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Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Good Morning Ladies! I was so late in posting yesterday that I decided to post early today. Between my volunteer job, a class, and talking to my attorney, there wasn't much time for using the computer or even exercising. DH and I did take a short walk, but I didn't quite get in my 10,000 steps yesterday. That is my fitness goal -- 10,000 steps a day, and I have been wearing a pedometer for several years to keep track of my steps. I am still considering other things like the Fit Bit, etc., but no purchases yet. Any opinions on the TSV? I keep considering buying these sponges, but I haven't done so yet. I think the majority of the reviewers like them, but others think they don't last long, etc.

Very sorry that some of you are dealing with losses in your families. I continue to pray for you.

I'm having a "day off" today -- no classes, no volunteer work, etc. I will be happy to take things easy today -- go for a walk, go to Curves, pick up a few things at the grocery store, etc. It is another beautiful day here -- highs in the upper 70's and sunny. It should turn very breezy tonight and tomorrow. Hope those of you in the snow and ice zone stay safe.

Waves to Jean (working today), Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Gayle, Rosa, Susan, Marijane, LindaR, pinky ann, Karen, and all of our posters and readers.

Hope many of you have time to check in and let us know what is happening with you today.



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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Hello Ladies, thanks for starting LindaL...sounds like you have a deserved day of rest today...enjoy it.

. Hope you are feeling better today Twinny after your day of medical tests yesterday and that everything comes back fine. Those cookies,pepper cookies, sound interesting Pinky. < p> Not much here, I am sitting at the hair dressers with the "stuff" on my head for a few minutes more. It will be turning very cold here next few days...below zero not counting the wind more snow tomorrow..maybe 6 inches and another storm Sat into Sunday! not sure where it all will go as I noticed this morning our roads are starting to get "smaller" with all the snow piled on the sides. When I get out of here will have to run to the store for something for supper. Have a nice day everyone......Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Good morning! Today is sunny and will be in the low 50s', then it is going to get dramatically colder. Only in the 20s' by Sunday. Boo!

I ordered a Don Aslett door mat this morning I have been needing to get a new mat. The price was good "While supplies last" V32997 29.98. I will use this in the hall that you enter from my garage.

Not much else going on, just my exciting purchase!

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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Hello friends! Linda, you sound so busy! You sound very happy though, and it's neat that you can take your classes.

Marijane, what are you having done to your hair? They keep showing all that snow on the news and I think of you.

Rosa, your musical sounds like fun. I loved Don Aslett's book that I read a long long long time ago and took a lot of his cleaning practices to heart.

Twinny, I hope your medical tests are over and done with and that you get good results. Your hot tub sounds so divine!!

Just another day here. I did not get up early when my alarm went off, so no walking, but I knew that would happen when I stayed up late. Just ate lunch, now thinking about a little guitar. It makes me happy. Smiley Happy Just wanted to say hello to my buddies.

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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Kathleen....just the ""regular"" four week apt....cut...color. have you got all your party plans in place? Everytime I see one of your pictures on FB with your sleeveless clothes on I shiver!! Seems strange to me to see that when we have a ton of snow on the ground and so cold I can't imagine anyplace warm! When do they open the pool where your"" city ""home is? Have fun playing your guitar! When does your DD go into boot camp and where does she go?
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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

I know, that's funny but it was 80° here today. I do wear a jacket (used to call them blazers) but not for long. I'm starting to get tired of my dresses, but need to lay out clothes the night before or I will be late to work. It sure has been easy to just wear my dresses!

DD will go to the Great Lakes in 2 weeks. She is getting a bit nervous/excited but she has been training every day and can exceed the requirements but hates to run. So that is the only area that she will be lacking.

I have not made any party plans, it is next Saturday so will take stock of what we have at the house and probably end up getting some trays at Sam's. I don't want to do a bunch of work!! They have good chicken salad, and those little tortilla wrap things too.

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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Another funny - I left the house without earrings or bracelet. When I was picking out my clothes I grabbed my purple pearl necklace so I have that on, but forgot about the rest. I'v'e probably only gone out with no earrings and bracelet 2x in the past year - if that!

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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Hi girls! I can't believe it's Wednesday already! {#emotions_dlg.scared} I pulled another all-nighter, as I had to get a paper done that was already overdue since my laptop had been down. I finished around 5 a.m., then had to spent a little time getting wound down so I could go to sleep. Today I'm going to get a head start on this week's work, which thankfully isn't much, and I have to get my vacuum unclogged so I can get these rugs cleaned. I also plan to change the bed and do some laundry, but that's it.

Yesterday after I went to Publix and picked up the paczki that I had ordered; they were made fresh and were really, really good. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup} I had one for breakfast and have to get the rest of them wrapped and in the freezer before I'm tempted to have another.

I did finally get around to getting a haircut; I couldn't stand it another day.

Rosa, that reminds me - I have to get another mat to put in front of the kitchen sink. I have one there that's a mess from claw marks - I have about 8 different cat scratchers around the house, as well as a cat tree, but they seem to like the kitchen mat best. {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Nothing else going on here; I'm waiting for UPS/FedEx, as my Amazon order is out for delivery. I found a great price on canned cat food there, and I got a bunch of toys for the dogs to keep them from being bored.

Have a blessed day, everyone!

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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Ll, Your "off day" still sounds busy. My DD has a nice fitbit & really likes it. I bought 2 of the yellow scrub daddies while we were at the QVC Studio Store in Sept. for $1.84 each. I kept one & put the other one in my DD's Christmas stocking.

Marijane, Our weather is supposed to start getting real cold tomorrow, but no snow except maybe a dusting or two.

Rosa, Have fun this weekend & I hope the Don Aslett mat works out for you. The only thing of his that I have ever bought is the mop with the microfiber pads. I probably bought the mop 10 years ago or so & it still works good for me.

RC, My niece that lives in TX lived in the Great Lakes area for a couple of years when her husband was stationed there. I didn't know you were having a heat wave right now. Have fun at the party & you can't beat take out food--No muss or fuss. I sent you a post (Shop ODAT Monday) about the Galleria, did you see it? LOL.

I am still waiting for the Dr. to call with the lab results from yesterday. Nothing drives me more nuts than waiting for a phone call. I am trying to pass the time away by cleaning a house that doesn't really need it. The only thing that I really did accomplish was that I put away all of the snow owls that I have had out since Christmas. Now the house looks like it is back to normal again.

The hot tub was great today. It is such a stress reliever. Dinner tonight is a roast in the oven with mashed potatoes & a veggie.

Tomorrow I am going to have a fun day one way or the other. First off is a stop at Shopko to order more test strips for my DH. Then on to see his mom about 35 miles away. Then I want to go to my DH's brother's eye clinic. I got new glasses in November & hope to get the other ones dipped to be like sunglasses. Then a nice lunch out somewhere. It is supposed to be very cold, so we will be scurrying from place to place.

Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics O.D.A.T. -- Wednesday, February 11

Linda L I have those scrub daddy's...I had never heard of them till Kathleen posted something about them a few months ago. I ordered mine from Amazon and also put one each in my kids stockings......I think they last pretty long .....I haven't read what other people reviews are.