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Greetings, shopping friends. I had my first physical therapy session this morning which consisted of an evaluation for submittal to the insurance company for approval. It didn't bother me much while there but about 15 minutes after getting home, the muscles began to protest. All is well now but I am still tired, part of it due to wondering what lies ahead. I do have exercises to do before the two sessions next week.


I saw the TSV as I signed in. Great gadget and I love my gadget but it isn't for me at this time. The loss of income from not working despite having guaranteed income put a big dent into my activities. My retirement is a fixedd retirement which means it does not increase despite inflation. I went online and used one of those calculators. Basically, my retirement check should be $1000 more a month to have the same buying power it did when I retired early. Of course, when I retired, my retirement was almost the same as my take home from work. Salaries increase; retirement doesn't.


I remember a person saying it doesn't take much to live when you are retired. Reason? The person's perception of retirement is staying at home, not needing new clothes, etc. Retired people frequently get out of the house, travel, are active in community, and let's not forget those medical expenses that come with age that sometimes insurance neglects to pay.


The basic message is that we have control over what we do now with our income and expenditures. We do not know what lies ahead and how much it will cost us. It is far better to save for a rainy day than to buy another handbag or outfit that may rarely get used. Stopping and thinking about the reason for the purchase, and then delaying the purchase may be your friend when it comes to money management.


Have a great day. It will be a scorcher for many of us with severe storms predicted in some areas. Stay safe, and if you shop, do so wisely.


**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi Everyone!


Today is in the 90's (again). Severe thunderstorms are expected. Ignoring the high winds and hail I could use them to cool it down a bit and water the gardens. UGH!!!!  Our A/C repair/replacement date is July 6th!  I hope I make it that long. I'm hoping at least for a few cooler days in the middle of the hot ones. Crossing my fingers on that wish. 


KomKat--Glad to hear that your PT is helping. It's a slow process but keep with it. Hopefully, you'll be healed when things return to normal.  The most important thing is that you should be pain free and that's good.


Of course, I'm in sticker shock all the time. LOL What's the story with everything in the market costing more? They still are not fully stocked. I would at least be happy if I could use my own tote bags. Those plastic bags are next to useless and what a waste in the garbage.  That's my rant for today.


I was debating on doing some banking just to be in the a/c in the car. I may have to postpone that until tomorrow. I have to sign the a/c contract and I had questions that I wanted answered about warranties, etc. 


Retirement and Social Security never seems to stretch as far as you think it will. Prices and costs always increase. I'm glad that I started to worry about this when my job started to get too crazy. My friend had started to check her money with her first job. I think that as long as you are aware of the "if's" then you are on track. I'm so careful now before I purchase or use the easy pay option. I used to think easy pay was a good thing but it really adds up more than you know. Lessons learned later in life.


Stay safe & comfy.

Have a good afternoon/evening.  

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Hello all, I'm watching the twitter activity for the National Weather Service (Detroit Station) as I brace myself for some rocking weather later this afternoon into the evening.  Dave Rexroth, the chief meteorologist from WXYZ said he's been a weather guy in Detroit for 20 years and this is only the second or third time in his tenure that we've had this kind of system or warning for the state.


All righty then, that's enough for me Woman Very Happy  Shopping is the last thing I have on my mind right now.


I've been calmly gathering important items like bird food, all the key chains, the spare car key/fob, etc... and I've been walking them into the basement.  I'm in yoga pants and tee shirt right now but I will be walking down a street appropriate outfit and my gyms shoes.


The birds and the extra habitat for Presto to hide in because she doesn't have alot of experience in the basement will be the last to go.


They're throwing around a possibility of 70 MPH winds and we know high wind scares Bernie. I moved the convert a bench and small table off of the patio into the garage.


I don't mind admitting that my nerves are a little shot right now Woman Happy




There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Jean, yes, PT is hard work and exhausting but so important for a good recovery.  Good luck to you.  I don't have a fitbit & don't need one.  It would depress me.  I do what I can & that's the best I can do.  Getting overly tired is not a good thing for me.  I left work very unexpectedly at age 53 & my DH took early retirement one year later at 55.  It is what it is.  I needed him here to help me & it was a full-time job for about 3 years.  I still remember telling him that if I ever got out of the wheelchair, not to tell me no, if I wanted to go somewhere.  We had all of our ducks in a row and have been making the most out of what life dealt us.


fressa, for your sake, I hope that you have cooler weather and the A.C. guys come soon.  We had a couple of hot days and now it's nice.  Starting tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70's for over a week.  Maybe you will get our beautiful  S. WI  weather.  I did easy pay once when I was a new QVC shopper just to see how it worked.  I ordered a watch and it had 5 easy pays at $2.10 each.  It was the longest 5 months of my life getting it paid off.  Dumb and I never did it again.  


Bird Mama, we had high winds last night and we got about an inch of rain.  We are supposed to get more rain this afternoon and ending early tonight.  The wind is starting to pick up again.  We are lucky that we didn't get 4-6".  I hope that we can send you the nice weather that is supposed to start tomorrow.  Good luck if you have to head down to the basement.  That's why I like having a basement.


My niece in S. IL sent me a late night email which said that our huge cheese days festival in September is cancelled.  She got a text message from our nephew whom lives in Paducah.  I went to bed early and didn't know that it had been cancelled.  I checked the internet last night and it was still going the.  News travels fast.  They were all planning to come here for the long weekend of fun.


My dh's class reunion which was scheduled for September, will be next September, my class reunion will be next September along with the other big doings.  Lot's of things to look forward to.  


Its a beautiful sunny 70's day.  No humidity.


My niece, her husband, two teenage kids and a friend for each of them are flying from St. Louis to FL  today for about 12 days.  I hope that they stay safe.  Yikes!


Our excitement for the week will be getting groceries tomorrow morning early and on Friday, going to my bf's driveway for a self distancing drive thru carry out lunch.  They live about 20 miles away.


It's amazing what little it takes to make us smile and be happy.


Hugs to all of you.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


[ Edited ]

Bernie--I thought of you when I saw the Weather Channel early this morning. The predictions did seem to have enough force behind them that people should take time to make preparations, just as you are. Unfortunately, many will ignore until the last minute. I do hope you and the birds do well in these scarey times.


Fressa--I also thought of you this morning when at 5am, I looked out the kitchen window and saw a beautiful deer in my neighbor's yard. The deer stared toward my way until I moved and it darted away. I have no idea if the shelves are stocked in the market. I've been using the grocery pick up service since March. I had my doubts about it but my first experience won me over. I don't think I will be going back in to shop.


Twinny--Sorry about the cheese festival being cancelled. I have fond memories of visiting the Dells when passing through Wisconsin. I agree with you that we have to make the most of our life. Too many people scrimp and save, and retired to the porch to rock away only to have their savings being awarded to offspring or others who have no qualms about spending it.


I was tired and went to bed to read, knowing that the State Department would be making a decision about how school would be handled this Fall. I'm still interested despite the small chance of my working again if they go certain directions. It was just announced our state will begin school in August but the traditional approach is gone. Instead, there will be three different approaches to handling it and the type to be chosen depends upon grade level and size of school. All involve 4 days of instruction delivered in various combinations of on site and virtual learning:



**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,552
Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Hi Everyone!


Today is in the 90's (again). Severe thunderstorms are expected. Ignoring the high winds and hail I could use them to cool it down a bit and water the gardens. UGH!!!!  Our A/C repair/replacement date is July 6th!  I hope I make it that long. I'm hoping at least for a few cooler days in the middle of the hot ones. Crossing my fingers on that wish. 


KomKat--Glad to hear that your PT is helping. It's a slow process but keep with it. Hopefully, you'll be healed when things return to normal.  The most important thing is that you should be pain free and that's good.


Of course, I'm in sticker shock all the time. LOL What's the story with everything in the market costing more? They still are not fully stocked. I would at least be happy if I could use my own tote bags. Those plastic bags are next to useless and what a waste in the garbage.  That's my rant for today.


I was debating on doing some banking just to be in the a/c in the car. I may have to postpone that until tomorrow. I have to sign the a/c contract and I had questions that I wanted answered about warranties, etc. 


Retirement and Social Security never seems to stretch as far as you think it will. Prices and costs always increase. I'm glad that I started to worry about this when my job started to get too crazy. My friend had started to check her money with her first job. I think that as long as you are aware of the "if's" then you are on track. I'm so careful now before I purchase or use the easy pay option. I used to think easy pay was a good thing but it really adds up more than you know. Lessons learned later in life.


Stay safe & comfy.

Have a good afternoon/evening.  

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,552
Registered: ‎03-20-2012


Sorry for the double post---I'm having computer problems today. UGH!!!!

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Posts: 7,405
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Good Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  I know that PT can be very hard, but I certainly hope it helps you (assuming the insurance company will pay for it.)


No TSV for me either.  I went through a very good pre-retirement seminar before I retired, and they explained about the financial aspects many ignore.  I do remember them saying that you probably won't be spending a lot less, just spending for different things such as medical bills, travel, etc.


Another thing I remember is that many people do okay for the first several years, but often have problems later.  inflation is definitely an issue, plus some spend a great deal when they first retire and then struggle after ten or twenty years.  So far, so good with me, but I am very aware of the issue. And, I do try to spend as wisely as possible without feeling deprived.


I am sorry that your retirement doesn't include any "cost of living" increases.  Also sorry for your loss of work.  Sounds like things will be complicated in the Fall.


Sorry you are still in the heat with no AC Fressa.  I have always checked prices when grocery shopping, and it really bothers me when "needs" are considerably more expensive than in the past -- particularly in the near past.  I went grocery shopping with the wife of late DH's friend many years ago, and I was shocked that she just put overpriced (in my view) produce, etc., in the basket.  For example, I love asparagus, but I will only pay a certain amount for it -- she didn't seem to care.  To each her own, but I would substitute something less expensive if possible.


Really hope the storms in your area are not as bad as predicted, Bernie.  Good that you are prepared, and fingers crossed all will be okay.  That sort of weather prediction would certainly push any thoughts of shopping out of my mind.


Hi twinny.  I think you and your DH have been doing great under the circumstances.  Hope your niece and family will be okay and  have a great time with your friends on Friday.  I will be grocery shopping tomorrow as well.


I'm back from the audiologist with my new dongle.  He had trouble getting it set up, and it didn't work the first time that I tried it, but now it is okay.  I had to wait a while, and they were back to hand sanitizer and taking temperatures.  I go back next Tuesday so he can check that all is well.


I had a long talk with one of my friends yesterday evening, and we plan to meet for lunch at a nice restaurant next Wednesday.  It is a large place with plenty of room (tables blocked off, etc.)  She has already been there twice, and thinks it is safe.


DH's DD called yesterday afternoon, and we had a nice talk.  She is on leave from the hospital for a while -- it was planned before the virus.  She said it was very stressful at the hospital -- a few cases of the virus, but no serious problems with mothers or children (she is an OB/GYN).  However, she was working lots of extra shifts, and it wore her out.  Glad she has some time off.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice evening and sleeps well.







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Linda--I do hope that your hearing aid is working properly now. I also had my temperature taken when I went to PT, and was required to wear a mask. I've been reading about the hospitals in Arizona being put on emergency status because of the surge in Covid. I know you take care but it sounds as if many may not. 

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.