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Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

Good morning ladies hope all is well.  Nothing exciting is going on here today, I have cleaning and ironing to do.  DH is helping his brother combine corn today so I have the house to myself and I can just run wild cleaning.  I knew you all would be so jealous. 


Jean - Can't believe your trip is just around the corner, seems like it should be at least two months away.  Has Midnight figured out what is going on yet??


Not much to report here, I had better get moving and get a few things done.  Hope everyone has a great morning.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

Hi Susan, Thanks for starting the thread. Enjoy having the house to yourself, even though cleaning it is on the agenda. DH and I will be heading out to his appointment soon, so I thought I'd stop in quickly before we leave. It's turned a lot colder overnight, but it's nice and sunny outside. I don't usually get too much done after these trips, as it's a long drive, but it's good to have to time together, and just relax. Have a good day! pinky

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

SUSAN, I hope that you have a fun day doing whatever needs to  be done while  your DH is combining corn with his brother.  I had a day like that last Friday as my DH was returning the shoes that he bought the day before.  Thank goodness he was able to get the right size.  I balanced the checkbook, made a nice breakfast,  & did lots of little things around here that always take 2nd place in the importance list.  Then we went out for a wonderful rib dinner to top off our day.  PINKY ANN, Good luck with your DH's VA appt. today.  I had my appt. last week at the UW-Clinic, so should be done for 6 more months.  DH & I are heading for a drive about an hour away as the leaves are still pretty & will soon be on the ground.  It is a tourist town with lots sof little shops & a very nice restaurant where we will have lunch.  Now I need to get two loads of wash outside on the lines & fix breakfast.  I will not be seeing mom today, but tomorrow is the "big" meeting at her care facility.  We had lunch with her yesterday & the Amish singing group was a "no show" which was a disappointment as I hear that they ae very good.  Sunny & 60's today, but maybe rain tomorrow late in the day & again on Weds.  Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

Susan you are so funny!  I can picture you running like a wild woman through the house.  Today I am thinking about my new ruffled bed skirt. I wanted something girly but this was the only thing I found in my price range.  This is more my style so I am trying to figure out if I should return and just wait until I can afford what I want, or make do and be happy with what I have.  I am having a hard time envisioning what it will look like on my bed.


I have a jillion errands to run today, a couple returns to make, a couple things that need to be purchased (silicone for a little leak we discovered next to the antennae) and dog food. 


So far still in my jammies.  I read 3 books this weekend.  I really like Elin Hilderbrand - this is my 3rd book by her "It's a Beautiful Day".  The others were kind of silly and not really worth mentioning but they occupied our wet rainy weekend.


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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

Good morning!

PA lady has the cleaning frenzy started yet?

I am still having trouble signing in... I typed a long post and never could get signed in grrrrr!

Cold and rainy here.

This coming weekend I am  helping a girlfriend with a craft fair, her husband sets up and takes down, so I just get to do the fun part.  They make beautiful turned wood items.

The next 3 days my DS has a jury trial and Mark is going to watch.

That's about all that is going on here.

Hope that everyone is well.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

Good morning everyone.


Rosa - Yes, the cleaning has started, I got the downstairs done and ran to Wally World for a couple things, and now I am going to clean the upstairs bathrooms, just can't get more exciting than that.  I also have a little ironing to do, that may wait until tomorrow.


Kathleen - I would wait until you save up for the one you want, when I "make do" with an item I later regret not waiting and getting the one I really want.  The otem is just never the same.


Twinny - Enjoy your ride with DH.    Sorry the Amish were a no show.  Good luck with the meeting, hope it all works out.


Pinky -  Hope DH's appt. goes well.  Enjoy the ride with DH to.


Well off to start the upstairs, have a good afternoon everyone.






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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

Good Afternoon!  Thanks for getting us started Susan.  That is funny about cleaning when your DH is away/busy.  I like doing the same thing, as much as I like cleaning that is.


Hope your DH's appointment goes well pinky ann.  Nice that you can have some time together, but not so nice that a long drive is involved.


Have a nice day with your DH, twinny.  Sorry that group was a no show, and I hope the appointment at the care facility goes okay.  I know it won't be easy, but.....


Sounds like you had a relaxing weekend, Kathleen.  Hopefully, the rain wasn't too bad.  I agree with Susan.  Whenever I buy something I sort of like instead of something I like, I end up not feeling that great about it.  Even worse, I end up buying something else or the original thing so the money is wasted.  Don't know if that makes any sense, but...


Hi Rosa -- sorry you have had trouble signing in.  What a drag.  Hope you have fun at the craft fair this weekend.  I have a busy Saturday ahead -- I'm marching/walking in the "White Elephant" Parade (for OLLI classes), and then DH and I will be going to a pot luck dinner.  Should be fun.


Waves to Jean (hope your neurologist appointment went well), Arlene, Bernie, snicks, Marijane, Karen, LindaR, Charlene, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.


