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Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Good morning ladies, hope all is well.


Got home from vacation on Friday night, it was a wonderful one.  We saw the Northern Lights each night we were there, and boy was it cold.  We were at minus 47 on Thursday while we out doing our thing.  The cold did not seem too bad, until, the wind would kick up, then all bets were off.     This is one of those vacations you were glad you did, but would never do again.


I haven't gone back to read any threads from last week, hope everyone is doing well. 


I still have some unpacking to do, just junk from my carryon, what is everyone up to today?

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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

[ Edited ]

Susan--Thank you for starting the thread. It sounds as if you had a wonderful time despite the super low temperatures.  I think sometimes you can get so cold that you are so numb that you no longer feel as cold. Great memories were created. Unpacking is always a challenge.


I got a late start to the day. I didn't go to bed until a little after Midnight as I was having leg pain that sometimes will hit me. I eventually gave in and took a med for it. I didn't awaken until around 8am so I've gotten a late start to the day.


I go back to work tomorrow so the snow-enforced and accident-enhanced vacation is over. Hopefully, the foot and I will manage well tomorrow. I see that the Alegria sandals are still in process. That is fine as I won't be wearing them soon, plus I need a less swollen foot to see if the right one fits correctly


The Amazon package that was mis-directed by UPS (unbelievable) finally showed up. In the meantime, Amazon had refunded me. I contacted them to let them know that the package had finally arrived. They told me to keep the package; I did not need to pay for it. It was only $15 but $15 is $15 that can be used elsewhere.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Good morning friends! Susan, I'm glad you got to see the Northern Lights. I'm sure it was wonderful. And very chilly. I'm sure it is nice to be home. I saw a funny thing on FB the other day of Canadians giggling about the East coast snow. It just reminded me that weather is so relative. I guess I am getting used to high humidity and warmer temps. We had to use the AC yesterday and today.

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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Jean, I hope your foot starts feeling better soon and that there are no more snowy treacherous road and accident days. It's always nice to get a freebie in the mail.

We have an extra dog this weekend, The skinniest hound dog I've ever seen. Kyanne has really enjoyed having a buddy to scuffle with.
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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Hello Ladies...sounds like you had a great time on your vacation Susan......what a great experience that was ( the cold too!). How did your doggie do at the 'spa"?  That's what they are called here..guess that means they can charge higher prices ,sounds better than "kennel" I guess.


I do like those sandals Jean and also the color you bought...I think I'll wait till it's presented.  Hope you have a great day at work tomorrow.


Kathleen had to laugh at the comparison of Canda and the East Coast.  We are having a beautiful "warm" day's 47 on Jan great is that!  Now I know you think 47 isn't warm!    Wednesday they  say   60!!!!  How did Spenser and Kyanne get along this weekend?


Not much going on here just enjoying the nice warm day.     Have a nice day everyone......Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Hello to all, and thanks to @PAlady, for starting the thread this morning. Sounds like a fun trip, although a cold one. The part I don't like about a trip is getting the laundry all caught up when I return, lol.


@KonaKat, I hope your toe is better by tomorrow so you can wear your shoes without any discomfort, and have no bad weather to contend with for awhile. That was very nice that Amazon said to just keep the  mia package when it finally arrived. I can't recall any vendor ever being that generous to me no matter how badly they messed up my order, that would be a pleasant surprise, lol.


@Rock_chick, enjoy your warm temps, I sure would be, at least I think I would, lol.


@Genny1, we are having nice temps for the last day of Jan., also. low 50's here. Not a lot happening here either.


I did get out and run a couple errands this morning, tomorrow afternoon I take hubby's truck to the repair shop, they will have a loaner for me. I'll be glad to get this over so I can have my own car back. Have a nice day everyone. Waves.....



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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Susan, I'm glad you enjoyed the Northern Lights.


Yesterday I spent several hours removing and installing window hardware.  Window looks good even though I'm still waiting for one more decorative rod.  My arms were above my head working with a screwdriver so I didn't sleep that well last night and awoke feeling like I had been on a violent rollercoaster ride all night.


I'm working the stiffness out and will live, lol.  Today, I've done laundry and grocery shopping, that's it.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Good Afternoon!  Thanks for getting us started Susan.  Glad you had a nice (if cold) vacation and had several chances to see the Northern Lights.  I felt the same way about our trip to Thailand and Cambodia -- very glad we went, but no need to return.


Hi Jean -- hope your foot is okay tomorrow.  I'm sure you will be happy to get back to work.  Nice of Amazon to let you have your order for free.  One time they sent me a completely wrong order, and they let me keep it.  But, it was just a small bottle of sunscreen.  They do seem to value their customers.


It is nice and warm here, Kathleen, but high winds and much colder (and perhaps wet) weather are predicted starting tonight.  I'd rather be nice and warm, but that is the way it goes.  Glad the extra dog and your dog got along.  Are you ready to tell the story about the disastrous foster attempt last weekend (or the weekend before)?  Just curious.


Enjoy your warmer than normal weather, Marijane.


Glad you got your errands done, and I'm happy your DH's truck is going into the shop tomorrow, snicks.


Hope the stiffness goes away soon, Bernie.  I am sure you will like the new window coverings, but sorry there is some pain involved.


Waves to Arlene, twinny, spix, LindaR, Barbara, Karen, Charlene, Rosa, Gayle, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


Our church was having a quartet performing for all three services.  They are pretty good, but I have seen them for several years, and decided not to go to church this morning to hear them again.  DH and I went to the gym early, and then took a walk.  So, my exercise is mostly finished earlier than normal.  I have a bunch of paperwork/financial stuff to accomplish this afternoon, and I have some ironing waiting as well.  And then there is cleaning to do.  Somehow I know that I won't accomplish everything that I would like to, but.....


Hope everyone has a nice evening!







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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Susan, what a fabulous vacation.  Did you have access to a hot tub?  I love to pack my bags but not the unpacking.


Jean. Good luck at work tomorrow. Those shoes are beautiful.  How nice to get a freebie from Amazon too.


Marijane, We have had a fabulous winter here too. It looks like the ground hog won,'t see his shadow on Tuesday, so spring should be right around the corner!


SNICK'S,  It will be nice to get your DH's truck fixed.  Never fun having a car in the garage.


Bird Mama, I bet that the new rods & window coverings will look nice.  I get sore like that whenever I paint.


LL,  financial work sometimes drives me nuts & you have been busy with getting it all in order.  I would much rather clean house.


RC, It sounds like you are having a nice time.  I can't imagine A/C n January.  


I just started my dry bland supper as I get my abdominal ultrasound tomorrow.  Apparently I had this done before & it is time for another one.  I get the results next week when I have my follow-up appointment.  


We saw Mom this afternoon & she was in a much better mood.  We played RACKO & she enjoyed it.  Our friend is devastated about losing his SO.  It saddens us as well as they were so happy together.  


It looks like we will get 2-5" of snow so that will be nice.  Now I hope it doesn't melt real soon.  Some places North of us will get a foot of snow so it will be good for skiing & snowmobiling.  



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Re: Shopaholics -ODAT January 31 st

Marijane, Kyanne had a blast with Spencer. She played a LOT with him. So cute! Tried too get video but it just didn't come out on my phone.

Linda, the puppies. I held them forever while it took me about 40 minutes to check them out. One has ringworm so they had to get me the special oil. Got then in the car. Got lost trying to get back on the interstate, had to turn around a couple times. Needed a plastic shower curtain to protect our carpet and the first store didn't have any. Left puppies in the car to get the shower curtain. I hadn't eaten all day and DH had not either because he was prepping for a colonoscopy.

By the time i got home i was very anxious. Grabbed carrier out of cat, put pups in, put down shower curtain, set up crate got water bowl and set pups free. They drank a bit then wanted me. They were trying to climb up me, So cute. Oh, They were stinky too. Needed a bath. I put down a puppy pad, those don't work. Pads just wadded up underneath them. Ilooked down and my arms were bleeding in a dozen places from their little toenails. Didn't hurt, but I put them in the crate to dry all the blood and one pooped. Smelled up the rv right good. They walked in it so it was all over.

Washed up one pup in the sink, it didn't like it much. Clawed some more ha ha. Have it to DH to hold while i cleaned crate best i could, put the other back in crate and washed the second one up. Took our the trash so smell would dissipate, called my friend and told her this want working at all. We talked for a few minutes and she told me to bring then over.

It's pretty funny now, but i felt pretty stupid. If I had the right set up, I could do it but i don't think it's going to happen here. At home I could do it but the rescue here is set up so all the dogs transport out of state quickly. I wouldn't want extra animals for extended periods. At home foster means you keep them sometimes for months. I'm not interested in that.