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Good Morning/Afternoon!  Very hot again here, and I think it is hot in many parts of the U.S. -- for sure where DD lives in Maryland.  It was already 82 degrees when I went for my walk this morning at 5:30 a.m.  Fortunately, there was a little breeze.


Like Glenda, I will be getting my hair cut today. I plan to get it cut shorter than last time (hopefully not too short). 


Very happy you have your new AC, Fressa. I'm pretty sure they thought it was a powerful enough unit since they probably make more money on larger units.  Mine is definitely going to be larger than my old one which has worked fine.  But, the technician kept talking about how small it is.  I will be getting a different size filter for the larger unit which is okay except I had purchased filters in quantity and still have 3-4 that will no longer fit.  Oh well....


I am very glad you mentioned having water and fans for the workers.  My unit is outside, so no fans, but I will be sure to have cold water available for them.  For some reason, I often forget until the day they arrive, and I don't have many bottles of water in the refrigerator.


Hope you have recovered from your PT yesterday, Jean.  When do you have the other procedure done?  


Nothing else of note here.  I talked to my elderly neighbor by phone, and she gave me a recommendation for a roofer.  I will call to have my roof inspected after I have my AC.  We have a flat roof, and it needs to be re-coated every five years or so.  I wanted a business that is licensed and bonded so that I will have someone to call if there are any problems.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice day and stays safe.  Please post if you have a chance.





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Hello Ladies, I hope both you and Glenda like your hair cuts today Linda. It started out sunny here today and it seemed just as I got in to the pool to float the clouds got breezy and I got out. We re having our usual afternoon of wild weather now....thunder,teeming rain etc...seems like this has been happing for over a week now....but we do need the rain and my flowers love it.


Hopefully your ac will be fine Fressa...I am sure if they thought it was not big enough for your house they would have told you as Linda said. We have two ,both outside.,one for the bottom floor and the other for the 2 nd floor....the 2 Nd floor one was replaced a few years ago. not much else going on here.....guess that’s a good thing! Have a nice afternoon everyone.....Marijane



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HI Everyone!


It's in the low 90's today but we have thunderstorms in the forecast. We had storms last night with some high winds. It's a good thing my husband repaired the roof. He did say that we'll probably need to replace it in the next year or so. 


I just returned from doing some banking and picking up prescriptions. The one wasn't quite ready so I did some quick pick ups of bandages for the dogs,salad supplies (for me) and a cake. A girl has to have cake once in awhile. ha ha!!!


I'm trying to pace myself so my body has a chance to recover from such a long time without the a/c. Pacing myself is a "skill" that I'm a "work in progress". LOL


LindaLatte--I'm like you because I don't normally keep bottled water in the house. As soon as I make any maintainece appointment I go to the market and pick up two cases. That's the system that finally works for me. If I have bottles sitting around then I give them to the delivery people or the mailperson. 


I'm finally relaxing about the a/c size and functions. I had a tablet of notes and read through everything so now I'm calm. I always do a ton of reasearch and checking before we make a big purchase or repair but you still hold your breath until it's installed and functioning in your home. At least that's the way it is for me.


Our hair salon is finally open so my husband is getting his hair cut this afternoon. I need "the works" but haven't made up my mind if I'm going back to blonde or keeping it dark. Hope both Glenda and Linda have a great time at the hair salon. I always feel like it's such a treat that I can give myself.Everyone needs some kind of treat.


KomKat--I'm glad PT is going well for you and you are seeing improvement. You were well prepared in advanced with meals prep and easy clothing. What good ideas. It's those things that relieve some of the stress during the recovery time.


I better run and close patio umbrellas. It's getting dark outside. 

I see there are previews of a christmas tree tsv from Home Reflections with fre s&h. The last few years that has been my best short cut in holdiay decorating was just putting up a variety of trees in the different rooms. It looked nice and was so easy to take down and be done with clean up. (That's my idea of "scaling back" for the holidays. LOL I know I have a way to go on that topic.)


Stay safe  & comy.

Have a good afternoon/ evening.

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We finally got some rain this afternoon.


The patio wasn't this wet but I was still tempted....


Jumping In Puddle GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Linda L, I just got back from the hair salon.   She was masked & so was I.  I had it cut short  & love it.  She washed it  &  blow dried it.  No mousse or hairspray.   We were the only two in there, so I felt totally safe.  Good luck with your roof estimate.  Our home still has the original one which was put on the last year that the roofing was made of a good long lasting material which I don't remember what it was called (according to 5 guys that go to our church & have their own construction companies).  Our home was built 25 years ago last December.  I still have the original washer, so I hope it lasts for a few more years.


Marijane, we had a thunderstorm last night and some winds to go with it.  We got 1/2" of rain which we needed.  It's another hot day with no end of it before next weekend.


fressa, it sounds like things are going well with the A/C.  


Bird Mama, we got 1/2" of rain last night. It's supposed to rain a lot tomorrow.


My DH has a dental appointment at 7:30 tomorrow morning, so we will be going a different way. Yesterday, I was a nervous wreck getting to my appt. because of the road construction.  It's a good thing that they were still sanitizing the room, because I was 10 minutes late.


Hugs to all of you.

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[ Edited ]

Linda--Thank you for starting the thread. Yess, it is a hot day and we have just had a warning about the heat index going over 100 tomorrow for several hours. I do hope you and Glenda are satisfied with your haircuts.


Marijane--The weather is so unpredictable, and it seems that a cloud or several will dump all their rain in a very small area with that area getting too much and nearby areas getting nothing. I do hope you are able to enjoy your pool without the threat of storms.


Fressa--It is good that you are getting more comfortable with your AC and its ability to cool your home properly. Hair color! What a decision! What is your comfort level with each?  I agree that a girl has to have a cake once in a while. I purchased one yesterday.


Bernie--Glad you got some rain, but your gif reminds me of "Singing in the Rain." I'm sure you might have sung more than danced in the rain.


I did something a little crazy today. I've basically been trapped since March because of closures and then not being able to drive because of the procedure for over a month. It hasn't been delightful. I was concerned that we may be facing another shut down or something that would keep me from getting out. As a result, after I put out the trash this morning, the car and I headed out for a drive. I put on 256 miles on the car but it was great to be able to get out and enjoy the scenery.

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Jean, I am so ready to go somewhere besides the dentist or Dr.  I am still hoping to be able to go on a road trip yet this year.  Dream on I know