DH didn't do well last night (woke me up several times, etc.), and I'm pretty discouraged.  But, maybe tonight will be better.  This morning, DH and I had a nice walk, and then I had the strong bones class.  


Poor DD has had pretty bad pain the last four nights, and she thinks it might be acid reflux.  She will take some OTC medicine for a while, but may end up going to the doctor.


Nothing else to report.


Have a good day everyone!






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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

RC, I vote that you wait to get what you want in the bed skirt so that you don't waste money now, only to buy what you really wanted in the first place.    It sounds like you are keeping plenty busy & getting some good reading in also.  ROSA, Have fun with your friend at the craft fair.  I used to love  to go to them but now they seem to be few & far between.  LINDA L, I hope that your DD feels better soon & that your DH does better tonight.  SUSAN, Do you now have the cleanest house in town?  lol. JEAN, I hope that your appt. went well today.  BIRD MAMA,  do your walnut trees have lots of nuts on them?  Our neighbor's have only a couple of handfulls thais year.  SNICKS, Good luck to you in your decision whether to see a neurologist or not.  I went that route & it was not an easy decision until our DS told me to head to one ASAP.    Our day trip today was fun & we are glad that we went as the leaves will be mostly gone in a few more days.  Lunch was good & the only purchase was a bottle of water for me as I sampled something so HOT that without water I think I would have died on the spot.  DH did buy a nice leather belt at a leather shop.  Our DD emailed us today saying that she feels very cra**y yet from her pneumonia.  She said that they said that the cough  could last 4 weeks.  She said the worst part is her aching ribs.  They are also getting all of the windows & doors replaced in their home this week so the noise is terrible too.  Their home is only 16 y/o, but they want to do some changes in the house before winter sets in.  Supper is pork chops in the oven & an acorn squash also in the oven.  I think that I need to buy interest in a sympathy card business.  My mom's neighbor died a couple of days ago so that makes 6 deaths recently for us.  The Dr.'s gave him only two weeks to live about 3 weeks ago.  It is still nice & sunny but rain is in the forecast for tomorrow & Weds.  DH is mowing the leaves & it is very dry.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

Hi girls! It's a miserable, rainy day out, with more forecast for most of the coming week. I had to run out and get my cousin's birthday present mailed; she's in FL, so hopefully it will be there by Wednesday. The other cousin's birthday is today - she's 50, and happy to have made it thus far; she's a two-time breast cancer survivor.


Susan, would you like to clean my house?  I'll feed you well and send you home with goodies too! Cat Wink I've gotten the boxes for Operation Christmas Child pretty much packed - just have to add candy canes and pencils, and pick up one more box of crayons.  As usual, I got more stuff than I needed and ended up making an extra box. Some laundry is in the dryer, with another load in the washer, and the bed is far as the rest of today goes, I still need to get the upstairs hall and the stairs swept, my office tidied up, and the rugs shampooed again...I've done them twice, but the water is still very dirty; I'm hoping one more time will do it. Cat Frustrated


Jean, it seems like you just got back from Hawaii - time sure does fly, doesn't it?

I haven't heard back from my new handyman; he was supposed to come by or call me yesterday to finish the tub knobs.  I'll have to send him a message on FB later.


I spent the better part of an hour with Tech Support from Amazon; I'm not at all impressed with the new Kindle version. I was having problems sharing things via email (they changed the way you do it over the weekend, and of course didn't think to notify everyone, so it suddenly stopped working), and some (#*$ put one of those pop-up scams that you can't get rid of on a page I was visiting, and I had to get help getting rid of it.  I do NOT recommend the latest Kindle version!  It doesn't have Mayday, so since I had sound on the old Kindle (it comes and goes) I used the Mayday on that one; it creeped me out when the first tech I talked to told me he was going to turn on a camera from his end so to hold the screen of the other one in front of it.  NOT appreciated; I was still undressed and in bed (I check news and weather when I first wake up), then he was commenting on Autumn, whom he saw as I tried to keep the camera pointed so that you couldn't see me.  DO NOT LIKE! 


Bird (and everyone) - you'll enjoy this: Bird told he's going to the vet


I see the "seed bell" I had gotten for the birds is totally picked clean!  I guess I'll have to get a new one; meanwhile, they do have their cherry-flavored seed which they love.

Can you believe the lawyer for that woman who killed and injured so many at that parade is claiming she's "mentally ill?"  Gimme a break! Cat Mad


My oven calls - fish sticks and spaghetti for dinner...

Hi to everyone - have a blessed evening!

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Monday 10/26

[ Edited ]

Hi all - it was a busy day :-)


I watched the video of the bird being told he's going to the vet.  On the one hand, in the beginning he sounds like he's reciting some kind of incantation.  On the other hand, in the beginning he sounds like me when I get on a plane and start praying.


Although I have a sense of humor about many things in life, I don't think it's cool to put the bird through it and record it to get some internet fame.


Seriously, why stress the bird out like that?  I stopped watching when the bird started giving the guy taking video the what for.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise