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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

Barbara--I  have an iron but don't use it. I buy things that dry wrinkle free as much as possible. I do have a steamer that works well and prefer to use it over an iron. It must be a challenge to be neat and orderly when other family members present challenges to you.


Essie--The amazing thing about something such as a beauty item, etc. going into the trash is that afterwards usually we haveforgotten about the item. If so, that shows how much it was valued.


Bernie--I am sorry that your friend Ruth is nearing the final transition. Cancer is such a non-respecter of who it hits. The C word strikes fear in many people. Sometimes, it can be caught early enough but often it is a battle for survival and Ruth has done her best. Prayers.


Oh, the Denim & Co. show has had some lovely tops today. I put two in my cart but then told myself that if I had not been watching I would not have been tempted by the live modeling, magic words to tempt me to buy, etc., so I emptied the cart. There will always be other items to tempt me at some point.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

@Bird mama, so sorry to hear about your friend Ruth. Keeping her in my thoughts and close to my heart.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

@Bird mama

Prayers for your friend Ruth🙏

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

Hugs and waves to all,

Ladies, you are all organized and ahead of me! I need to make a grocery list and will go to the store and pharmacy tonight when the temps become a bit cooler. 

This afternoon is time to catch up on necessary phone calls. Making doctors appointments, insurance company and others calls while I enjoy the elevator music. LOL!

Take care everyone.

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

@Bird mama, Dear Bernie, Ruth (& you) will be in my prayers, I know how much she means to you, Godspeed her transition.




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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

birdmama, blessings to you and your friend.

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

Bernie...prayers for your friend and ((((hugs))) for you. I have a bil dying a slow death from cancer and a sil in the same boat from Alzheimer's.

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

I just transplanted the "hens and chicks" my friend gave me to an outside container. The skies are getting very dark so I guess the storm is movng in with its "flash flood" warnings. The "hens and chicks" will get drowned befoe they get established.


Butterfly--You are more organized than I am. I know lists are promoted when going shopping for groceries, but I usually have a good mental list of what I need. Sometimes, I will overlook getting something which a list would have prevented. I'm pretty good about not buying unnecessary food items as I know what aisles to avoid.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)



When I learned Ruth transitioned to hospice just last week, I said, okay God, step on the gas.  I am serious Barbara.  Every morning after I thank God for my blessings, I say, Jesus, please ask your father to step on the gas.  He'll know the request is coming from me ;-)


She did very well for a long period of time.  Her decline has been somewhat sudden and for that I am grateful.  She is in no pain. 



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT (June 22nd)

Good Afternoon/Evening!  Thanks for getting us started Susan.  


I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, Bernie.  I will be praying for you and Ruth.  I am glad to hear she is not in pain.  I agree with you about "stepping on the gas" in this situation.


Waves to snicks, Jean, gcubed, Barbara, Essie, butterfly, Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Marijane, LindaR, Charlene (glad you are enjoying your son being home), Rosa, pinky ann, Gayle, Karen, and all of our posters and readers.


It is another hot day here.  DH is at the "club", and I hope all is well.  He is having lots of trouble getting up and down from chairs, the bed, etc.  He was up three times last night, which isn't too bad, except one time I was sound asleep and almost fell over getting out of the bed to help him.  I really need to be careful doing so since I have fairly low blood pressure which can cause dizziness.


Today I had my hair cut and went to the stores to pick up "needs" -- nothing fun.  I did take a side trip to Ross, but nothing caught my eye -- thank goodness.  I went to the storage room and brought home three boxes of papers.  The only thing left in there are my Christmas decorations (four boxes), but I have six big boxes of things in the "office" -- need to figure out what to do with them.  Not easy decisions.  I was hoping to find a smaller, less expensive unit in the storage facility, but no dice in the climate control area.  So, I am hoping to figure out what to do by mid-October.  We have paid for the storage room until then.


One of the books I read suggested you tackle the de-cluttering completely one time (it could take months), and then future efforts would be shorter and less trouble.  Not sure that I agree, but.... 


Good luck to all of you who are fighting the clutter fight, and have a good evening!






P.S. DD "caught" what the others had (sinus issues, fever, etc.) and had a temperature of 104 when she went to urgent care.  Fingers crossed that the other two boys will escape this illness.