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Re: Saying it looks like money

[ Edited ]

@Jmagoogoo wrote:
I don't understand why Kim keeps saying her clothes look like money, first the only brand that qvc sells that looks like money (middle class) is barefoot dreams. She always says be yourself - but let it look like u have money even if u dont- isn't that contradicting her message? And no offense to anyone at all but I don't think her clothes look like any kind of money. She's a nice girl I just don't like that"looks like money when it doesnt"

"Buy my overpriced, imported "money" clothes, so that I can continue to live a lovely life with all of my actual money."

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Re: Saying it looks like money

I get what Kim means when see saids "it looks like money", but I don't think her clothing line looks like money, neither does SG in imo.

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Re: Saying it looks like money

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what is the point of tearing this vendor and product down?



and the opinion card will not be enough of an excuse for this type of ugliness

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Re: Saying it looks like money

@SilleeMee wrote:

A person can 'look like money' only if you know what it looks like to begin with. Today it's kinda hard to say what is what.


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Re: Saying it looks like money

@Desertdi ITA……..What about good taste. Money and good taste are not always mutually inclusive.

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Re: Saying it looks like money

@ALRATIBA wrote:



I was just about to write the same thing!


@cheriere wrote:

The funniest part about making statements like that just shows you really don't know what money looks like.  I mean, most of the people I know who truly have A LOT of money, you'd NEVER think they had it by the way they dressed.




This is SO true.  My husband and I had dinner recently with another couple who have more money than they know what to do with...and the way they were dressed was a bit shocking to me. I would never have suspected they had any money at all.


By the way, they were a delight...had a wonderful time. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Saying it looks like money

The first time I ever heard of shopping from home was when Johnny Carson had skits describing them. Kim would have fit right in. Her comment is classless and what people to this day often think Home Shopping is all about.🥺

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Re: Saying it looks like money

@SilleeMee wrote:

A person can 'look like money' only if you know what it looks like to begin with. Today it's kinda hard to say what is what.

The old money folks that I know are obsessed with looking "ordinary' and "fitting in." They work hard to stay away from labels and what Kim said about looking like money would be their worst nightmare.😳

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Re: Saying it looks like money

It's not a good selling point for Kim. I would call her line a sort of botique looking line. 

People with money don't really care about that at all. Millionaires are all over the place now. Perhaps next door. They might like particular nice things, but competing and trying to impress others is not on their minds. 

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Re: Saying it looks like money

[ Edited ]


@SharkE wrote:

Better then saying "Looks like Goodwill".

@SharkE    Sadly, more than a few things I've picked up here at QVC look like Goodwill. Literally.