the ceramic watches, which I love. My $10 off Kohls coupon which could have been used on some new tops will not be used. I just couldn't get myself in the mood to go to the city when not feeling the best. Had it been an appointment for hair, nails or doctor, I would have gone but shopping alone is not a great motivator right now for me. I also have the car loaded with goodies for donation once I make it to the city.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Hi Ladies! Hope everyone has a beautiful Easter tomorrow no matter your plans or the weather. It's been weird for me today not to have had things to do with company coming, but I just baked the ham, and cooked the eggs. I'll be sure the kitchen is nice after supper, so I can relax in the morning, and just worry about getting to mass.

I had a regular doctors appointment yesterday, and explained to him all of the problems that resulted from the cholesterol meds I took for a few months. He was very concerned, and to my surprise didn't rush to try something else. I wouldn't have agreed anyway, so I was glad it never came up.

Susan, I'll bet your home will be so nice after all your things are back in place after painting. Nothing like it to renew a room.

LindaR, Wishing you a wonderful time with your family too. Your flowers sound beautiful. We actually have daffodils poking through already, in spite of how long our snow has held on. There are still larger piles to melt, and some through the trees that the sun can't reach easily.

Bird, Love the shoes and the table! I love the perforated style leather, and it's cool for the warm weather. We never pay credit card interest either. Haven't for as long as I can remember.

Jean, Hope you get your enthusiasm back for your trip, and feel better long before that. Believe me I understand the hermit feeling very well. If I have a bad day pain wise, or a few, I have no interest in being away from home, no matter how close by.

LindaL, Glad you've gotten your project underway, and are making good progress with it. My mom was on a similar med as your DH has started, and it takes a few days to get the full benefit.

Arlene, Glad you had a good time yesterday with your friend. Your flowers sound so pretty too! I bought a single hyacinth plant the other day for the window over the sink. I'm crazy about the way they smell, and love having that scent when I have anything to do over there. Do I remember correctly that you have fibro? If so, I was wondering if weather changes bug you a lot or not. Sorry if I have you mixed up with someone else. I ask as my doctor mentioned cutting down my pain meds, very low on the relief scale as they are as it is, and I can't imagine having even less when I have flares so much of the time. If too much info, please ignore the question. pinky

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Hi ladies! Linda, how did you know I was thinking about you with all the flowers? I thought about texting you on the way down but was too lazy. Miss being able to see you , even though we didn't get together often.

I've had a lazy day at home. Got some new "to me" kitchen chairs and a couch. Kyanne's nasty old couch finally out the door. Replaced with an off white leather loveseat, much the same size and style.

Couldn't get in a personal training session because she is having a a garage sale. I stopped by and said hello, rented movies on the way home.

Not a lot else going on here. I got the 2 swimsuits I ordered (buy one get one free) and DH loves BOTH of them so I think they are keepers. I am happy with them - will have to post pics.

It's been a very frustrating week at work. I hate to complain and hate even more to complain publicly so I will just leave it at that. Trying my best to learn it all and get up to speed. I've really been missing my girls this week.

Off to do more laundry - it's so nice to use my own machine!!

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Oh I know. The wildflowers are just beautiful along 71 going toward Smithville---been on that road a lot the past few weeks. I can go one day and the next it is just an explosion of color!.

I do miss us getting together--we must plan something some time. I have the Rangers on now---hang in there. Big learning curves on new jobs---and I know you are missing Stevie but you will be going to see her before you know it---and then she will be in SA!!!

Oh LOL about the meds. When my DH was ill I always traveled with his large bag of meds. Even though I had the list it was sometimes necessary to present the bottle. Well, one time he was in the hospital (a major hospital in the city). There pharmacy didn't carry one of his meds and they would come and get the bottle from me so that he would get the prescribed meds!! Not sure why they didn't stock the med--I think it was fairly new--but the pharmacy in my town readily had it available.

LindaL: Oh thank you for the "shout out". I have been trying not to spend sooo much time on the computer. I sometimes will pop in and read---and not post. I love all the ladies and enjoy the conversations.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Pinky Ann, I hope that you have a great family Easter tomorrow. RC, sorry to hear that your job has been frustrating. I am really enjoying more daylight. The sun really makes me happy.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Oh my I have had my ""issues"" with the A T and T lately. Once was trying to get a trouble report in---and other issues. Yep I understand. Had to go out and do some tree work--I have Direct TV---was watching it and it was fine. Came home and it was fuzzy---next day nothing---checked and it wasn't blocked but did some tree work and got the signal back. The first time this happened I ""dared"" to call. Didn't get anywhere with that---was outside and happened to notice I couldn't see the dish---got out my pruner and saw and took care of it.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Hi girls!

Well, I had a nap and still have no energy to do anything. I was hungry but didn't feel like cooking but made myself reheat some stuffed cabbage - I thought maybe eating would perk me up, but it didn't. Pinky, I have a connective tissue disease that's similar to fibro - most people (even doctors) haven't heard of it - but I was diagnosed at the Hospital for Joint Diseases in NYC over 20 years ago. I'm often tired; have little strength, particularly in my hands; and when the weather is bad I get flare-ups - which was one of the reasons I love Hawaii so much, as I rarely had any there. At least here it's not nearly as bad as NY - in the really cold weather I'd like in bed for several hours before I could move enough to get up.

Oh, don't get me started on AT&T - they're absolutely awful! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown} I had so many problems with them that even though I had over $200 in rollover minutes, I got rid of them. I switched to Virgin Mobile and have been extremely pleased, both with their service and the price, which can't be beat. No plan is required (although you can opt for one), so I can switch from one month to another if I had need to.

Direct TV was another rip-off. They advertised a great rate, and I was told I'd have to submit a rebate via internet before the dish was installed. I did, but the bill came in for twice the amount. I called and was told it "takes time to process." Really? {#emotions_dlg.mad} Well, I didn't pay the bill, figuring I'd wait until they straightened it out, the next two months came in at the same high price, so I let them shut off the service; they sent me a box to return their equipment in, and the PO clerks mentioned that they see a lot of those. Cable is ridiculously expensive and it seems the more channels there are available the less there is worth watching, so I watch the few shows I care about on the NBC app on my big tablet.

Bird, I made cupcakes the other day - these were cheesecake filled cupcakes with a strawberry buttercream; I was told they're "to die for." If you lived nearby, I'd have give you some! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Jean, maybe you'll get more excited about the trip as it draws closer; you're probably also emotionally drained as you've had a bad few weeks. When I think back on trips (including day trips) some of the ones I enjoyed the most were those I didn't even feel like going on. I wouldn't want to live on Kauai (unless I had a private plane so I could go to other islands easily), but it sure is gorgeous. We did the helicopter ride over the canyon, and I remember thinking that it must have crashed and we were in heaven, as surely no place on earth could be so beautiful - rainbows and waterfalls everywhere you looked. {#emotions_dlg.wub} There was another couple with us, and the young woman was so afraid of the ride that she fainted; the pilot was going to cut the trip short, but we told him he'd better not dare! {#emotions_dlg.laugh} (She and her SO were obnoxious yuppie types so we didn't feel badly for her - I know, it sounds mean, but...) Anyway, maybe one day you'll feel like coming to Nashville again...or even Pigeon Forge.

Well, I think I might just relax with a book for a while. I have no special plans for tomorrow; I'm sure missing my church family in Hawaii right now. I need to get the litter boxes scrubbed tonight - somehow it doesn't seem right to do something like that on Resurrection Sunday, must be done.

Have a peaceful evening, everyone!

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Registered: ‎08-09-2013

Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Twinny, Happy Easter to you and your family!!! pinky

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT---Saturday

Arlene--If I were to pick an island to live on, it would be the Big Island. You are right about the emotional exhaustion and pace. I just plan to go and hide out, relax on the lanai and look at the water, and go for walks. I'll likely put some shelf stable food in the suitcase and have most of my meals in my unit. Had the person who was going with me was still going, I would likely have planned a great schedule of activities for a newcomer but since I've been there, done that, it will be a down time trip.

Kathleen--The bluebonnets you posted were lovely. Work can be very frustrating at times, especially when transitioning to a new position. Hopefully, this is just one of those temporary bumps in the road and things will ease out.

I just checked and see that the capris I ordered on April 1, still have no shipped and are "in process." If this were Amazon, I would be wearing them now.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.