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Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Good morning ladies, hope all is well.


Hope the morning is running smooth for everyone.  Jean, I hope the bad weather in your area has not effected you too much.  I saw what you posted on Facebook, my thoughts are with all of you.


Linda -  Hope today is going better than yesterday, you are a very strong lady.


Bernie -  I am very sorry about your friend.


I have some more cleaning to do, DH's daughter and her family are staying over night on Saturday, and I have some piles of "stuff" I have not dealt with in one of the bedrooms.  So I need to get moving.  Oh, and the dryer nusr buzzed.


Hope everyone has a great morning.










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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Susan--Thank you for starting the thread. I had checked  and then started composing so it is good that I checked again before hitting the submit button to start the thread. This is what I had written:


Good morning, shopping friends. It is the day after the rains, storms, etc. have struck. Recovery is underway after almost record high waters in 98 years have caused some loss of life, loss of homes, vehicles, etc. 44 of the state's 55 counties have been declared emergency areas.


Although part of my county was affected, my humble area escaped major problems. I do have a friend whose daughter was in a church camp in a county hard hit which has been evacuated. She has been unable to find out what has happened to the campers until today. Telephones and cell service was lacking for a period of time.


One of my favorite stopping places on the way to the capitol city is a shopping plaza about ten miles from the city. Last night about 8pm, a bridge connecting the access road to the plaza collapsed trapping several hundred people in the plaza. It also took out the main water supply, but people have access to K-Mart, Krogers, a couple of drugstores, two major restaurants and a few smaller ones, and a La Quinta Hotel located in the plaza. They tried to bring in a temporary bridge this morning but it wasn't a proper fit. It will be several hours before another temporary bridge will arrive. I guess that can be time spent shopping, etc. to make the most of a bad situation.


We have a lot of hills with narrow places, so more than 11 ft above flood stage can be squeezed into narrow places affecting places not normally flooded. It is a mess but recovery is underway.


Right now, I'm watching C Wonder. I have no desire to buy the TSV.  I have tried that brand which doesn't work well. I get Bali from at reduced prices.


Bernie--I read of Ruth's passing. Prayers and comfort to you and Ruth's family.


Linda--I admire your patience and caring so much.


I am tired so I think I will head for some reading. This will be a lazy day.


If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)


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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Susan, how nice to get some fun company.  Your cleaning & decluttering jobs are impressive.


Jean, how awful to hear about the terrible flooding in your area, & the excessive heat in other parts of the country.


Bird Mama, so sorry to hear about your dear friend passing away.  I am so glad that she went quickly without a lot of pain.


Welcome to meallen & other new posters.


We got home last night & had a fun time in Lake MI on Tuesday.  Wednesday was sunny & cool so no sunburns.  Yesterday was cloudy as it rained early yesterday morning so we shopped our way back home.


Since I had a $10 off coupon from JCP,  used it to buy a nice set of sheets.  Our microfiber ones are too hot for me.  The JCP ones were $100, but with sale price & coupon,  were $39.99.  Next it was on to Kohl's.  I got a very nice pair of apt 9 white Capri's for free.  Original price is $44.00.  I wear lots of white pants, Capri's etc. & manage to stay clean as I don't do anything outside except hang laundry & pick tomatoes.  I also got another pair sheets for $30 with my Kohl's cash & another coupon.  DH thought that he hit the jackpot with gas at $1.21 as it is $1.39 here.


 I did read your posts last night.


It is in the low 80's today, but will be hot tomorrow & Sunday.  We are off on our mopeds for groceries.  We did hang 3 loads of laundry out this morning.


I paid the lawyer & found out that I need to sign off probably next week.  YEAH.  I have been to the library & post office.


DH & I are going out for dinner with friends & then on to a small nearby town to their lovely little theater tonight.


Oh, my toe was very sore for a couple of days, but now feels good.  My infusion also gave me some much needed energy.  They are horribly expensive, but as my DH says, as long as they work it is worth it.


Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

[ Edited ]

Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Susan.  Hope your DH's daughter's family visit goes well.  Good luck with your cleaning and tidying.  Those two seem to go together for me.  For example, I go through bookshelves, and then need to dust them.


The damage to your State looks very bad, Jean.  Hope things get back to normal sooner rather than later.  Much to my surprise, one of my former work friends sent pictures of a tornado that struck her "farm" in Maryland.  She doesn't grow crops as far as I know, but they have horses, etc.  Horses, humans, and dogs were fine as was the house.  But, trees were uprooted, etc., the yard is a total mess, and they lost power.  Fortunately, they have two generators as well as tractors, but she anticipates it taking weeks to clean up the mess.  


