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[ Edited ]

Good morning, shopping friends. Today is another rainy day with many places in the East Coast under flood wrnings, etc.  The West Coast could benefit from part of this but Momma Nature doesn't always make the decisions we would like. It was so hot in Linda's state yesterday that a box of crayons melted and ran in 30 minutes.


I don't normally do the Christmas decorating thing but this morning, I saw them selling battery operated colored string lights. I have some shrubbery on the front of the house on which these might work so I indulged.H216402. There are only 2 reviews, each at opposite ends of the spectrum. Time will tell! I've had items with bad reviews but which worked great for me....and visa versa.  I see yesterday's Q2 ladder is in the $80+ range today. I'm still interested but at that price, I can wait for reviews. The last video put up with Leah as the host seemed to be a better one, and if I had seen it yesterday, the ladder might be on its way.


I'm still into the decluttering and re-organizing mode. I was up a 6am to put out the trash, had breakfast and then began the task. I'm on a break now to rest, and then have lunch.


Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  You are correct about the heat here yesterday, and we are expecting more of the same today.  For some reason, I did better yesterday than the day before.  Probably since I spent a bunch of time indoors rather than outside.  Just walking to and from stores and even driving until the AC kicks in can be very hot.  I may or may not go to the pool this afternoon.  Despite getting out early, it was pretty hot on my walk.  DD said they were having bad weather in Maryland -- storms, flooding, and even a tornado warning yesterday.


Hope those lights work for you.  The TSV is shouting my name, but I'm trying to resist.  I really need to limit my Christmas decoration, and I have a lot already despite decluttering.  On the decluttering theme, my DD and DGD have been on a mission to declutter, and she told me she thinks they have about 50 percent less "stuff" than before.  Wow!  This was a huge effort, and really wore them out, but......  I should try to follow her example, but I know I need to wait for the motivation to kick in.


DH was sleepy and did not smile too much yesterday.  But, he was slightly better.  One of the caregivers brought in some fresh eggs from home (she and her family have 30 chickens or so), and I enjoyed a very fresh egg this morning.  The senior lunch program went okay, but my work buddy could not come since she was having her cat put down.  She was extremely upset about having to do so, but she and her husband believed that the cat had no quality of life.  They do have another cat, thank goodness.


I notice that there will be a Fitbit Blaze TSV soon -- good price, but discontinued model.  I purchased my Blaze from here a little over two years ago, and I really like it.  However, I don't plan to buy a new one at this time.  When mine brakes, I plan to go for the Versa that can tolerate water.  This way even my swimming will "count", or at least I hope that it will.


I hope you don't think I'm being too boastful, but I just received a "Trophy" from Sparkpeople for walking 7,000 miles (in a little more than two years).  I celebrated by replacing my exercise shoes which were getting worn.  I had purchased back-ups, and they were waiting for me in the closet.  LOL  By the way, I always have two pairs of exercise shoes going -- one for walking and one for the gym.  The gym ones always look nicer than the ones I wear about the neighborhood, etc.  


Off to visit DH soon.  I baked a banana bread for the caregiver who gave me the eggs.  If she does not want it, I have another candidate.  Later, I need to pick up a few things at the grocery and a sympathy card for my work buddy.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Have a nice day!





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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


[ Edited ]

Linda--Congrats upon SparkPeople recognizing you for the 7000 miles. That is quite an accomplishment. I just  heard that Maryland may be having the 2nd  highest rainfall in history, so DD is having really bad weather if she is near Baltimore. 


That is so thoughtful of you to bake a banana bread for the caregiver who gave you the eggs, also thoughtful of her. I'm sorry that DH is not smiling more. Hopefully, today will bring a bigger smile.


I'm having a lunch break and rest, and then will be getting back to the decluttering. It is amazing all the things that have accumulated. It took a long time for this one person to accumulate it and will take a long time for one person to get rid of it. It didn't help that for one year, I couldn't lift more than ten pounds while a back issue was being resolved. I still have to watch and moderate activity but I am on a roll right now and need to get this done while the motivation is there. There are things I would rather do.


Today makes the 83rd straight day of logging my food. I haven't done any exercise today yet, and only did 30 minutes yesterday. I cut out the evening 30 minutes as I thought it might have been causing some sleep issues. I did sleep well last night. 

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


[ Edited ]

Hi Jean @KonaKat and Linda @LindaLatte  


Reading about the walking that you both do is making me want to get back on the treadmill.  I think I went overboard when I first retired because I had some serious shin splints.  I have to remind myself it's not a race Woman Very Happy

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Bernie--Walking for exerise can be good or it can create  problems if not done right. I walk to get from Point A to Point B. My orthopedic recommended a recumbent bike or similar instead of treadmill or excessive walking. I usually have to get a cortisone shot for my knees and wear a knee brace when I go on trips.  One of the problems many have when using a treadmill, etc. is not warming up the muscles before doing the exercise and then trying to do too much when first starting out.


Well, here comes the rain. I think I'll watch an episode of CSI and pedal away. I am sick of decluttering right now.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hello all - You are an encouragement to me about the exercising, shopping carefully, and purging/organizing.  I appreciate it.  Special congrats to Linda for the walking award!


Not much going on around here.  Some laundry.  Made a new batch of laundry detergent.  Some sewing and photo scanning.  Pretty boring, but rather nice.  It's so hot outside that I'm grateful just to be able to be indoors with AC.


Waves to all  ~  Charlene 

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@LindaLatte  Congratulations on reaching 7,000 miles.  I am sincerely in awe.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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 Charlene--You are managing to get things done despite the heat. I know the AC helps but it would be difficult to get in the right mindset to do things with temps like you are having.


I did talk myself into doing 30 minutes of exercise while watching CSI. I really have to be entetained for me to exercise. I keep telling myself that the work around the house burns calories but it is no aerobic exercise. 


I just saw the TSV. It is very nice but I prefer to spend the money I did on the outdoor lighting strings for the shrubbery, or a token curb appeal effort for the holidays. I just have to buy the batteries once they arrive.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Our temps  have been in the low 80's by day and upper 50's at night.  Perfect.  Yesterday morning, we were at the Bad Lands and in the afternoon, we were at Mt. Rushmore.  We are back in the Rapid City, SD area  & will be staying at a bed and breakfast tonight.  We were at a motel last night.


My walking this morning was at Wind Cave in SD.  Our bed and breakfast plans for tomorrow night fell through because of an illness,  so we are going to Cody, WY.  It is a beautiful state & my DH wants to go to the Rodeo if it is happening tomorrow night.


Then we will be going through ID & MT.  In MT we plan to go to Glacier National Park.  I hear that it is beautiful, but we haven't been there.


Our final destination is OR & WA State.  Totally new to us.


So far we have seen deer, elk, buffalo, antelope, a Jack Rabbit.  No rattlesnake thank goodness, but we did see signs saying "warning rattlesnakes." on a trail that we were on.


Linda, congrats on your walking award.  


I am happy that I am holding up, but we have only just begun!


Hugs to all of you.

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Posts: 41,677
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@twinny70  I love your travel reports from the road.  I hope that you and your beloved continue to have a great time on vacation.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise