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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Snicks...isn't is a pain waiting to hear for results?  HOpe you hear soon .   I'm out of the pool for awhile until my bandage is off.(at least till next week)..I guess Incouldnsit  on the edge.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Hello everyone:


I haven't watched the news in a couple of days.  I'm sorry about the storm damage in your area Jean.


I know that you are anxious about the facility LindaL.  It's not like you are going to abandon your beloved and you are testing it out first to see how it goes.


Waving hello to everyone else - still no rain here.  One the bright side, it's not looking like I will need to mow the lawn this weekend, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Hi girls! It's another hot-as-heck day; no plans to anywhere, except maybe for a pizza later, or perhaps take Autumn for a swim  - we'll see. I'd like to get my homework pretty much done today so I don't waste another entire weekend on it - just two more weeks to go! Cat LOL


I had originally intended to go to Jasper today, but I haven't gotten my packages for the troops ready to mail; hopefully I can get them done on Sunday and go next week. I also haven't checked my mail at the PO in about three weeks...


I have a big bag ready for the missions closet - I guess I'll take that in next week as well. I have so many nightgowns and PJs that I made myself part with a few; I suspect they don't get too much of that kind of thing, and they're certainly a necessity.


Yesterday I mowed the back yard to get it ready for the smaller pool - no word from Mark, of course, and with just over two months left in the season there's no point in spending all that money on the big one at this point - water, sewer (even though the water wouldn't go into it), and salt would run me about $300, plus paying him to fix the pump and get the pool cleaned and ready go to. I then dragged it out of the cabana, only to find that some critters had chewed big holes in it. (sigh)  I just want to be able to cool off - take a dip and then relax on my float with a book and a cold drink - so I was off to Walmart last night. I had looked on Amazon, and a 15' Easy set pool was $139; the same was $97 at Walmart, according to their website. So, today's project is getting it up and going; I'm going to cut the bottom out of the ruined one to use as a ground cover. 


I went to my favorite Walmart, but they didn't have it so I had to go to another, but the trip wasn't wasted - a new Jack's restaurant just opened right by my favorite Walmart this week, so I had dinner there.  It was very good, and quite inexpensive; I'll definitely go back. The place was really croweded - I guess because it's so new - but what really surprised me was how nicely virtually every woman in there was dressed; it's rare these days to see ladies looking really pretty - most just don't bother.


Welcome, meallen - nice to "see" a new face.  Cat Happy


Gosh, Jean, I've been watching the Brexit news so had no idea of what was going on in your state until i saw your post and then your FB page; I'm glad you're safe.


LindaL, i know it's a tough decision for you to make about DH, but you have to think of what's best for both of you, as Rosa said. He'll be well cared for, and help will be immediately available if he falls or has an "accident."  I continue to pray for you.


I hope your finger is better soon, Marijane. I've had "something" on one of mine for a few months now - i don't know what it is - I thought it was a bug bite but it's still there. Then I decided it was leprosy. (I really have to stop watching House M.D.... Cat Wink)


Twinny, I'm with you on the microfiber sheets - they're too darned hot!  BTW, in case you (and others) didn't know, Kohl's gives a nice discount  (15 or 20%) on Wednesdays if you're over a certain age - I think it's 60.

I guess I should get moving; that pool isn't going to put itself up.


Hi to everyone - have a blessed day!




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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

I've spent the afternoon being lazy and reading. The rain has stopped and the sun is finally emerging in its full glory. I definitely feel better and have more energy to do things when it is sunny.


Linda--I am glad that DH's DD is supporting you in whatever decisions you have to make. There comes a time when 24-7 care is necessary and is better for the individual and his loved ones providing the facility is qualified and you have easy access to visiting.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Hello Ladies,


I can not believe it is already Friday!  We are having our Master Bath shower redone.  The shower could win a ugly bathroom contest.  The workers here have been great, very polite, neat and on time.  AND the work they are doing is very professional.  We have had a couple of bad experiences in the past, but this job has been good.


I think the weekend will be quiet.  We won't have workers this weekend and they will come back Monday and hopefully complete Tuesday.   It is nice to finally get this done.  It has been a wish list item for probably 10 years.  My husband is always good about feeding the workers lunch.   It really pays off because our experience is that they really go the extra mile or thow in some additional work that wasn't in the original bid.  Not a bad deal at all. 


I hope all of you have a good weekend.  Gayle

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Evening All, just dropping by to say Hello,  Welcome to all newcomers, & hope you're all having a good evening, I think of you often & wish everyone well.

Our weather today is perfect, 70's & sunny, we survived the horrible storms now will get hot/humid, but hey it's Summer.