Welcome to our new poster, and happy weekend to you as well.  Being retired, weekends are not such a big deal for me, but.....


DH had a better night, but he wet the bed again. And, I had to change his clothes as well as wash the sheets.  I decided to wash the mattress pad as well -- it is waterproof, but got stained.  Drying the mattress pad took a long time, so when the caregiver arrived, the bed was unmade, which complicated things a bit.  Now, the bed is made and fresh -- thank goodness.


I talked to DH's DD last night, and she said that if I felt it was too much to take care of DH at home that I should go ahead and place him at a facility.  This makes me feel much better.  I intend to keep him home until the end of July when he will go to the facility for two weeks.  If that goes well, I will probably place him there permanently.  At least, that is my current feeling about things.  I certainly have mixed feelings, but.....   The facility is very near our house, and I could spend a lot of time with him and still be able to sleep at night, etc.


Waves to Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Bernie, snicks, Essie, Marijane,butterfly, Barbara, Charlene, Rosa, LindaR, pinky ann, Gayle, Karen and all of our posters and readers.


DH will be going to the "club" today, and I'll be going to the gym.  


Have a nice day everyone!






ETA -- welcome home, twinny.  You certainly got some great bargains.  Glad you are feeling better, and have fun with your friends.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Hello Ladies..sorry to hear about your friend Ruth ,Bernie.   IT is a blessing though that she did not suffer too much.....prayers for her friends and family.


I hope your DH has a nice day at his club Linda and a better night tonight. HAppy to hear you had a nice time at the Mexican restaurant the  other day.  HOw is your DD family doing?


Soounds like you found great bargains Twinny on your vacation.  HAve a nice time tonight  with your friends.  I noticed the gas in our area has gone up...2.47$  for regular.


Jean hope you stay safe ,I have seen the damage on the TV to WV.  Terrible about that 4 yr. old boy.


I have been fighting a finger infection for the past few days..between visits to Dr's and the ER I hope it is under control now.....have no idea how I got it.   I have yo clean and wrap it every day and go back to Dr's Wednesday....also taking meds that do not agree with my stomach so am staying very close to home!


That's all about from here welcome new posters.   IT's suppose to be a beautiful weekend.       Have a nice day everyone.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Good morning all and thanks to @PAlady, for starting us today. Those piles do seem to multiply, I always need to do a bit of straightening and dusting, etc., when I have company coming.


@KonaKat, I saw some of the damage (that bridge) on the news, wow, that is a lot of water. Do hope everything gets back to normal soon for everyone affected by the storms. I haven't turned QVC on today, so didn't know C. Wonder had the TSV. I have only seen a tiny bit of that line and have not yet ordered anything from it.


@meallen616, welcome and Happy Weekend to you also.


@twinny70, glad you enjoyed your trip and shopping. I always liked going to Lake Michigan when I lived in that area. I think I need what you get in those infusions, lol. It takes me a day at home before I am ready to get out and socialize after a trip.


@LindaLatte, wow, so sorry about your friend's damage due to the tornado. I am glad to hear that your step-daughter is agreeable to placing DH, since it is so hard on you doing all that you do. It is good that she realizes this and hopefully step-son does also. Enjoy your time at the gym while DH enjoys the club.


I have mowed the yard and did the pool maintenance as well as 2 laundry loads this morning. I have a few phone calls I need to make and some things I want to get done on the computer as well, but for right now I am thinking I will spend an hour or so in the pool, then shower and get started with that other stuff. I feel like I deserve some pool time, lol. I'll check back later on. Waves to all.....

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

@Genny1, hi, I think we were posting at the same time. Sorry about the finger infection, hope it gets better soon.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Linda,my mother had to place my dad in a facility.  He suffered from stroke induced dementia, presented as alzhimers.  She went almost everyday, to over see his care.  it was the best option for her to provide him with the best care possible and maintain her health.  She was 74 and he was 81.

She did not make the decision lightly and was vigilanant about his care while in the facility.

it was the best decision for her and dad both.

The only time she would not go was if we had bad weather, then she would call and check.

She did the very best she could and after his passing had no regrets.

I think of you often and pray for you dailey.


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Re: Shopaholics ODAT - Friday (June 24th)

Haven't made it to the pool yet, darn it. Other things interfered. Still waiting on a call back on hubby's test results from last Friday.
"To each their own, in all things".