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SLOW from process to shipping!

Any one else notice this? Ordered Thursday still in process!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: SLOW from process to shipping!

To my knowledge, they don't ship over the weekend.  So ordering Thursday probably won't ship till early next week.

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Posts: 173
Registered: ‎08-30-2011

Re: SLOW from process to shipping!

Yes, omgoodness their process to shipping is soooo slow. Must be the same people that do their return processing which takes forever and a day.


HSN is much better in both of these areas....QVC, take note of how they operate because they have it together over there!


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: SLOW from process to shipping!

For me the main thing HSN doesn't have even close to together is what they sell -  so itr doesn't matter to me how fast they ship.


No matter when they process, I have gotten every item I ordered so far in 2016 several days before its EDD.  Once I see that date, I can pretty much stop watching tracking for any reason.  I assume some of that has to do with where I live, but beyond buying what I really don't want from a faster shipper (totally stupid for me) or paying extra -  also not in my plans, I'm satisfied.




As for returns -  my last QVC return was January of 2015.  I don't buy much of anything online that I'd want to return.



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Posts: 4,532
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: SLOW from process to shipping!

Yep, I ordered on the 10th and mine is still in process...five days later!!! Problem is, I'm leaving next weekend so if it's not here by then, I'm SOL. Also have another order that was suppose to arrive two days ago but there was some problem with the package arriving at the UPS facility. Had never seen that kind of notification before but there it was when I checked my order status. Who knows when it may show up. On the flip side, last week I had a package arrive much, much earlier then expected and I wasn't even back home yet from being out of town. It had to sit in the mailbox for a day till I got back. There simply is no way to predict when packages are going to arrive.


My husband is going to be thrilled when I tell him I'm finally going to have to back away from QVC. I'm just getting tired of worrying with it.